IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, France. 9-14 July, 2017 The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control

20th IFAC World Congress
July 9-14, 2017, Toulouse Convention Center, Toulouse, France

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Last updated on July 28, 2017. This conference program is tentative and subject to change

Technical Program for Tuesday July 11, 2017

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Tu11 Plenary Session, Palais des sports Add to My Program 
Snake Robots  
Chair: Allgower, FrankUniv. of Stuttgart
08:30-09:30, Paper Tu11.1 Add to My Program
Snake Robots
Pettersen, Kristin Y.Norwegian Univ. of Science and Tech
TuA01 Interactive Session, Caravelle 1.2 Add to My Program 
Linear System  
Chair: Conte, GiuseppeUniv. Pol. Delle Marche
Co-Chair: Niculescu, Silviu-IulianLab. of Signals and Systems (L2S)
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA01.1 Add to My Program
Relaxed Conditions for Uniform Complete Observability and Controllability of LTV Systems with Bounded Realizations
Batista, PedroInst. Superior Técnico, Univ. Técnica De Lisboa
Petit, NicolasMINES ParisTech
Silvestre, CarlosUniv. of Macau
Oliveira, Paulo JorgeInst. Superior Técnico
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA01.2 Add to My Program
Nyquist Interpretation of the Large Gain Theorem
Caverly, Ryan JamesUniv. of Michigan
Forbes, JamesMcGill Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA01.3 Add to My Program
Frequency-Domain Methods for Sparse Linear Systems Discretisation
Souza, MatheusFeec / Unicamp
Fioravanti, André R.Unicamp
Shorten, RobertNat. Univ. of Ireland
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA01.4 Add to My Program
Block Inverted Decoupling Control with Internal Model Structure for Non-Square Multivariable Time Delay Systems
Zhou, ZehuaShanghai Jiaotong Univ
Lin, ShuyiShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Zhang, GuoqingDalian Maritime Univ
Zhang, WeidongShanghai Jiaotong Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA01.5 Add to My Program
Characterization of Quasi L_infty/L_2 Hankel Norms of Sampled-Data Systems
Inai, AkiraKyoto Univ
Hagiwara, TomomichiKyoto Univ
Kim, Jung HoonKorea Inst. of Science and Tech
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA01.6 Add to My Program
Symplectic Discretization of Port Controlled Hamiltonian Systems
Lefevre, LaurentUniv. Grenoble Alpes
Medianu Silviu, OctavianUniv. “Pol. of Bucharest Faculty of AutomaticContro
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA01.7 Add to My Program
Weak Interactions Based System Partitioning Using Integer Linear Programming
Guicherd, RomainUniv. of Sheffield
Trodden, PaulUniv. of Sheffield
Mills, AndyUniv. of Sheffield
Kadirkamanathan, VisakanThe Univ. of Sheffield
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA01.8 Add to My Program
Influence of Wheel-Rail Contact Stiffness on the H_2 Controlled Active Suspension Design
Turkay, SemihaAnadolu Univ
Leblebici, AsliOsmangazi Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA01.9 Add to My Program
Randomized Algorithm Based Fault Detection System Design for Uncertain LTI Systems
Krueger, MinjiaUniv. of Duisburg Essen
Könings, TimUniv. of Duisburg-Essen
Liu, YannianUniv. Duisburg Essen
Ding, Steven X.Univ. of Duisburg-Essen
Saijai, JedsadaBurapha Univ
Li, LinlinUniv. of Science and Tech. Beijing
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA01.10 Add to My Program
Optimal Output Regulation for Underactuated Systems with Quasiperiodic References
Corona, DarioUniv. of Camerino
Cristofaro, AndreaUniv. of Camerino
Corradini, Maria LetiziaUniv. Di Camerino
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA01.11 Add to My Program
Gain Margin Based Conditions for Easy Simultaneous Achievement of Open and Closed Loop Diagonal Dominance under Unstructured Uncertainties
Orsini, ValentinaUniv. Pol. Delle Marche
Jetto, L.Univ. Di Ancona
Romagnoli, RaffaeleUniv. Libre De Bruxelles
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA01.12 Add to My Program
A Renewed Look at Zeros of Sampled-Data Systems—From the Lifting Viewpoint
Yamamoto, KaoruLund Univ
Yamamoto, YutakaKyoto Univ
Niculescu, Silviu-IulianLab. of Signals and Systems (L2S)
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA01.13 Add to My Program
Observer-Based Predictive Repetitive Control with Experimental Validation
Wang, LiupingRMIT Univ
Freeman, Christopher ThomasUniv. of Southampton
Rogers, EricUniv. of Southampton
TuA02 Interactive Session, Caravelle 1.3 Add to My Program 
Advances in Vehicle Dynamics Control  
Chair: Eriksson, LarsLinköping Univ
Co-Chair: Chamaillard, YannPRISME
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA02.1 Add to My Program
Autonomous Landing of UAVs under Unknown Disturbances Using NDI Autopilot and L1 Adaptive Augmentation
Tripathi, Amit KumarAeronautical Development Agency
Patel, Vijay VAeronautical Development Agency, Bangalore
Padhi, RadhakantIndian Inst. of Science
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA02.2 Add to My Program
Nonlinear Robust Control of Atkinson Cycle Engine (I)
Murtaza, GhulamCUST Islamabad
Bhatti, Aamer IqbalMuhammad Ali Jinnah Univ. Islamabad
Ahmed, QadeerThe Ohio State Univ
Arshad, AliCIIT Islamabad
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA02.3 Add to My Program
Nonlinear Stability Control of Autonomous Vehicles: A MIMO D2-IBC Solution
Galluppi, OlgaPol. Di Milano
Formentin, SimonePol. Di Milano
Novara, CarloPol. Di Torino
Savaresi, SergioPol. Di Milano
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA02.4 Add to My Program
Application of Genetic Algorithm on Parameter Optimization of Three Vehicle Crash Scenarios (I)
Munyazikwiye, BernardUniv. of Agder
Karimi, Hamid RezaPol. Di Milano
Robbersmyr, Kjell GunnarUniv. of Agder
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA02.5 Add to My Program
Reconfigurable Control Design of Steering and Torque Vectoring Based on Reachability Set Analysis
Nemeth, BalazsMta Sztaki
Gaspar, PeterMta Sztaki
Fényes, DánielMTA SZTAKI Inst. for Computer Science and Control
Bokor, JozsefHungarian Acad. of Sciences
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA02.6 Add to My Program
Decentralized Controllers for the Steering and Velocity in Vehicles
Hernandez-Alcantara, DianaTecnologico De Monterrey, Campus Monterrey
Amezquita-Brooks, Luis AntonioUniv. Autonoma De Nuevo Leon
Morales-Menendez, RubenTecnologico De Monterrey, Campus Monterrey
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA02.7 Add to My Program
Autonomous Drift Parking Using a Switched Control Strategy with Onboard Sensors
Jelavic, EdoETH Zurich
Gonzales, JonUniv. of California Berkeley
Borrelli, FrancescoUniv. of California
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA02.8 Add to My Program
Platoon Merging Distance Prediction Using a Neural Network Vehicle Speed Model
Cicic, MladenRoyal Inst. of Tech
Liang, Kuo-YunRoyal Inst. of Tech. (KTH)
Johansson, Karl H.Royal Inst. of Tech
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA02.9 Add to My Program
Dynamic Full Range Input Shaping of Injection Parameters for Reduction of Transient NOx Emissions (I)
Großbichler, MartinJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz
Schmied, RomanJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz
Waschl, HaraldJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA02.10 Add to My Program
A Robust Stabilization Method for a Saturated LPV System : Application to the Lateral Dynamics of Vehicles
Bosche, JeromeUniv. of Picardie Jules Verne
Rabhi, AbdelhamidM.I.S (Modelisation, Information Et Systèmes)
El hajjaji, AhmedUniv. De Picardie Jules Verne
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA02.11 Add to My Program
Fork Elongation Estimation in a Motorcycle Suspension Via Kalman-Filter Techniques for Semi-Active End-Stop Avoidance Control
Colombo, TommasoPol. Di Milano
Delvecchio, DiegoPol. Di Milano
Savaresi, SergioPol. Di Milano
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA02.12 Add to My Program
Emotions Embodied in the SVC of an Autonomous Driver System (I)
Kowalczuk, ZdzislawGdansk Univ. of Tech
Czubenko, MichalGdansk Univ. of Tech. Faculty of Electronics, Telecom
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA02.13 Add to My Program
Optimal Control of EGR System in Gasoline Engine Based on Gaussian Process (I)
Zarghami, MahdiÉcole De Tech. Supérieure
HosseinNia, HassanDelft Univ. of Tech
Babazadeh, MehrdadUniv. of Zanjan
TuA03 Interactive Session, Caravelle 2.1 Add to My Program 
Stochastic Systems  
Chair: Dey, SubhrakantiUppsala Univ
Co-Chair: Firoozi, DenaMcGill Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA03.1 Add to My Program
System Identification under Information Security
Xu, ChangbaoChinese Acad. of Sciences
Zhao, YanlongChinese Acad. of Sciences
Zhang, Ji-FengChinese Acad. of Sciences
Qi, HongshengChinese Acad. of Sciences
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA03.2 Add to My Program
Do the Cubature and Unscented Kalman Filtering Methods Outperform Always the Extended Kalman Filter?
Kulikov, Gennady Yu.Inst. Superior Tecnico, Univ. De Lisboa
Kulikova, Maria V.Inst. Superior Técnico, Univ. De Lisboa
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA03.3 Add to My Program
Constrained Posterior Cramér-Rao Bound for Discrete-Time Systems
Andersson, Leif ErikNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech
Imsland, LarsNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech
Brekke, Edmund F.Norwegian Univ. of Science and Tech
Scibilia, FrancescoNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA03.4 Add to My Program
Model Predictive Control Meets Robust Kalman Filtering
Zenere, AlbertoUniv. of Padova
Zorzi, MattiaUniv. Degli Studi Di Padova
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA03.5 Add to My Program
Team-Optimal Incentive Stackelberg Strategies for Markov Jump Linear Stochastic Systems with H Infinity Constraint
Mukaidani, HiroakiHiroshima Univ
Shima, TadashiHiroshima Univ
Unno, MasaruThe Univ. of Tsukuba
Xu, HuaUniv. of Tsukuba
Dragan, VasileRomanian Acad
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA03.6 Add to My Program
Minimum Variance Nonlinear Estimation: State Evolution Approach
Nagy, Endre-
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA03.7 Add to My Program
A New State Estimation Framework for Humanoids Based on a Moving Horizon Estimator
Bae, HyoinKorea Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech
Oh, JaesungKAIST
Jeong, HyobinKAIST
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA03.8 Add to My Program
Mixed H2/Hoo State Feedback Control for Markov Jump Linear Systems with Hidden Observations
Marcorin de Oliveira, AndréUniv. of São Paulo
Costa, Oswaldo Luiz V.Univ. of Sao Paulo
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA03.9 Add to My Program
Circle Criterion for Continuous-Time Markov Jump MIMO Systems
Porrelli Moreira da Silva, LucasUniv. of Campinas
Gonçalves, Alim P. C.UNICAMP
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA03.10 Add to My Program
Estimation of Damped Sinusoidal Signals: An Observer-Based Approach
Wang, YangImperial Coll. London
Chen, BoliImperial Coll. London
Pin, GilbertoElectrolux Professional S.p.A
Parisini, ThomasImperial Coll. & Univ. of Trieste
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA03.11 Add to My Program
Pseudomeasurement Kalman Filter in Underwater Target Motion Analysis & Integration of Bearing-Only and Active-Range Measurement
Miller, AlexanderIppi Ras
Miller, BorisMonash Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA03.12 Add to My Program
State-Multiplicative Noisy Systems: Robust H_infty Output-Feedback Control
Gershon, EliTel Aviv Univ
Shaked, UriTel-Aviv Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA03.13 Add to My Program
Multi-Sensor Transmission Management for Remote State Estimation under Coordination
Ding, KemiHong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech
Li, YuzheUniv. of Alberta
Dey, SubhrakantiUppsala Univ
Shi, LingHong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA03.14 Add to My Program
Networked Fusion Estimation under Denial-Of-Service Attacks
Chen, BoCity Univ. of Hong Kong
Yu, LiZhejiang Univ. of Tech
Ho, Daniel W. C.City Univ. of Hong Kong
Zhang, Wen-AnZhejiang Univ. of Tech
TuA04 Interactive Session, Caravelle 2.2 Add to My Program 
Stochastic Systems II  
Chair: Malhame, Roland P.Ec. Pol. De Montreal
Co-Chair: Tsumura, KojiUniv. of Tokyo
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA04.1 Add to My Program
Robust Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Dynamics Determined by a Markov Process
Hosoe, YoheiKyoto Univ
Hagiwara, TomomichiKyoto Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA04.2 Add to My Program
Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control for Discrete-Time Systems with Delay and Multiplicative Noise
Liang, XiaoShandong Univ
Xu, JuanjuanShandong Univ
Zhang, HuanshuiShandong Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA04.3 Add to My Program
A New Sigma-Point Filter--Uniform Random Sampling Kalman Filter
Wang, ZitianNorthwestern Pol. Univ. of Automation
Wang, XiaoxuNorthwestern Pol. Univ
Liang, YanNorthwestern Pol. Univ
Yang, FengNorthwestern Pol. Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA04.4 Add to My Program
Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Mahmoudi, ZeinabTech. Univ. of Denmark
Poulsen, Niels KjølstadTech. Univ. of Denmark
Madsen, HenrikTech. Univ. of Denmark
Jorgensen, John BagterpTech. Univ. of Denmark
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA04.5 Add to My Program
Estimation in Centrifugal Compressors Via Particle Filtering
Bisone, LuigiConsultant
Bittanti, SergioPol. Di Milano
Casnedi, MirkoPol. Di Milano
De Marco, AntonioConsultant
Garatti, SimonePol. Di Milano
Pareschi, DiegoABB Italy
Pochiero, AlbertoABB Italy
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA04.6 Add to My Program
Controllability Issues for Randomly Switching Piecewise Linear Markov Processes
Goreac, DanUniv. Paris-Est, LAMA (UMR 8050), UPEMLV, UPEC, CNRS, F-774
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA04.7 Add to My Program
Stable Model-Based Control with Gaussian Process Regression for Robot Manipulators
Beckers, ThomasTech. Univ. of Munich
Umlauft, JonasTech. Univ. of Munich
Hirche, SandraTech. Univ. of Munich
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA04.8 Add to My Program
H-Infinity Observer Design for a Class of Nonlinear Singular Stochastic Systems
Barbata, AsmaUniv. De Lorraine
Zasadzinski, MichelCRAN
Souley Ali, HarounaCran Umr 7039 Cnrs
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA04.9 Add to My Program
Detection of Markov Chain Models from Observed Data Using Binary Hypothesis Testing and Consensus
Raghavan, AneeshInst. for Systems Res. Univ. of Maryland Coll. P
Baras, John S.Univ. of Maryland
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA04.10 Add to My Program
Projective Approximation Based Gradient Descent Modification
Senov, AlexandrSaint Petersburg State Univ
Granichin, OlegSaint Petersburg State Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA04.11 Add to My Program
A Data-Driven Bed-Exit Detection Method Based on Load Cell Signal for an Intelligent Nursing Bed
Lu, LiminZhejiang Univ
Zhao, ChunhuiZhejiang Univ
Fu, YongjiHill-Rom Services Inc
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA04.12 Add to My Program
KITE : A Process-Based Mining Methodology Applied to the Extraction of Routing Rules
Chabrol, MichelleLimos
Dalmas, BenjaminLimos Cnrs Umr 6158
Norre, SylvieUniv. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand
Rodier, SophieCrcgm (ea 3849)
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA04.13 Add to My Program
Unsupervised Semiconductor Chamber Matching Based on Shape Comparison (I)
Marino, JulienSTMicroelectronics Rousset
Rossi, FrancescoAix-Marseille Univ
Ouladsine, MustaphaUniv. D'aix Marseille III
Pinaton, JacquesSTMicroelectronics
TuA05 Open Invited Session, Latécoère Add to My Program 
Process Modelling, Monitoring, and Automation for Wastewater Treatment  
Chair: Villez, KrisEawag
Co-Chair: Pons, Marie-NoelleUniv. De Lorraine
Organizer: Villez, KrisEawag
Organizer: Bellandi, GiacomoDICEA Univ. Di Firenze
Organizer: Smets, IlseKU Leuven, Department of Chemical Engineering, CREaS
Organizer: Pons, Marie-NoelleUniv. De Lorraine
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA05.1 Add to My Program
Automation and Control of a Dissolved Air Flotation Pilot Plant (I)
Fonseca, Rodolpho R.Univ. of Campinas
Thompson Jr., José P.Univ. of Campinas
Franco, Ivan C.FEI Univ
da Silva, Flávio VasconcelosUniv. of Campinas
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA05.2 Add to My Program
Nonlinear System Identification of the Dissolved Oxygen to Effluent Ammonia Dynamics in an Activated Sludge Process (I)
Chistiakova, TatianaUppsala Univ
Mattsson, PerUniv. of Gävle
Carlsson, BengtUniv. of Uppsala
Wigren, TorbjörnUppsala Univ
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA05.3 Add to My Program
Control of a Farm Anaerobic Digester for Agricultural Wastes (I)
Adouani, NouceibaUniv. De Lorraine
Pons, Marie-NoelleUniv. De Lorraine
Assaad, AzizUniv. of Lorraine
Hreiz, RainierUniv. De Lorraine
Ravard, BenjaminUniv. of Lorraine
Pacaud, StéphaneUniv. De Lorraine
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA05.4 Add to My Program
Extent Computation under Rank-Deficient Conditions (I)
Masic, AlmaEawag
Billeter, JulienEPFL
Bonvin, DominiqueEPFL
Villez, KrisEawag
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA05.5 Add to My Program
Incorporating Sulfur and Relevant Reactions into a General Plantwide and Sewer Model (I)
Hauduc, HélèneDynamita
Johnson, BruceCH2M
Bott, CharlesHRSD
Ward, MattewCH2M
Takacs, ImreDynamita
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA05.6 Add to My Program
Real-Time Control-Oriented Quality Modelling in Combined Urban Drainage Networks (I)
Sun, Cong CongIRI-UPC
Joseph-Duran, BernatCETAQUA
Maruejouls, ThibaudLyRE
Cembrano, GabrielaUPC
Meseguer, JordiCETAQUA
Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Litrico, XavierLyonnaise Des Eaux
TuA06 Regular Session, Mermoz Add to My Program 
Aeronautics and Aerospace Applications of Robust Control  
Chair: Ninin, JordanENSTA Bretagne, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285
Co-Chair: Marcos, AndresUniv. of Bristol
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA06.1 Add to My Program
Damping Improvement of a F-16 Aircraft through Linear Matrix Inequalities
Andrade, J. P. P.Federal Univ. of ABC
Campos, V. A. F.Federal Univ. of ABC
Potts, A. S.Federal Univ. of ABC
Garcia, ClaudioPol. School of the Univ. of Sao Paulo
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA06.2 Add to My Program
A Global Optimization Approach to H_infty Synthesis with Parametric Uncertainties Applied to AUV Control
Monnet, DominiqueENSTA Bretagne, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285
Ninin, JordanENSTA Bretagne, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285
Clement, BenoitENSTA Bretagne, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA06.3 Add to My Program
Semide nite Programming Solution to the Spacecraft Analysis and Control Problem
Salton, Aurelio TergolinaPontifícia Univ. Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul (PUCRS)
Castro, RafaelPUCRS
Serpa Borges, BernardoPontifical Catholic Univ. of Rio Grande Do Sul
Flores, Jeferson VieiraUFRGS
Coutinho, DanielUniv. Federal De Santa Catarina
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA06.4 Add to My Program
LFT Modeling and Mu Analysis of the Aircraft Landing Benchmark (I)
Iannelli, AndreaUniv. of Bristol
Simplicio, PedroUniv. of Bristol
Navarro-Tapia, DiegoUniv. of Bristol
Marcos, AndresUniv. of Bristol
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA06.5 Add to My Program
Robust Flare Control Design Using Structured H-Infinity Synthesis: A Civilian Aircraft Landing Challenge (I)
Navarro-Tapia, DiegoUniv. of Bristol
Simplicio, PedroUniv. of Bristol
Iannelli, AndreaUniv. of Bristol
Marcos, AndresUniv. of Bristol
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA06.6 Add to My Program
Robust Autopilot Design for Crosswind Landing (I)
Theis, JulianHamburg Univ. of Tech
Ossmann, DanielUniv. of Minnesota
Pfifer, HaraldUniv. of Nottingham
TuA07 Regular Session, Spot Add to My Program 
Closed Loop Identification  
Chair: Van den Hof, Paul M.J.Eindhoven Univ. of Tech
Co-Chair: Gilson, MarionUniv. of Lorraine
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA07.1 Add to My Program
Conditions for Handling Confounding Variables in Dynamic Networks (I)
Dankers, ArneUniv. of Calgary
Van den Hof, Paul M.J.Eindhoven Univ. of Tech
Materassi, DonatelloUniv. of Tennessee
Weerts, Harm H.M.Eindhoven Univ. of Tech
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA07.2 Add to My Program
Comparison of Regularized Least-Squares Approach and Predictive Error Method: Case Studies
Fang, MengyuanZhejiang Univ
Zhu, YucaiZhejiang Univ
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA07.3 Add to My Program
Closed-Loop Identi cation Based PID Tuning without External Excitation
Yan, WengangZhejiang Univ
Zhu, YucaiZhejiang Univ
Zhao, JunZhejiang Univ
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA07.4 Add to My Program
Explicit Parameter-Dependent Representations of Periodic Solutions for a Class of Nonlinear Systems
Al-Ameri Mohammed, JehanUniv. of Leicester
Tyukin, IvanUniv. of Leicester
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA07.5 Add to My Program
Recursive Online IV Methods for Identification of Continuous-Time Slowly Time-Varying Models in Closed Loop
Padilla, ArturoUniv. De Lorraine
Garnier, HuguesUniv. De Lorraine
Young, PeterLancaster Univ
Yuz, Juan I.Univ. Técnica Federico Santa María
TuA08 Open Invited Session, Diamant Add to My Program 
Interval Estimation Applied to Diagnosis and Control of Uncertain Systems  
Chair: Raïssi, TarekConservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers
Co-Chair: Polyakov, AndreyINRIA Lille Nord-Europe
Organizer: Raïssi, TarekConservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers
Organizer: Efimov, DenisInria
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA08.1 Add to My Program
Determination of Reachable Flight Regions: A Zonotopic Approach (I)
Eyang, ElodieUniv. of Bordeaux - CNRS, IMS Lab
Combastel, ChristopheUniv. of Bordeaux
Zolghadri, AliBordeaux Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA08.2 Add to My Program
Interval Observer Design for Unknown Input Estimation of Linear Time-Invariant Discrete-Time Systems (I)
Robinson, Elinirina IrenaONERA
Marzat, JulienONERA
Raïssi, TarekConservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA08.3 Add to My Program
Event-Based Prediction-Correction State Estimator (I)
Rabehi, DjahidUniv. of Orléans, PRISME Lab
Meslem, NacimINP De Grenoble
El Amraoui, AdnenEc. Centrale De Lille (Ec
Ramdani, NacimUniv. D'orléans
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA08.4 Add to My Program
Actuator Fault Compensation in a Set-Membership Framework for Linear Parameter-Varying Systems (I)
Lamouchi, RihabConservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers (Cnam)
Amairi, MessaoudNational Engineering School of Gabes
Raïssi, TarekConservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers
Aoun, MohamedBordeaux 1
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA08.5 Add to My Program
Distributed Zonotopic Set-Membership State Estimation Based on Optimization Methods with Partial Projection (I)
Wang, YeUniv. Pol. De Catalonia
Alamo, TeodoroUniv. De Sevilla
Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Cembrano, GabrielaUPC
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA08.6 Add to My Program
On Design of Interval Observers for Parabolic PDEs (I)
Kharkovskaia, TatianaITMO Univ
Efimov, DenisInria
Fridman, EmiliaTel-Aviv Univ
Polyakov, AndreyINRIA Lille Nord-Europe
Richard, Jean-PierreEc. Centrale De Lille
TuA09 Regular Session, Argos Add to My Program 
Optimal Control Theory I  
Chair: Tarasyev, AlexanderKrasovskii Inst. of Mathematics and Mechanics of Ural Branch of RAS, Ural Federal Univ
Co-Chair: Gusev, MikhailN.N.Krasovskii Inst. of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of RAS
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA09.1 Add to My Program
On the Partial Rational Stabilizability of Nonlinear Systems by Optimal Feedback Control: Examples
Zaghdoudi, MaâliTunisia
Jammazi, ChakerUniv. De Carthage, Ec. Pol. De Tunisie
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA09.2 Add to My Program
Application of Optimal Control and Stabilization to an Infi nite Time Horizon Problem under Constraints
Krasovskii, AndreyInternational Inst. for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Lebedev, PavelInst. of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ekaterinburg
Tarasyev, AlexanderKrasovskii Inst. of Mathematics and Mechanics of Ural Branch
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA09.3 Add to My Program
Successive Convexification of Non-Convex Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints
Mao, YuanqiUniv. of Washington
Dueri, DanielUniv. of Texas at Austin
Szmuk, MichaelUniv. of Washington
Acikmese, BehcetUniv. of Washington
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA09.4 Add to My Program
An Indirect Method for Inequality Constrained Optimal Control Problems
Wang, ZhongOther
Li, YanNorthwestern Pol. Univ
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA09.5 Add to My Program
Experimentally Validated Model Predictive Controller for a Hexacopter
Ligthart, Jeroen Augustinus JohannesEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Poksawat, PakornRMIT Univ
Wang, LiupingRMIT Univ
Nijmeijer, HendrikEindhoven Univ. of Tech
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA09.6 Add to My Program
On Extremal Properties of Boundary Points of Reachable Sets for a System with Integrally Constrained Control
Gusev, MikhailN.N.Krasovskii Inst. of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Bran
Zykov, IgorN.N.Krasovskii Inst. of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS
TuA10 Regular Session, Cassiopée Add to My Program 
Application of Nonlinear Analysis and Design  
Chair: Katebi, RezaUniv. of Strathclyde
Co-Chair: Massioni, PaoloINSA De Lyon
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA10.1 Add to My Program
Robust Nonlinear Control of a Three-Tank System in the Presence of Mismatched Uncertainties
Yang, Zi-JiangIbaraki Univ
Sugiura, HiroyukiIbaraki Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA10.2 Add to My Program
Swing-Up of the Moving Double Pendulum on a Cart with Simulation Based LQR-Trees
Xu, KeUniv. Paderborn
Timmermann, JuliaUniv. of Paderborn
Traechtler, AnsgarUniv. of Paderborn
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA10.3 Add to My Program
Extended NGMV Predictive Control of Quasi-LPV Systems
Grimble, MichaelUniv. of Strathclyde, Industrial Control Centre
Majecki, PawelUniv. of Strathclyde
Katebi, RezaUniv. of Strathclyde
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA10.4 Add to My Program
Robust Simulation of Rational Discrete-Time Systems Via Sum of Squares Relaxations
Massioni, PaoloINSA De Lyon
Scorletti, GerardEc. Centrale De Lyon
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA10.5 Add to My Program
Global Tracking-Stabilization Control of Mobile Robots with Parametric Uncertainty
Maghenem, MohamedUniv. Paris Sud
Loria, AntonioCNRS
Panteley, Elena V.Cnrs, Itmo
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA10.6 Add to My Program
Purcell Magneto-Elastic Swimmer Controlled by an External Magnetic Field
Zoppello, MartaUniv. Degli Studi Di Padova
Giraldi, LaetitiaUniv. Cote D'azur, LJAD, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
Alouges, FrançoisEc. Pol. CMAP, CNRS UMR 7641
DeSimone, AntonioSISSA
TuA11 Open Invited Session, Ariane 1 Add to My Program 
The Legacy of A.M. Lyapunov to Systems and Control Theory. 110 Years of the
Toulouse Edition "The General Problem of the Stability of Motion" - I
Chair: Pakshin, PavelArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
Co-Chair: Panteley, Elena V.Cnrs, Itmo
Organizer: Pakshin, PavelArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
Organizer: Panteley, Elena V.Cnrs, Itmo
Organizer: Pakshina, NataliaArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA11.1 Add to My Program
Early Days of the Absolute Stability Theory in Saint Petersburg (Leningrad): Lurie, Rosenwasser, Yakubovich (I)
Fradkov, Alexander L.Russian Acad. of Sciences
Lipkovich, MikhailSaint Petersburg State Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA11.2 Add to My Program
Yakubovich's Method of Recurrent Objective Inequalities and Its Application in Adaptive Control and Robotics (I)
Gusev, Sergei V.St. Petersburg State Univ
Bondarko, Vladimir A.St. Petersburg State Univ
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA11.3 Add to My Program
Three Approaches to the Proof of Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov Lemma (I)
Gusev, Sergei V.St. Petersburg State Univ
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA11.4 Add to My Program
Stability Analysis of 2D Roesser Systems Via Vector Lyapunov Functions (I)
Pakshin, PavelArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
Emelianova, JuliaArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
Galkowski, KrzysztofUniv. of Zielona Gora
Rogers, EricUniv. of Southampton
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA11.5 Add to My Program
Two Lyapunov Methods in Nonlinear State Estimation Via Finite Capacity Communication Channels (I)
Matveev, Alexey S.St.Petersburg Univ
Pogromsky, A. Yu.Eindhoven Univ. of Tech
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA11.6 Add to My Program
Pass Profile Exponential and Asymptotic Stability of Nonlinear Repetitive Processes (I)
Pakshin, PavelArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
Emelianova, JuliaArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
Emelianov, MikhailArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
Galkowski, KrzysztofUniv. of Zielona Gora
Rogers, EricUniv. of Southampton
TuA12 Open Invited Session, Ariane 2 Add to My Program 
Reinforcement Learning for Control  
Chair: Busoniu, LucianTech. Univ. of Cluj-Napoca
Co-Chair: De Schutter, BartDelft Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Busoniu, LucianTech. Univ. of Cluj-Napoca
Organizer: Babuska, RobertDelft Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Jagannathan, SarangapaniMissouri Univ. of Science and Tech
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA12.1 Add to My Program
Learning Suboptimal Broadcasting Intervals in Multi-Agent Systems (I)
Tolic, DomagojUniv. of Dubrovnik
Palunko, IvanaUniv. of Dubrovnik
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA12.2 Add to My Program
Stacked Adaptive Dynamic Programming with Unknown System Model (I)
Osinenko, PavelTech. Univ. Chemnitz
Göhrt, ThomasTech. Univ. Chemnitz
Devadze, GrigoryTech. Univ. Chemnitz
Streif, StefanTech. Univ. Chemnitz
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA12.3 Add to My Program
Data-Driven Adaptive LQR for Completely Unknown LTI Systems (I)
Jha, Sumit KumarIndian Inst. of Tech. Delhi, New Delhi
Basu Roy, SayanIndian Inst. of Tech. Delhi
Bhasin, ShubhenduIndian Inst. of Tech. Delhi
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA12.4 Add to My Program
Optimal Control Via Reinforcement Learning with Symbolic Policy Approximation (I)
Kubalik, JiriCzech Inst. of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics, CTU I
Alibekov, EduardCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
Babuska, RobertDelft Univ. of Tech
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA12.5 Add to My Program
Near-Optimal Control with Adaptive Receding Horizon for Discrete-Time Piecewise Affine Systems (I)
Xu, JiaDelft Univ. of Tech
Busoniu, LucianTech. Univ. of Cluj-Napoca
De Schutter, BartDelft Univ. of Tech
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA12.6 Add to My Program
Improved Classification with Semi-Supervised Deep Belief Network
Wang, GongmingBeijing Univ. of Tech
Qiao, JunfeiBeijing Univ. of Tech
Li, XiaoliUniv. of Science and Tech. Beijing
Wang, LeiBeijing Univ. of Tech
Qian, Xiao-longNortheastern Univ
TuA13 Invited Session, St Exupéry Add to My Program 
History of the Control of Distributed Parameter Systems  
Chair: Meurer, ThomasChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
Co-Chair: Dochain, DenisUniv. Catholique De Louvain
Organizer: Meurer, ThomasChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
Organizer: Dochain, DenisUniv. Catholique De Louvain
10:00-10:40, Paper TuA13.1 Add to My Program
On Fattorini's Paper: ``Boundary Control Systems'' (I)
Zwart, HansUniv. of Twente
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA13.3 Add to My Program
Time-Domain and Frequency Domain Approaches to LQ-Optimal Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems (I)
Winkin, Joseph J.Univ. of Namur (UNamur)
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA13.4 Add to My Program
Stabilization of Partial Differential Equations: The Importance of the Nonlinearities (I)
Coron, Jean-michelUniv. Pierre Et Marie Curie
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA13.5 Add to My Program
Taking a Step Back: A Brief History of PDE Backstepping (I)
Vazquez, RafaelUniv. De Sevilla
Krstic, MiroslavUniv. of California at San Diego
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA13.6 Add to My Program
Some Perspectives in PDE Control (I)
Meurer, ThomasChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
TuA14 Open Invited Session, Guillaumet 1 Add to My Program 
Modelling, Control and Fault Diagnosis for Building Energy Management
Chair: Monnigmann, MartinRuhr-Univ. Bochum
Co-Chair: Ferrari, Riccardo M.G.Delft Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Aubrun, ChristopheUniv. of Lorraine
Organizer: Sauter, Dominique D.J.Univ. of Lorraine
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA14.1 Add to My Program
A Message Passing Algorithm for Automatic Synthesis of Probabilistic Fault Detectors from Building Automation Ontologies (I)
Ferrari, Riccardo M.G.Delft Univ. of Tech
Dibowski, HenrikHoneywell, Home and Building Tech. Lab. Prague
Baldi, SimoneDelft Univ. of Tech
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA14.2 Add to My Program
Domestic Heat Generation and Distribution with Time-Variant Receding Horizon Control (I)
Löhr, YannikRuhr-Univ. Bochum
Monnigmann, MartinRuhr-Univ. Bochum
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA14.3 Add to My Program
Distributed Clustering-Based Sensor Fault Diagnosis for HVAC Systems (I)
Boem, FrancescaImperial Coll. London
Reci, RedonaUniv. of Padua
Cenedese, AngeloUniv. of Padova
Parisini, ThomasImperial Coll. & Univ. of Trieste
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA14.4 Add to My Program
Model-Based Fuzzy Control of Air-Conditioning Systems Using Air Bypass for Optimized Dehumidification (I)
Schulte, HorstHTW Berlin
Goldschmidt, NicoUniv. of Applied Sciences (HTW) Berlin, Faculty 1: School O
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA14.5 Add to My Program
Distributed Diagnosis of Actuator and Sensor Faults in HVAC Systems (I)
Papadopoulos, PanayiotisUniv. of Cyprus
Reppa, VassoSupélec
Polycarpou, Marios M.Univ. of Cyprus
Panayiotou, ChristosUniv. of Cyprus
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA14.6 Add to My Program
Model Predictive Control for Hydronic Heating Systems in Residential Buildings (I)
Fielsch, SvenUniv. of Wuppertal
Grunert, TimVaillant GmbH
Stursberg, MatthiasVaillant GmbH
Kummert, AntonUniv. of Wuppertal
TuA15 Open Invited Session, Guillaumet 2 Add to My Program 
Control and Coordination for Synchromodal Transport Systems  
Chair: Siri, SilviaUniv. of Genova
Co-Chair: Sacone, SimonaUniv. of Genova
Organizer: Negenborn, RudyDelft Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Sacone, SimonaUniv. of Genova
Organizer: Siri, SilviaUniv. of Genova
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA15.1 Add to My Program
Sectors Co-Operation in Air Traffic Management (I)
Adacher, LudovicaRoma Tre
Flamini, MartaUninettuno Univ
Romano, ElpidioUninettuno Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA15.2 Add to My Program
Efficient Dynamic Programming Solution to a Platoon Coordination Merge Problem with Stochastic Travel Times (I)
van de Hoef, SebastianKTH, Royal Inst. of Tech
Johansson, Karl H.Royal Inst. of Tech
Dimarogonas, Dimos V.Royal Inst. of Tech
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA15.3 Add to My Program
Distributed Fault Tolerant Perimeter Control for Urban Road Networks (I)
Haddad, JackTech. Inst. of Tech
Mirkin, BorisTech. -- Israel Inst. of Tech
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA15.4 Add to My Program
Congestion and Emissions Reduction in Freeway Traffic Networks Via Supervisory Event-Triggered Control (I)
Ferrara, AntonellaUniv. of Pavia
Pasquale, CeciliaUniv. of Genova
Sacone, SimonaUniv. of Genova
Siri, SilviaUniv. of Genova
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA15.5 Add to My Program
Coordinated Production Inventory Routing Planning for Perishable Food (I)
Li, YantongUniv. of Evry-Val D’essonne
Chu, FengUniv. of Evry of Val-Essonne
Chen, KejiaFuzhou Univ
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA15.6 Add to My Program
Adaptive Control for a Class of Partially Unknown Non-Affine Systems: Applied to Autonomous Surface Vessels (I)
Haseltalab, AliDelft Univ. of Tech
Negenborn, RudyDelft Univ. of Tech
TuA16 Open Invited Session, Daurat Add to My Program 
Simple Adaptive Control  
Chair: Barkana, ItzhakBarkana Consulting
Co-Chair: Rusnak, IlanRAFAEL
Organizer: Barkana, ItzhakBarkana Consulting
Organizer: Fradkov, Alexander L.Russian Acad. of Sciences
Organizer: Mizumoto, IkuroKumamoto Univ
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA16.1 Add to My Program
On Robustness and Perfect Tracking with Simple Adaptive Control in Nonlinear Systems (I)
Barkana, ItzhakBarkana Consulting
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA16.2 Add to My Program
Two Tracking Architectures Using Simple Adaptive Control within a Linear Loop (I)
Weiss, Haim M.Rafael
Rusnak, IlanRAFAEL
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA16.3 Add to My Program
Simple Adaptive Algorithm for Plants with Input Delay and Disturbances (I)
Furtat, IgorInst. of Problems of Mechanical Engineering Russian Acad
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA16.4 Add to My Program
Event-Triggered Adaptive Control of Minimum-Phase Systems (I)
Selivanov, AntonTel Aviv Univ
Fridman, EmiliaTel-Aviv Univ
Fradkov, Alexander L.Russian Acad. of Sciences
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA16.5 Add to My Program
Adaptive Tracking of a Multi-Sinusoidal Signal with DREM-Based Parameters Estimation (I)
Borisov, OlegITMO Univ
Gromov, VladislavITMO Univ
Vedyakov, AlexeyITMO Univ
Pyrkin, AntonITMO Univ
Bobtsov, AlexeyITMO Univ
Aranovskiy, StanislavCentraleSupelec - IETR
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA16.6 Add to My Program
Robust Adaptive Magnetic Control of Satellites with Uncertain Parameters (I)
Leduc, HarmonieLaas Cnrs
Peaucelle, DimitriLAAS-CNRS
Lovera, MarcoPol. Di Milano
Pittet, ChristelleCNES
TuA17 Regular Session, Servanty Add to My Program 
Motion Control - III  
Chair: Pool, Daan MarinusDelft Univ. of Tech. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Co-Chair: Su, JianboShanghai Jiaotong Univ
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA17.1 Add to My Program
Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Control for Hydraulic Hexapod Flight Simulator Motion Systems
Huang, YingzhiFaculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft Univ. of Tech
Pool, Daan MarinusDelft Univ. of Tech. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Stroosma, OlafDelft Univ. of Tech
Chu, QipingDelft Univ. of Tech. Faculty of AerospaceEngineering
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA17.2 Add to My Program
Disturbance Observer Control for AC Speed Servo with Improved Noise Attenuation
Vonkomer, JakubSoftware, R&D, VONSCH S.r.o
Belai, IgorSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
Huba, MikulasSlovak Univ. of Tech
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA17.3 Add to My Program
High Performance DC Servo System Design Based on Scheduled Disturbance Observer
Xiang, GuofeiShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Wang, LuShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Su, JianboShanghai Jiaotong Univ
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA17.4 Add to My Program
Navigation Function Used for Parallel Parking in Restricted Area by a Differentially-Driven Mobile Robot
Przybyła, MateuszPoznań Univ. of Tech
Kowalczyk, WojciechPoznan Univ. of Tech
Kozlowski, Krzysztof R.Poznan Univ. of Tech
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA17.5 Add to My Program
Automatic Gain Tuning for Robust PID Control Using Time-Delay Control
Jin, MaolinKorea Inst. of Robot and Convergence (KIRO)
Lee, Jun YoungDaegu Gyeongbuk Inst. of Science and Tech. (DGIST)
Chang, Pyung HunKorea Adv. Inst. of Sci. & Tech
Kim, Min-GyuKorea Inst. of Robot and Convergence (KIRO)
Kang, Sang HoonUNIST (Ulsan National Inst. of Science and Tech
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA17.6 Add to My Program
Using Iterative LQR to Control Two Quadrotors Transporting a Cable-Suspended Load
Alothman, Yaser NEssex Univ
Guo, MinhuanNanjing Univ. of Science and Tech
Gu, DongbingUniv. of Essex
TuA18 Invited Session, De Marnier Add to My Program 
MDE of Mechatronic Products, Processes and Resources for Intelligent
Evolving CPPS
Chair: Vogel-Heuser, BirgitTech. Univ. of Munich
Co-Chair: Moulianitis, VassilisUniv. of the Aegean
Organizer: Vogel-Heuser, BirgitTech. Univ. of Munich
Organizer: Hehenberger, PeterUniv. of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Organizer: Fantuzzi, CesareUniv. of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Organizer: Moulianitis, VassilisUniv. of the Aegean
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA18.1 Add to My Program
Configuring the Deployment into Software-Based Controllers through Hierarchical Simulations (I)
Barbieri, GiacomoUniv. of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Borsari, RobertoTetra Pak Packaging Solutions S.p.A
Fantuzzi, CesareUniv. of Modena and Reggio Emilia
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA18.2 Add to My Program
Supporting the Development of Interdisciplinary Product Lines in the Manufacturing Domain (I)
Kowal, MatthiasTU Braunschweig
Ananieva, SofiaFZI Res. Center for Information Tech
Thüm, ThomasTU Braunschweig
Schaefer, InaTU Braunschweig
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA18.3 Add to My Program
Evaluation of Manipulators under CPPS Frame (I)
Moulianitis, VassilisUniv. of the Aegean
Zachiotis, GeorgiosUniv. of Patras
Valsamos, CharalamposUniv. of Patras
Aspragathos, NikosUniv. of Patras
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA18.4 Add to My Program
Modeling of Interdependencies between Products, Processes and Resources to Support the Evolution of Mechatronic Systems (I)
Hoang, Xuan-LuuHelmut Schmidt Univ
Marks, PhilippUniv. of Stuttgart
Weyrich, MichaelUniv. of Stuttgart
Fay, AlexanderHelmut Schmidt Univ
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA18.5 Add to My Program
A Framework for Sizing Embedded Mechatronic Systems During Preliminary Design (I)
Delbecq, ScottSafran Electronics & Defense
Budinger, MarcINSA Toulouse
Hazyuk, IonINSA Toulouse
Sanchez, FlorianInst. Clément Ader, UMR CNRS 5312, INSA, Toulouse, France
Piaton, JeromeSafran Electronics & Defense
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA18.6 Add to My Program
Maintenance Effort Estimation with KAMP4aPS for Cross-Disciplinary Automated PLC-Based Production Systems - a Collaborative Approach (I)
Vogel-Heuser, BirgitTech. Univ. of Munich
Heinrich, RobertKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Cha, SuhyunTech. Univ. München
Rostami, KianaKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Ocker, FelixTech. Univ. of Munich
Koch, SandroKarlsruher Inst. of Tech
Reussner, RalfKIT
Ziegltrum, SimonTech. Univ. of Munich
TuA19 Regular Session, Gavarnie Add to My Program 
Power System Control 1  
Chair: Perninge, MagnusLinnaeus Univ
Co-Chair: Lestas, IoannisUniv. of Cambridge,
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA19.1 Add to My Program
Nonlinear Adaptive Backstepping Excitation Controller Design for Higher-Order Models of Synchronous Generators
Roy, Tushar KantiDeakin Univ
Mahmud, Md. ApelDeakin Univ
Oo, Amanullah M. T.Deakin Univ
Pota, HemanshuUniv. of New South Wales
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA19.2 Add to My Program
Optimal Tertiary Frequency Control in Power Systems with Market-Based Regulation
Perninge, MagnusLinnaeus Univ
Eriksson, RobertRoyal Inst. of Tech
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA19.3 Add to My Program
Power-Imbalance Allocation Control for Secondary Frequency Control of Power Systems
Xi, KaihuaDelft Univ. of Tech
Dubbeldam, JohanDelft Univ. of Tech
Lin, Hai XiangDelft Univ. of Tech
van Schuppen, Jan H.Van Schuppen Control Res
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA19.4 Add to My Program
Extended Partial States Observer Based Load Frequency Control Scheme Design for Multi-Area Power System Considering Wind Energy Integration
Chen, ChunyuSoutheast Univ
Zhang, KaifengSoutheast Univ
Yuan, KunSoutheast Univ
Wang, WeiDispatching Control Center of Gansu Electric Power Corp
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA19.5 Add to My Program
Primary Frequency Regulation in Power Networks with Ancillary Service from Load-Side Participation
Kasis, AndreasUniv. of Cambridge
Devane, EoinUniv. of Cambridge
Lestas, IoannisUniv. of Cambridge,
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA19.6 Add to My Program
Spatially Continuous Modeling and Control of Swing Dynamics in Electric Power Grids
Sirota, LeaMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
Annaswamy, AnuradhaMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
TuA20 Regular Session, Toulouse Add to My Program 
Bio and Ecological Systems - Modeling and Control of Biomedical Systems 1  
Chair: Teutsch, TanjaUniv. of Stuttgart
Co-Chair: Martinez Molina, John J.Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GIPSA-Lab
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA20.1 Add to My Program
Refractive Index Estimation from Spectral Measurements of a Plasmonic Glucose Sensor and Wavelength Selection
Teutsch, TanjaUniv. of Stuttgart
Mesch, MartinUniv. of Stuttgart, 4th Physics Inst
Giessen, HaraldUniv. of Stuttgart, 4th Physics Inst
Tarin Sauer, CristinaUniv. of Stuttgart
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA20.2 Add to My Program
A Four-Stage Localization Method for Epileptic Seizure Onset Zones
Wan, TingChina Univ. of Geosciences
Wu, MinChina Univ. of Geosciences
Lai, XuzhiChina Univ. of Geosciences
Wan, XiongboChina Univ. of Geosciences
She, JinhuaTokyo Univ. of Tech
Du, YuxiaoGuangdong Univ. of Tech
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA20.3 Add to My Program
A Bio-Energetic Model of Cyclist for Enhancing Pedelec Systems
Rosero, NadiaUniv. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, GIPSA-Lab
Martinez Molina, John J.Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GIPSA-Lab
Leon, HenryUniv. De La Sabana
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA20.4 Add to My Program
A Formally-Verified Safety System for Closed-Loop Anesthesia
Yousefi, MahdiThe Univ. of British Columbia
van Heusden, KlaskeUniv. of British Columbia
Mitchell, Ian M.Univ. of British Columbia
Ansermino, John MarkUniv. of British Columbia
Dumont, GuyUniv. of British Columbia
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA20.5 Add to My Program
Glycemic Monitoring in Critical Care Using Nonlinear State Estimators
Aguirre-Zapata, EstefaníaInsituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Juan Diego, Cardenas-CartagenaEscuela De Ingeniería De Antioquia
García-Tirado, José FernandoInsituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA20.6 Add to My Program
Separation of Cardiac and Ventilation-Related Signals within Electrical Impedance Tomography Data Based on Multi-Dimensional Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (I)
Xuxue, SunUSF
Orschulik, JakobRWTH Aachen
Malmivuo, JaakkoAalto Univ
Leonhardt, SteffenRWTH Aachen
TuA21 Open Invited Session, Conques Add to My Program 
Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques in Control Systems Engineering  
Chair: Reynoso-Meza, GilbertoPontificia Univ. Católica De Paraná
Co-Chair: Balandin, Dmitry V.Nizhny Novgorod State Univ
Organizer: Reynoso-Meza, GilbertoPontificia Univ. Católica De Paraná
Organizer: Sánchez, Helem SabinaUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Organizer: Sanchis, JavierPol. Univ. of Valencia
Organizer: Vilanova, RamonUniv. Autònoma De Barcelona
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA21.1 Add to My Program
Pareto Optimal Generalized H_2-Control and Optimal Protection from Vibration (I)
Balandin, Dmitry V.Nizhny Novgorod State Univ
Kogan, Mark M.Architecture and Civil Engineering Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA21.2 Add to My Program
Non-Linear Identifi cation of a Peltier Cell Model Using Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization (I)
Huilcapi Subia, Victor ManuelUniv. Pol. Salesiana
Herrero Durá, Juan ManuelPol. Univ. of Valencia
Blasco, XavierPol. Univ. of Valencia
Martínez Iranzo, Miguel AndrésUniv. Pol. De Valencia
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA21.3 Add to My Program
Considerations on Loop Pairing in MIMO Processes. a Multi-Criteria Analysis (I)
Herrero Durá, Juan ManuelPol. Univ. of Valencia
Reynoso-Meza, GilbertoPontificia Univ. Católica De Paraná
Ramos Fernández, CésarPol. Univ. of Valencia
Blasco, XavierPol. Univ. of Valencia
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA21.4 Add to My Program
Heuristic Kalman Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization (I)
Hultmann Ayala, Helon VicentePontifical Catholic Univ. of Paraná
Coelho, Leandro Dos SantosPontifical Catholic Univ. of Parana
Reynoso-Meza, GilbertoPontificia Univ. Católica De Paraná
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA21.5 Add to My Program
Non-Linear Robust Identification of a Lead Acid Battery Model Using Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms (I)
Pajares, AlbertoUniv. Pol. De Valencia
Blasco, XavierPol. Univ. of Valencia
Herrero Durá, Juan ManuelPol. Univ. of Valencia
Simarro, RaulUniv. Pol. De Valencia
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA21.6 Add to My Program
Multi-Objective Optimization for Gene Expression Noise Reduction in a Synthetic Gene Circuit (I)
Boada, YadiraUniv. Pol. De València
Vignoni, AlejandroMax Planck Inst. of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Picó, JesúsUniv. Pol. De Valencia
TuA22 Open Invited Session, Cordes Add to My Program 
Wind Turbine and Wind Farm Control: Control Challenges and Solutions  
Chair: van Wingerden, Jan-WillemDelft Univ. of Tech
Co-Chair: Pao, Lucy Y.Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
Organizer: van Wingerden, Jan-WillemDelft Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Fleming, PaulNREL
Organizer: Schlipf, DavidUniv. of Stuttgart
Organizer: Johnson, KathrynColorado School of Mines
Organizer: Pao, Lucy Y.Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA22.1 Add to My Program
Models Used for the Simulation and Control of a Segmented Ultralight Morphing Rotor (I)
Zalkind, DanielUniv. of Colorado Boulder
Pao, Lucy Y.Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
Martin, DanaColorado School of Mines
Johnson, KathrynColorado School of Mines
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA22.2 Add to My Program
Active Power Control of Waked Wind Farms (I)
van Wingerden, Jan-WillemDelft Univ. of Tech
Pao, Lucy Y.Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
Aho, JakeUniv. of Colorado at Boulder
Fleming, PaulNREL
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA22.3 Add to My Program
MPPT and Yaw Control Combination of a New Twin Wind Turbines Structure (I)
Guenoune, IbrahimEc. Centrale De Nantes
Plestan, FranckEc. Centrale De Nantes-CNRS
Chermitti, AliFaculty of Tech
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA22.4 Add to My Program
Robust Lidar-Based Closed-Loop Wake Redirection for Wind Farm Control (I)
Raach, SteffenUniv. of Stuttgart
Boersma, SjoerdDelft Univ. of Tech
van Wingerden, Jan-WillemDelft Univ. of Tech
Schlipf, DavidUniv. of Stuttgart
Cheng, Po WenStuttgart Chair of Wind Energy, Univ. of Stuttgart
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA22.5 Add to My Program
Logarithmic Power Feedback for Extremum Seeking Control of Wind Turbines (I)
Rotea, MarioThe Univ. of Texas at Dallas
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA22.6 Add to My Program
Adjoint-Based Model Predictive Control of Wind Farms: Beyond the Quasi Steady-State Power Maximization (I)
Vali, MehdiUniv. of Oldenburg
Petrović, VlahoUniv. of Oldenburg
Boersma, SjoerdDelft Univ. of Tech
van Wingerden, Jan-WillemDelft Univ. of Tech
Kühn, MartinUniv. of Oldenburg
TuA23 Open Invited Session, Lourdes Add to My Program 
Recent Trends in Modeling, Estimation and Control with PDEs  
Chair: Prieur, ChristopheCNRS
Co-Chair: Le Gorrec, YannFemto-St, Ensmm
Organizer: Meurer, ThomasChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
Organizer: Le Gorrec, YannFemto-St, Ensmm
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA23.1 Add to My Program
Solving the Regulator Problem for a 1-D Schr"{o}dinger Equation Via Backstepping (I)
Zhou, Hua-ChengAcad. of Mathematics and Systems Science, Acad. Sinica
Weiss, GeorgeTel Aviv Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA23.2 Add to My Program
Backstepping Control of Linear 2x2 Hyperbolic Systems with Dynamic Boundary Conditions (I)
Deutscher, JoachimUniv. Erlangen-Nürnberg
Gehring, NicoleTech. Univ. of Munich
Kern, RichardTech. Univ. of Munich
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA23.3 Add to My Program
Boundary Control of a Rijke Tube Using Irrational Transfer Functions with Experimental Validation (I)
de Andrade, Gustavo ArturFederal Univ. of Santa Catarina
Vazquez, RafaelUniv. De Sevilla
Pagano, Daniel JuanFederal Univ. of Santa Catarina
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA23.4 Add to My Program
Fluid-Flow Modeling and Stability Analysis of Communication Networks (I)
Espitia, NicolasGrenoble Univ
Girard, AntoineCNRS
Marchand, NicolasGIPSA-Lab CNRS
Prieur, ChristopheCNRS
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA23.5 Add to My Program
Regional Stabilization for a Class of Bilinear Systems (I)
Zerrik, E. HassanMACS Team; Sciences Faculty, Moulay Ismail Univ
Ait Aadi, AbderrahmanMoulay Ismail Univ
Larhrissi, RachidMoulay Ismail Univ
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA23.6 Add to My Program
Closed-Loop Perturbations of Well-Posed Linear Systems (I)
Haine, GhislainInst. Superieur De L’aeronautique Et De L’espace
TuA24 Regular Session, Pic du Midi Add to My Program 
Switched Systems  
Chair: Forni, FulvioUniv. of Cambridge
Co-Chair: Kobayashi, KoichiHokkaido Univ
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA24.1 Add to My Program
On the Observability of Switched Linear Systems with Unobservable Modes
Martinez-Martinez, SinuhéUniv. De Reims Champagne-Ardenne
Messai, NadhirUniv. De Reims Champagne-Ardenne
Boukhobza, TahaUniv. De Lorraine
Manamanni, NoureddineUniv. De Reims Champagne Ardenne
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA24.2 Add to My Program
Path-Complete Positivity of Switching Systems
Forni, FulvioUniv. of Cambridge
Jungers, Raphaël M.Univ. Catholique De Louvain
Sepulchre, Rodolphe J.Univ. of Cambridge
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA24.3 Add to My Program
Data Assignment and Parameter Adaptation for Switched LPV System Estimation
Hadid, BayaInformatics and Control Systems Res. Unit Mines Douai, Mines
Lecoeuche, StéphaneMines De Douai
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA24.4 Add to My Program
Hybrid Observer for an Intrinsic Impulsive Feedback System
Yamalova, DianaUppsala Univ
Churilov, AlexanderSt.Petersburg State Univ
Medvedev, AlexanderUppsala Univ
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA24.5 Add to My Program
Dead-Beat Stabilizability of Autonomous Switched Linear Discrete-Time Systems
Fiacchini, MirkoGIPSA-Lab, CNRS
Millerioux, GillesUniv. De Lorraine
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA24.6 Add to My Program
Behavioral Analysis in Nursing and Caregiving Services Using Switched Linear Regression Models
Kobayashi, KoichiHokkaido Univ
Hiraishi, KunihikoJAIST
Choe, SunseongOsaka Univ. of Ec. and Law
Uchihira, NaoshiJapan Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech
TuA25 Regular Session, Basketball Add to My Program 
Mechatronics, Robotics and Components - Robotics 3  
Chair: From, Pål JohanNorwegian Univ. of Life Sciences
Co-Chair: Tomizuka, MasayoshiUniv. of California, Berkeley
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA25.1 Add to My Program
Thorvald II - a Modular and Re-Configurable Agricultural Robot
Grimstad, LarsNorwegian Univ. of Life Sciences
From, Pål JohanNorwegian Univ. of Life Sciences
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA25.2 Add to My Program
Visual Servo for Precise Glass Handling by Industrial Robot with Large Sensor Latency and Low Sampling Rate
Yu, XiaowenUC Berkeley
Baker, Thomas RichardTech. Univ. Muenchen
Zhao, YuUC Berkeley
Tomizuka, MasayoshiUniv. of California, Berkeley
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA25.3 Add to My Program
A Low-Cost and Flexible Solution for One-Shot Cooperative Robotic Drilling of Aeronautic Stack Materials
Cirillo, PasqualeSecond Univ. of Naples
Marino, AlessandroUniv. Degli Studi Di Salerno
Natale, CiroUniv. Degli Studi Della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
Di Marino, EmilianoUniv. Degli Studi Di Salerno
Chiacchio, PasqualeUniv. Di Salerno
De Maria, GiuseppeSeconda Univ. Degli Studi Di Napoli
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA25.4 Add to My Program
Systems of Tethered Multicopters: Modeling and Control Design
Fagiano, LorenzoPol. Di Milano
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA25.5 Add to My Program
Robotic Contour Tracing with High-Speed Vision and Force-Torque Sensing Based on Dynamic Compensation Scheme
Huang, ShourenUniv. of Tokyo
Bergström, NiklasKTH
Yamakawa, YujiUniv. of Tokyo
Senoo, TakuUniv. of Tokyo
Ishikawa, MasatoshiUniv. of Tokyo
TuA26 Open Invited Session, Rugby Add to My Program 
Industrial Engineering for Hospital and Home Healthcare  
Chair: Di Mascolo, MariaCNRS, Inst. National Pol. De Grenoble
Co-Chair: Monteiro, ThibaudINSA Lyon, Univ. De Lyon, Département Génie Industriel
Organizer: Di Mascolo, MariaCNRS, Inst. National Pol. De Grenoble
Organizer: Monteiro, ThibaudINSA Lyon, Univ. De Lyon, Département Génie Industriel
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA26.1 Add to My Program
Home Health Care Vulnerability Assessment Using Graph Theory and Matrix Methods (I)
Barkaoui, HoussemINSA Lyon
Guinet, AlainINSA Lyon
Wang, TaoUniv. of Saint Etienne
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA26.2 Add to My Program
A Mitigation Tool to Protect a Home Health Care Structure Facing a Hydrological Disaster (I)
Guinet, AlainINSA Lyon
Barkaoui, HoussemINSA Lyon
Wang, TaoUniv. of Saint Etienne
Dubost, EricCentre Hospitalier Soins Et Sante
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA26.3 Add to My Program
Patient Admission Control in a Hierarchical Healthcare System (I)
Xin, PanPeking Univ
Jie, SongPeking Univ
Bo, ZhangIBM
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA26.4 Add to My Program
Maturity Model-Driven Assessment of Field Hospitals (I)
Mallek, SihemLGI2P - Ec. Des Mines D'ales
Daclin, NicolasEc. Des Mines D'alès
Dusserre, GillesEc. Des Mines D'alès
Lhéritier, BrunoService Départemental D’incendie Et De Secours 30
Blanchard, JeanService Départemental D’incendie Et De Secours 30
Arnaud, IsabelleService Départemental D’incendie Et De Secours 30
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA26.5 Add to My Program
Risk Management in Hospital Wards: The Case of Blood Procurement and Handling (I)
Cagliano, Anna CorinnaPol. Di Torino
Grimaldi, SabrinaPol. Di Torino
Mangano, GiulioPol. Di Torino - Department of Management and Production
Rafele, CarloPol. Di Torino
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA26.6 Add to My Program
Planning in Home Health Care Structures: A Literature Review (I)
Di Mascolo, MariaCNRS, Inst. National Pol. De Grenoble
Espinouse, Marie-LaureG-SCOP
El Hajri, ZiedDISP - INSA Lyon
TuA27 Open Invited Session, Football Add to My Program 
Advances in Real-Time Optimization of Uncertain Process Systems I  
Chair: Bonvin, DominiqueEPFL
Co-Chair: Chachuat, BenoitImperial Coll. London
Organizer: Faulwasser, TimmKIT
Organizer: Marchetti, Alejandro GabrielEPFL
Organizer: Francois, GregoryEc. Pol. Federale De Lausanne
Organizer: Bonvin, DominiqueEPFL
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA27.1 Add to My Program
Robust Multi-Parametric Control of Continuous-Time Linear Dynamic Systems (I)
Sun, MuxinImperial Coll. London
Villanueva, Mario E.Texas A&M
Pistikopoulos, Efstratios N.Texas A&M Univ
Chachuat, BenoitImperial Coll. London
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA27.2 Add to My Program
Real-Time Optimization Via Modifier Adaptation Using Partial Plant Models (I)
Papasavvas, ArisEc. Pol. Fédérale De Lausanne (EPFL)
de Avila Ferreira, TafarelEPFL
Marchetti, Alejandro GabrielEPFL
Bonvin, DominiqueEPFL
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA27.3 Add to My Program
Global Self-Optimizing Control for Uncertain Constrained Process Systems (I)
Ye, LingjianNingbo Inst. of Tech. Zhejiang Univ
Cao, YiCranfield Univ
Skogestad, SigurdNorwegian Univ. of Science & Tech
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA27.4 Add to My Program
Run-To-Run Optimization of Batch Processes Using Set-Based Constraints (I)
Hille, RubinUniv. of Waterloo
Budman, Hector M.Univ. of Waterloo
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA27.5 Add to My Program
Accelerated and Adaptive Modifier-Adaptation Schemes for Unconstrained Uncertain Systems (I)
Schneider, RenéEc. Pol. Fédérale De Lausanne (EPFL)
Milosavljevic, PredragÉcole Pol. Fédérale De Lausanne
Bonvin, DominiqueEPFL
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA27.6 Add to My Program
Time-Optimal Operation of Membrane Processes in the Presence of Fouling with Set-Membership Parameter Estimation (I)
Jelemensky, MartinSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
Fikar, MiroslavSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
Paulen, RadoslavTech. Univ. Dortmund
TuA28 Invited Session, Hockey Add to My Program 
Fault Detection and Diagnosis, Failure Prognosis, and Fault Mitigation
Methods in Industrial Applications
Chair: Gryllias, KonstantinosKU Leuven
Co-Chair: Zimroz, RadoslawWroclaw Univ. of Science and Tech. Pol
Organizer: Nikolakopoulos, GeorgeLuleå Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Georgoulas, GeorgeTech. Educational Inst. of Epirus,
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA28.1 Add to My Program
Alpha-Stable Distribution Based Methods in the Analysis of the Crusher Vibration Signals for Fault Detection (I)
Żak, GrzegorzWrocł Aw Univ. of Science and Tech
Wyłomańska, AgnieszkaWrocł Aw Univ. of Science and Tech
Zimroz, RadoslawWroclaw Univ. of Science and Tech. Pol
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA28.2 Add to My Program
On-Line Updating of Cyclostationary Tools for Fault Detection in Rotating Machines - the Filter Bank Approach (I)
Kruczek, PiotrKGHM CUPRUM Ltd CBR Sikorskiego 2-8 , 53-659 Wroclaw
Obuchowski, JakubKghm Cuprum R&d
Wyłomańska, AgnieszkaWrocł Aw Univ. of Science and Tech
Zimroz, RadoslawWroclaw Univ. of Science and Tech. Pol
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA28.3 Add to My Program
Condition Monitoring of Rotating Machinery under Varying Operating Conditions Based on Cyclo-Non-Stationary Indicators and a Multi-Order Probabilistic Approach for Instantaneous Angular Speed Tracking (I)
Gryllias, KonstantinosKU Leuven
Andre, HugoUniv. Lyon, IUT De Roanne, LASPI EA3059, F-42334, Roanne
Leclere, QuentinUniv. Lyon, INSA-Lyon, LVA EA677, F-69621, Villeurbanne
Antoni, JérômeINSA De Lyon
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA28.4 Add to My Program
Nonnegative Spectrogram Factorization for Local Damage Detection of Belt Conveyor Gearboxes (I)
Wodecki, JacekMachinery Systems Div. Na Grobli 15, Wroclaw Univ. Of
Zdunek, RafałFaculty of Electronics, Wroclaw Univ. of Science and Tech
Wyłomańska, AgnieszkaWrocł Aw Univ. of Science and Tech
Zimroz, RadoslawWroclaw Univ. of Science and Tech. Pol
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA28.5 Add to My Program
Prognostic Algorithms Design Based on Predictive Bayesian Cramér-Rao Lower Bounds (I)
Acuña, DavidFaculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Univ. of Chi
Orchard, MarcosFaculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Univ. De Ch
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA28.6 Add to My Program
Remaining Useful Battery Life Prediction for UAVs Based on Machine Learning (I)
Sharif Mansouri, SinaLulea Univ
Karvelis, PetrosTech. Educational Inst. of Epirus
Georgoulas, GeorgeTech. Educational Inst. of Epirus,
Nikolakopoulos, GeorgeLuleå Univ. of Tech
TuB13 Panel Session, St Exupéry Add to My Program 
The IFAC Story  
Chair: Kahne, StephenEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ
TuM01 Interactive Session, Caravelle 1.2 Add to My Program 
GDR MACS - Control Systems and Interactions  
Chair: Prieur, ChristopheCNRS
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM01.1 Add to My Program
Congestion Control for Transportation Network under Constraints (I)
Sleiman, MohamadUniv. De Tech. De Belfort-Montbéliard
Bouyekhf, RachidLab. Des Systèmes Et Transports (SeT), UTBM
El Moudni, AbdellahUTBM
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM01.2 Add to My Program
Towards a Generic Synthesis Framework for ADAS Control Laws (I)
Mustaki, SimonEc. Des Mines De Nantes / Renault
Chevrel, PhilippeIRCCyN / Ec. Des Mines De Nantes
Yagoubi, MohamedEc. Des Mines De Nantes (IRCCyN)
Fauvel, FrançoisRenault
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM01.3 Add to My Program
Non-Quadratic Stabilization of Switched Affine Systems (I)
Kader, ZohraUniv. Lille 1, Sciences Et Tech
Fiter, ChristopheUniv. Lille1 - Sciences Et Tech
Hetel, LaurentiuCNRS
Belkoura, LotfiUniv. De Lille 1
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM01.4 Add to My Program
On Motivations for Designing Analog Filters under LFT Framework (I)
Perodou, ArthurEc. Centrale De Lyon, Lab. Ampère
Korniienko, AntonEc. Centrale De Lyon, Lab. Ampère
Scorletti, GerardEc. Centrale De Lyon
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM01.5 Add to My Program
Multi-Layer Optimization-Based Control Design for Quadcopter Trajectory Tracking (I)
Nguyen, Ngoc ThinhLCIS (Lab. of Conception and Integration of Systems)
Prodan, IonelaINP Grenoble
Lefevre, LaurentUniv. Grenoble Alpes
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM01.6 Add to My Program
Control-Based Observer Design for Surface Reconstruction Using a Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy Device (I)
Popescu, AndreiGrenoble INP
Besancon, GildasEnse3, Grenoble INP
Voda, AlinaUniv. Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM01.7 Add to My Program
Operating Space Sectoring for Linearised Gain Scheduling (I)
Fleischmann, SebastianFrench-German Res. Inst. of Saint-Louis
Theodoulis, SpiliosISL
Laroche, EdouardStrasbourg Univ
Wallner, ElmarMBDA Deutschland GmbH
Harcaut, Jean-PhilippeMBDA France
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM01.8 Add to My Program
Non-Asymptotic Pseudo-State Estimation for a Class of Fractional Order Linear Systems (I)
Wei, XingINSA Centre Val De Loire
Wei, YanqiaoINSA Centre Val De Loire
Liu, Da-YanINSA Centre Val De Loire, Campus De Bourges
Boutat, DrissInsa Cvl
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM01.9 Add to My Program
Comparison between Two State Estimation Techniques for Linear Systems (I)
Merhy, DoryCentraleSupelec/L2S
Stoica Maniu, Cristina NicoletaSupelec
Alamo, TeodoroUniv. De Sevilla
Camacho, Eduardo F.Univ. of Seville
Ben Chabane, SofianeSupélec
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM01.10 Add to My Program
Switched Interval Observer for Uncertain Continuous-Time Systems (I)
Ifqir, SaraIBISC Lab. Evry Val D'essonne Univ
Ait oufroukh, NaimaIBISC
Ichalal, DalilIBISC-Lab, Evry Val D'essonne Univ
Mammar, SaïdCNRS
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM01.11 Add to My Program
Design and Parameter Tuning of a Robust Model Predictive Controller for UAVs (I)
Michel, NathanONERA, L2S, CentraleSupélec
Bertrand, SylvainONERA
Olaru, SorinCentraleSupelec
Valmorbida, GiorgioL2S, CentraleSupelec
Dumur, DidierCentraleSupelec
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM01.12 Add to My Program
Boundary Control of a Wave Equation with an Anti-Damped Boundary Dynamics in Presence of an In-Domain Velocity Source Term (I)
Roman, ChristopheGIPSA-Lab, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes
Bresch-Pietri, DelphineMINES ParisTech
Prieur, ChristopheCNRS
Sename, OlivierGrenoble Inst. of Tech. / GIPSA-Lab
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM01.13 Add to My Program
Design and Control of a Nano-Control Moment Gyro Cluster for Experiments in a Parabolic Flight Campaign (I)
Evain, HélèneONERA
Solatges, ThomasSitia - Onera
Brunet, AntoineONERA
Dias Ribeiro, AdrienONERA
Sipile, LyliaONERA
Rognant, MathieuONERA
Alazard, DanielUniv. De Toulouse - ISAE
Mignot, JeanCNES
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM01.14 Add to My Program
Trajectory Generation under Communication Constraints for an Environment Monitoring Autonomous Surface Vehicle (I)
Hervagault, YoannGrenoble INP
Prodan, IonelaINP Grenoble
Lefevre, LaurentUniv. Grenoble Alpes
TuM02 Interactive Session, Caravelle 1.3 Add to My Program 
Advances in Vehicle Propulsion Control  
Chair: Alleyne, Andrew G.Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Co-Chair: Arsie, IvanUniv. of Salerno
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM02.1 Add to My Program
Topology Comparison for 48V Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System
Sreedhar, SunilUniv. of Michigan
Siegel, JasonUniv. of Michigan
Choi, SaeminInmatech Inc
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM02.2 Add to My Program
Estimation of Best Linear Approximation from Varying Operating Conditions for the Identification of a Li-Ion Battery Model (I)
Relan, RishiVrije Univ. Brussel (VUB)
Tiels, KoenVrije Univ. Brussel
Timmermans, Jean-MarcVrije Univ. Brussel
Schoukens, JohanVrije Univ. Brussel
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM02.3 Add to My Program
Hybrid Fuel Cell/Battery Source Sizing and Energy Management for Automotive Applications
Bendjedia, BachirEstaca
Rizoug, NassimEstaca School
Boukhnifer, MoussaEstaca
Bouchafaa, FaridUSTHB
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM02.4 Add to My Program
Modeling and Control of Cathode Air Humidity for PEM Fuel Cell Systems
Liu, ZhiyangColl. of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang Univ
Chen, JianZhejiang Univ
Chen, ShaoruZhejiang Univ
Huang, LianghuiZhejiang Univ
Shao, ZhigangDalian Inst. of Chemical Physics, Chinese Acad. of Science
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM02.5 Add to My Program
Prognostics of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Using a Model-Based Method
Liu, HaoZhejiang Univ
Chen, JianZhejiang Univ
Zhu, ChuyanZhejiang Univ
Su, HongyeZhejiang Univ
Hou, MingDalian Inst. of Chemical Physics, Chinese Acad. of Science
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM02.6 Add to My Program
On-Line Identification of a Torque Converter Model
Mishra, KirtiThe Ohio State Univ
Srinivasan, KrishnaswamyThe Ohio State Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM02.7 Add to My Program
Modeling of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor of an E-Scooter for Simulation with Battery Aging Model
Rechkemmer, Sabrina KathrinUniv. of Stuttgart
Zhang, WeiminTongji Univ
Sawodny, OliverUniv. of Stuttgart
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM02.8 Add to My Program
Energy-Efficient Constrained Control of a Hydrostatic Power Split Drive
Zeman, PaulVienna Univ. of Tech
Kemmetmueller, WolfgangTU Wien
Kugi, AndreasVienna Univ. of Tech
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM02.9 Add to My Program
Handling State Constraints in Fast-Computing Optimal Control for Hybrid Powertrains
Han, JihunIFP Energies Nouvelles
Sciarretta, AntonioIFP
Petit, NicolasMINES ParisTech
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM02.10 Add to My Program
Control of an Electromechanical Clutch Actuator by a Parallel Adaptive Feedforward and Bang-Bang Controller: Simulation and Experimental Results
Temporelli, RobinUniv. of Sherbrooke
Micheau, PhilippeUniv. of Sherbrooke
Boisvert, MaximeUniv. De Sherbrooke
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM02.11 Add to My Program
Simplified Energy-Efficient Adaptive Cruise Control Based on Model Predictive Control
Lin, XiaohaiUniv. of Kaiserslautern
Görges, DanielUniv. of Kaiserslautern
Weißmann, AndreasUniv. of Kaiserslautern
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM02.12 Add to My Program
Optimal Gear Shift Strategy for Dual Clutch Transmissions
Golkani, Mohammad AliGraz Univ. of Tech
Steinberger, MartinGraz Univ. of Tech
Bachinger, MarkusVirtual Vehicle Res. Center
Rumetshofer, JohannesVirtual Vehicle Res. Center
Stolz, MichaelVirtual Vehicle Res. Center
Horn, MartinGraz Univ. of Tech
TuM03 Interactive Session, Caravelle 2.1 Add to My Program 
Identification and Control in Mechatronics  
Chair: Schlacher, KurtJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz
Co-Chair: Karimi, Hamid RezaPol. Di Milano
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM03.1 Add to My Program
Path Following Control for Elastic Joint Robots
Bischof, BernhardTU Wien, Automation and Control Inst
Glück, TobiasAustrian Inst. of Tech
Böck, MartinTU Wien
Kugi, AndreasVienna Univ. of Tech
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM03.2 Add to My Program
Towards Discrete Mechanics and Optimal Control for Complex Models
Manns, PaulTech. Univ. Braunschweig
Mombaur, KatjaIWR Heidelberg Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM03.3 Add to My Program
A New Robust Controller Formulation for the Full-State Feedback Position Tracking of a Small-Scaled Unmanned Model Helicopter
Bidikli, BarisIzmir Katip Celebi Univ
Tatlicioglu, EnverIzmir Inst. of Tech
Zergeroglu, ErkanGebze Inst. of Tech
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM03.4 Add to My Program
Data-Driven Progressive and Iterative Learning Control (I)
Chen, Cheng-WeiUCLA
Tsao, Tsu-ChinUniv. of California Los Angeles
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM03.5 Add to My Program
On Prescribed Contact Establishment
Kanakis, GeorgeAristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki
Rovithakis, GeorgeAristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki
Doulgeri, ZoeAristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM03.6 Add to My Program
Pseudo-Magnetic Centre Identifi cation of an Active Magnetic Bearing for Sensorless Drive Control Start-Up
Kruger, Gert LodewikusNorth-West Univ
van Schoor, GeorgeNorth-West Univ
van Vuuren, Pieter AndriesNorth West Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM03.7 Add to My Program
Continuation for Stability Domain Determination with Application to a Cable-Driven Parallel Robot
Peyron, QuentinINSA of Strasbourg
Isabelle, CharpentierICube, CNRS
Laroche, EdouardStrasbourg Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM03.8 Add to My Program
Robust Control of Twin Rotor MIMO System with Quantized Output
Margun, AlexeyITMO Univ
Furtat, IgorInst. of Problems of Mechanical Engineering Russian Acad
Kremlev, ArtemITMO Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM03.9 Add to My Program
A Thermodynamically Consistent Port-Hamiltonian Model for Dielectric Elastomer Membrane Actuators and Generators
Rizzello, GianlucaSaarland Univ
Naso, DavidPol. Di Bari
Seelecke, StefanNorth Carolina State Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM03.10 Add to My Program
Performance Improvement of a Class of Continuum Manipulators Via Adaptive Algorithms
Melingui, AchilleUniv. of LIlle1
Mvogo Ahanda, Joseph Jean-BaptisteDepartment of Physics, Faculty of Science, Univ. of Yaounde
Lakhal, OthmanUniv. Lille 1, CRIStAL, CNRS-UMR 9189,
Mbede, Jean BoscoUniv. of Yaoundé 1
Merzouki, RochdiPol
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM03.11 Add to My Program
Mixed H2/Hinf Tracking Control with Constraints for Single Quadcopter Carrying a Cable-Suspended Payload
Guo, MinhuanNanjing Univ. of Science and Tech
Su, YanUniv. of Science and Tech
Gu, DongbingUniv. of Essex
TuM04 Interactive Session, Caravelle 2.2 Add to My Program 
Optimal Control I  
Chair: Filippova, TatianaInst. of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Acad. of Sciences
Co-Chair: Azhmyakov, VadimUniv. De Medellin
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM04.1 Add to My Program
Structural Changes in Economic Growth Models
Usova, AnastasiiaUniv. of Western Ontario
Tarasyev, AlexanderKrasovskii Inst. of Mathematics and Mechanics of Ural Branch
Turygina, VictoriaUral Federal Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM04.2 Add to My Program
Optimization of Fractional and Integer Order PID Parameters Using Big Bang Big Crunch and Genetic Algorithms for a MAGLEV System
Altintas, GokhanIstanbul Tech. Univ
Aydin, YucelITU Istanbul Tech. Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM04.3 Add to My Program
Sporadic Model Predictive Control
Leva, AlbertoPol. Di Milano
Benzi, Federico MattiaPol. Di Milano
Magagnotti, VirnaPol. Di Milano - Former Student
Vismara, GiuliaPol. Di Milano - Former Student
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM04.4 Add to My Program
Optimal Thermal Regulation of a Real Data Centre
Tsachouridis, Vassilios, A.United Tech. Res. Centre
Sobonski, PiotrUTRCI
Wiese, HubertusUnited Tech. Res. Centre
Mehta, DeepakInsight Centre for Data Analytics
Kouramas, KonstantinosUnited Tech. Res. Center
Cychowski, MarcinUnited Tech. Res. Centre Ireland Ltd
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM04.5 Add to My Program
Batch Distillation of Binary Mixtures: Preliminary Analysis of Optimal Control
Stojkovic, MarijaLab. De Génie Chimique, INP -ENSIACET Toulouse
Gerbaud, VincentLab. De Génie Chimique, CNRS
Shcherbakova, NataliyaLab. De Génie Chimique, INP -ENSIACET Toulouse
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM04.6 Add to My Program
A Jacobi Decomposition Algorithm for Distributed Convex Optimization in Distributed Model Predictive Control
Doan, Minh DangUniv. of Freiburg
Diehl, MoritzUniv. of Freiburg
Keviczky, TamasDelft Univ. of Tech
De Schutter, BartDelft Univ. of Tech
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM04.7 Add to My Program
Time-Invariant Control in LQ Optimal Tracking: An Alternative to Output Regulation
Bernhard, SebastianTech. Univ. Darmstadt
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM04.8 Add to My Program
Relations between Model Predictive Control and Reinforcement Learning
Görges, DanielUniv. of Kaiserslautern
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM04.9 Add to My Program
Near Time-Optimal Path Tracking Method for Waiter Motion Problem
Csorvási, GáborBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec
Nagy, ÁkosBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec
Vajk, IstvanBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM04.10 Add to My Program
Low Error Operation in Open Loop: Nonlinear Systems with Time Delay
Hammer, JacobUniv. of Florida
Choi, Ho-LimDong-A Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper TuM04.11 Add to My Program
Non-Gaussian Assessment of the Benefits from Improved Control
Domanski, Pawel DariuszWarsaw Univ. of Tech
TuM05 Regular Session, Latécoère Add to My Program 
Estimation and Filtering  
Chair: Bouffanais, RolandSingapore Univ. of Tech. and Design
Co-Chair: Petersen, Ian RThe Australian National Univ
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM05.1 Add to My Program
A New Minimum Variance Observer for Stochastic LPV Systems with Unknown Inputs
Meyer, LucParis Saclay Univ
Ichalal, DalilIBISC-Lab, Evry Val D'essonne Univ
Vigneron, VincentIBISC-Lab
Vasiljevic, ClaireIBISC - Univ. D'evry
Oswald, JeanCNES
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM05.2 Add to My Program
Relationship between Causality of Stochastic Processes and Zero Blocks of Their Joint Innovation Transfer Matrices
Jozsa, MonikaEc. Des Mines De Douai
Petreczky, MihalyCNRS
Camlibel, KanatUniv. of Groningen
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM05.3 Add to My Program
An Optimal Execution Problem in Finance with Acquisition and Liquidation Objectives: An MFG Formulation
Firoozi, DenaMcGill Univ
Caines, Peter E.McGill Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM05.4 Add to My Program
A Direct Coupling Coherent Quantum Observer for a Qubit, Including Observer Measurements (I)
Petersen, Ian RThe Australian National Univ
Huntington, ElanorAustralian National Univ. Canberra
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM05.5 Add to My Program
Randomized Constraints Consensus for Distributed Robust Linear Programming (I)
Chamanbaz, MohammadrezaArak Univ. of Tech
Notarstefano, GiuseppeUniv. Del Salento
Bouffanais, RolandSingapore Univ. of Tech. and Design
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM05.6 Add to My Program
Secure State Estimation of Cyber-Physical Systems under Switching Attacks
Forti, NicolaUniv. of Florence
Battistelli, GiorgioUniv. of Florence
Chisci, LuigiUniv. Di Firenze
Sinopoli, BrunoCarnegie Mellon Univ
TuM06 Regular Session, Mermoz Add to My Program 
Manufacturing and Logistics Systems - Manufacturing Modeling for Management
and Control 2
Chair: Dolgui, AlexandreIMT Atlantique
Co-Chair: Andres, Frederic Henri NicolasNational Inst. for Informatics
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM06.1 Add to My Program
On an Optimal Production-Inventory Plan for a Closed Loop Supply Chain
Silva Filho, Oscar SalvianoCentro De Tecnologia De Informação - Renato Archer
Andres, Frederic Henri NicolasNational Inst. for Informatics
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM06.2 Add to My Program
Optimal Control Representation of the Mathematical Programming Model for Supply Chain Dynamic Reconfiguration (I)
Ivanov, DmitryBerlin School of Ec. and Law
Dolgui, AlexandreEc. Des Mines De Nantes
Sokolov, BorisSPIIRAS
Ivanova, MarinaTU Chemnitz
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM06.3 Add to My Program
Lot Size Dependence for Energy Consumption Per Unit of Production Throughput Considering Rush Orders in Manufacturing Lines
Kobayashi, TakayukiTokyo Univ. of Science
Yamaguchi, MakotoAkita Univ
Hibino, HironoriTokyo Univ. of Science
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM06.4 Add to My Program
Client Selection and Combination for Farm Perishable Products
Brulard, NicolasUniv. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, G-SCOP, 38 000 Grenoble, France
Cung, Van-DatUniv. Grenoble Alpes
Catusse, NicolasUniv. Grenoble Alpes
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM06.5 Add to My Program
Cyclic Job Shop Problem with Varying Processing Times
Hamaz, IdirUniv. Paul Sabatier (LAAS-CNRS)
Houssin, LaurentLAAS-CNRS
Cafieri, SoniaENAC, Univ. De Toulouse
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM06.6 Add to My Program
Order Picking Problem in a Warehouse Hospital Pharmacy
Beroule, BenoitUniv. De Tech. De Belfort-Montbéliard
Grunder, OlivierUniv. De Tech. De Belfort-Montbéliard
Barakat, OussamaUniv. De Franche Comté
Aujoulat, OlivierGHRMSA
TuM07 Regular Session, Spot Add to My Program 
Discrete Event Modeling  
Chair: Travé-Massuyès, LouiseLAAS-CNRS
Co-Chair: Jimenez, FernandoUniv. De Los Andes
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM07.1 Add to My Program
Solving Diagnosability of Hybrid Systems Via Abstraction and Discrete Event Techniques (I)
Grastien, AlbanNICTA
Travé-Massuyès, LouiseLAAS-CNRS
Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM07.2 Add to My Program
DES Based Modeling and Fault Diagnosis in Safety-Critical Semi-Partitioned Real-Time Systems (I)
Purushothaman Nair, PiyooshIIT Guwahati
Devaraj, RajeshIIT Guwahati
Sen, ArghaIIT Guwahati
Sarkar, ArnabIIT Guwahati
Biswas, SantoshIIT Kharagpur INDIA
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM07.3 Add to My Program
Diagnosis Using an Estimation Method for Partially Observed Petri Net
Chouchane, AmiraIstia-Angerrs-France/ Enis-Sfax-Tunisia
Declerck, PhilippeUniv. of Angers
Khedher, AtefLara Automatic
Kamoun, AnasENIS
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM07.4 Add to My Program
Enhanced Chronicle Learning for Process Supervision
Vasquez, John WilliamAndes Univ. Colombia
Travé-Massuyès, LouiseLAAS-CNRS
Subias, AudineLAAS-CNRS
Jimenez, FernandoUniv. De Los Andes
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM07.5 Add to My Program
Observer-Based Sensor Fault Detectability: About Robust Positive Invariance Approach and Residual Sensitivity
Kodakkadan, Abid RahmanCentraleSupelec, Univ. of Paris-Saclay, Univ. of Paris
Pourasghar, MasoudPol. Univ. of Catalonia
Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Olaru, SorinCentraleSupelec
Ocampo-Martinez, CarlosTech. Univ. of Catalonia (UPC)
Reppa, VassoSupélec
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM07.6 Add to My Program
Model Based Object Localization and Shape Estimation Using Electric Sense on Underwater Robots
Bazeille, StéphaneEc. Des Mines De Nantes
Lebastard, VincentEc. Des Mines De Nantes
Lanneau, SylvainEc. Des Mines De Nantes
Boyer, FredericEc. Des Mines De Nantes
TuM08 Open Invited Session, Diamant Add to My Program 
Interval Estimation for Uncertain Systems II  
Chair: Raïssi, TarekConservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers
Co-Chair: Efimov, DenisInria
Organizer: Raïssi, TarekConservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers
Organizer: Efimov, DenisInria
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM08.1 Add to My Program
Zonotopic Fault Estimation Filter Design for Discrete-Time Descriptor Systems (I)
Wang, YeUniv. Pol. De Catalonia
Wang, ZhenhuaHarbin Inst. of Tech
Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Cembrano, GabrielaUPC
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM08.2 Add to My Program
Actuator Fault Detection and Interval Reconstruction Based on Interval Observers (I)
Guo, ShenghuiTongji Univ
Zhu, FanglaiTongji Univ
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM08.3 Add to My Program
Incipient Fault Detection Based on Robust Threshold Generators: A Sliding Mode Interval Estimation Approach (I)
Zhang, KangkangNanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Jiang, BinNanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Yan, Xing-GangUniv. of Kent
Shen, JunUniv. of Hong Kong
He, XiaoTsinghua Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM08.4 Add to My Program
Interval Observer Design for Discrete-Time Switched System (I)
Guo, ShenghuiTongji Univ
Zhu, FanglaiTongji Univ
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM08.5 Add to My Program
Simple Interval Observers for Linear Impulsive Systems with Applications to Sampled-Data and Switched Systems (I)
Briat, CorentinETH Zürich
Khammash, Mustafa H.Swiss Federal Inst. of Tech. (ETH)
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM08.6 Add to My Program
Interval Observer Approach to Output Stabilization of Linear Impulsive Systems (I)
Degue, Kwassi HolaliPol. Montreal
Efimov, DenisInria
Le Ny, JeromeEc. Pol. De Montréal
TuM09 Regular Session, Argos Add to My Program 
Optimal Control Theory II  
Chair: Lohmann, BorisTech. Univ. München
Co-Chair: Nishida, GouNihon Univ
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM09.1 Add to My Program
Optimal Control of a Dubins Car with a Capture Set and the Homicidal Chauffeur Differential Game
Coates, SeanUnited States Air Force
Pachter, MeirAFIT/ENG
Murphey, RobertCiv Usaf Afmc Afrl/rwg
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM09.2 Add to My Program
Distributed Optimal Output Feedback Control of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems under a Directed Graph
Aalipour, FarzadUniv. of Central Florida
Gusrialdi, AzwirmanUniv. of Central Florida
Qu, ZhihuaUniv. of Central Florida
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM09.3 Add to My Program
Stable Manifold Method for Infinite Horizon Optimal Control Problem with Discounted Cost
Nishida, GouNihon Univ
Sakamoto, NoboruNanzan Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM09.4 Add to My Program
Numerical Computational Improvement of the Stable-Manifold Method for Nonlinear Optimal Control
Oishi, YasuakiNanzan Univ
Sakamoto, NoboruNanzan Univ
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM09.5 Add to My Program
Finite-Dimensional Approximations of Neutral-Type Conflict-Controlled Systems
Gomoyunov, MikhailInst. of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Branch of The
Plaksin, AntonInst. of Mathematics and Mechanics (IMM), Ural Branch of The
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM09.6 Add to My Program
Optimal Feedforward Preview Control by FIR Filters
Strohm, Johannes N.Tech. Univ. München
Lohmann, BorisTech. Univ. München
TuM10 Regular Session, Cassiopée Add to My Program 
Sliding Mode Control  
Chair: Spurgeon, Sarah K.Univ. Coll. London
Co-Chair: Li, ShihuaSoutheast Univ
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM10.1 Add to My Program
Discrete Time Quasi Sliding Mode Control for Piezo-Actuated Positioning Systems: A Prescribed Performance Control Approach
Nguyen, Manh LinhShibaura Inst. of Tech
Chen, XinkaiShibaura Inst. of Tech
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM10.2 Add to My Program
Nonlinear Sliding Mode Control for Manipulator Systems
Zhao, DongyaChina Univ. of Petroleum
Spurgeon, Sarah K.Univ. Coll. London
Yan, Xing-GangUniv. of Kent
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM10.3 Add to My Program
Sliding Mode Based Extremum Seeking Control of Two-Phase Flow Micro-Thermal-Fluid Cooling Systems
Lizarralde, FernandoFederal Univ. of Rio De Janeiro
Monteiro, João C.Univ. Federal Do Rio De Janeiro
Pereira, RafaelPetrobras
Hsu, LiuCOPPE - Federal Univ. of Rio De Janeiro
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM10.4 Add to My Program
Fixed-Time Converging Terminal Surface with Non-Singular Control Design for Second-Order Systems
Mishra, Jyoti PrakashMr
Li, ChaojieRMIT Univ
Yu, XinghuoRMIT Univ
Jalili, MahdiRMIT Univ
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM10.5 Add to My Program
A Remark on Sliding Mode Differentiation and Calculus of Variations
Mboup, MamadouUniv. De Reims Champagne Ardenne, CReSTIC
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM10.6 Add to My Program
Output Feedback Stabilization of Inertial Stabilized Platform with Unmatched Disturbances Using Sliding Mode Approach
Mao, JianliangSoutheast Univ
Yang, JunSoutheast Univ
Li, ShihuaSoutheast Univ
Li, QiSoutheast Univ
TuM11 Regular Session, Ariane 1 Add to My Program 
Industrial Systems and Logistics in an International Context  
Chair: Kopacek, PeterVienna Univ. of Tech
Co-Chair: Jansen, ChristophSiemens AG
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM11.1 Add to My Program
Stabilizing the Industrial System: Managed Security Services’ Contribution to Cyber-Peace
Jansen, ChristophSiemens AG
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM11.2 Add to My Program
Economy of Disassembly
Kopacek, PeterVienna Univ. of Tech
Kopacek, BerndAustrian Society for Systems Engineering and Automation -SAT
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM11.3 Add to My Program
Monetary System Dynamics
Hughes, Timothy H.Univ. of Cambridge
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM11.4 Add to My Program
The Slovenian Dictionary of Automatic Control, Systems and Robotics
Kocijan, JusJozef Stefan Inst
Karer, GorazdUniv. of Ljubljana
Zagar Karer, MojcaFran Ramovs Inst. of the Slovenian Language
Bajt, TadejThe Slovenian Acad. of Sciences and Arts
Karba, RihardUniv. of Ljubljana
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM11.5 Add to My Program
Collaborative Approach to Solve a Two-Level Lot-Sizing Problem Considering the Financing of Working Capital Requirement (I)
Gayraud, FabriceEc. Des Mines De Nantes
Lemoine, DavidEc. Des Mines De Nantes
Bostel, NathalieSLP
Yeung, Thomas G.École Des Mines De Nantes
Bian, YuanEc. Des Mines De Nantes
TuM12 Regular Session, Ariane 2 Add to My Program 
Control of Networks with Applications  
Chair: Lagoa, Constantino M.Pennsylvania State Univ
Co-Chair: Markovich, NataliaV.A.Trapeznikov Inst. of Control Sciences
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM12.1 Add to My Program
A Distributed Algorithm with Consistency for PageRank-Like Linear Algebraic Systems
Lagoa, Constantino M.Pennsylvania State Univ
Zaccarian, LucaLAAS-CNRS and Univ. of Trento
Dabbene, FabrizioCNR-IEIIT
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM12.2 Add to My Program
Analysis of Clusters in Network Graphs for Personalized Web Search (I)
Markovich, NataliaV.A.Trapeznikov Inst. of Control Sciences
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM12.3 Add to My Program
Relative Tempo of Consensus Dynamics on Multiplex Network
Shao, HaibinShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Xi, YugengShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Mesbahi, MehranUniv. of Washington
Li, DeweiShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM12.4 Add to My Program
Event-Triggered Dynamic Quantizers for Networked Control Systems
Rodriguez Ramirez, Juan EstebanNara Inst. of Science and Tech
Minami, YukiOsaka Univ
Sugimoto, KenjiNara Inst. of Science and Tech
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM12.5 Add to My Program
mathcal{H}_{infty} Robustness in Mechanical and Power Networks
Pirani, MohammadUniv. of Waterloo
Hashemi, EhsanUniv. of Waterloo
Fidan, BarisUniv. of Waterloo
Simpson-Porco, John WilliamUniv. of Waterloo
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM12.6 Add to My Program
Robust Periodic Economic Predictive Control Based on Interval Arithmetic for Water Distribution Networks (I)
Wang, YeUniv. Pol. De Catalonia
Blesa, JoaquimUniv. Pol. De Catalunya (UPC)
Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
TuM13 Open Invited Session, St Exupéry Add to My Program 
The Legacy of A.M. Lyapunov to Systems and Control Theory. 110 Years of the
Toulouse Edition "The General Problem of the Stability of Motion" - II
Chair: Pakshin, PavelArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
Co-Chair: Panteley, Elena V.Cnrs, Itmo
Organizer: Pakshin, PavelArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
Organizer: Panteley, Elena V.Cnrs, Itmo
Organizer: Pakshina, NataliaArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
13:30-14:10, Paper TuM13.1 Add to My Program
Aleksandr Lyapunov: Remembered by His Contemporaries (I)
Pakshina, NataliaArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
14:10-14:50, Paper TuM13.2 Add to My Program
Stability, As Told by Its Developers (I)
Loria, AntonioCNRS
Panteley, Elena V.Cnrs, Itmo
14:50-15:30, Paper TuM13.3 Add to My Program
Scientific School of Vladimir Yakubovich in the 20th Century (I)
Fradkov, Alexander L.Russian Acad. of Sciences
TuM14 Open Invited Session, Guillaumet 1 Add to My Program 
Design of Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control Methods in Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle/Fleet
Chair: Theilliol, DidierUniv. of Lorraine
Co-Chair: Witczak, MarcinUniv. of Zielona Gora
Organizer: Theilliol, DidierUniv. of Lorraine
Organizer: Witczak, MarcinUniv. of Zielona Gora
Organizer: Zhang, YouminConcordia Univ
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM14.1 Add to My Program
Icing Diagnosis in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using an LPV Multiple Model Estimator (I)
Rotondo, DamianoNTNU
Cristofaro, AndreaUniv. of Camerino
Hassani, VahidNTNU
Johansen, Tor ArneNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM14.2 Add to My Program
Fault-Tolerant Guidance for Hypersonic Vehicle Based on Predictor-Corrector Strategy (I)
Meng, YizhenNanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Jiang, BinNanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Qi, RuiyunNanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM14.3 Add to My Program
Fault-Tolerant Tracking Control for a 3-DOF Helicopter with Actuator Faults and Saturation (I)
Lan, JianglinUniv. of Hull
Patton, Ron J.Univ. of Hull
Punta, ElisabettaNational Res. Council of Italy - CNR
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM14.4 Add to My Program
Nussbaum Gain Adaptive Fault Tolerant Control for Hypersonic Vehicles with Uncertain Parameters and Actuator Faults (I)
Xu, BinyanNanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Qi, RuiyunNanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Jiang, BinNanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Yao, XuelianNanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM14.5 Add to My Program
Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control of an Octorotor UAV Using Motors Speeds Measurements (I)
Saied, MajdLebanese Univ
Lussier, BenjaminUniv. of Tech. of Compiègne
Fantoni, IsabelleUniv. De Tech. De Compiegne
Shraim, HassanLSIS, Univ. AIX Marseille III
Francis, ClovisLebanese Univ. Faculty of Engineering, Branch 1
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM14.6 Add to My Program
Fault-Tolerant Adaptive Control Allocation for Unmanned Multirotor Helicopter (I)
Wang, BanConcordia Univ
Zhang, YouminConcordia Univ
Ponsart, Jean-ChristopheCRAN - Nancy-Univ
Theilliol, DidierUniv. of Lorraine
TuM15 Open Invited Session, Guillaumet 2 Add to My Program 
Traffic Systems Optimization and Control  
Chair: Savla, KetanUniv. of Southern California
Co-Chair: Canudas de Wit, CarlosCNRS-GIPSA-Lab
Organizer: Roncoli, ClaudioAalto Univ
Organizer: Savla, KetanUniv. of Southern California
Organizer: Canudas de Wit, CarlosCNRS-GIPSA-Lab
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM15.1 Add to My Program
Traffic Flow Optimization with QoS Constrained Network Admission Control (I)
Csikós, AlfrédInst. for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Acad. Of
Farhadi, HamedChalmers Univ. of Tech
Kulcsar, BalazsChalmers Univ. of Tech
Charalambous, ThemistoklisSchool of Engineering
Wymeersch, HenkDepartment of Signals and Systems, Chalmers Univ. of Tech
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM15.2 Add to My Program
Nonlinear Feedback Control for General Acyclic Traffic Networks (I)
Kontorinaki, MariaTech. Univ. of Crete
Karafyllis, IassonNational Tech. Univ. of Athens
Papageorgiou, MarkosTech. Univ. of Crete
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM15.3 Add to My Program
Delay Variability Optimization Using Shockwave Theory at an Undersaturated Intersection (I)
Mohajerpoor, RezaMonash Univ
Saberi, MeeadMonash Univ
Ramezani, MohsenThe Univ. of Sydney
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM15.4 Add to My Program
Distributed Adaptive Perimeter Control for Large-Scale Urban Road Networks with Delayed State Interconnections (I)
Zheng, ZhengfeiTech. Inst. of Tech
Haddad, JackTech. Inst. of Tech
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM15.5 Add to My Program
A Decentralized Traffic Light Control System Based on Adaptive Learning (I)
Jin, JunchenKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Ma, XiaoliangRoyal Inst. of Tech
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM15.6 Add to My Program
Coordinated Variable Speed Limit, Ramp Metering and Lane Change Control of Highway Traffic (I)
Zhang, YihangUniv. of Southern California
Ioannou, Petros A.Univ. of Southern California
TuM16 Open Invited Session, Daurat Add to My Program 
Simple Adaptive Control II  
Chair: Barkana, ItzhakBarkana Consulting
Co-Chair: Sugimoto, KenjiNara Inst. of Science and Tech
Organizer: Barkana, ItzhakBarkana Consulting
Organizer: Fradkov, Alexander L.Russian Acad. of Sciences
Organizer: Mizumoto, IkuroKumamoto Univ
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM16.1 Add to My Program
ASPR Based Output Feedback Control with an Adaptive Predictive Feedfoward Input for MIMO Systems (I)
Mizumoto, IkuroKumamoto Univ
Fujii, SeiyaKumamoto Univ
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM16.2 Add to My Program
Adaptive Output Feedback Based Output Tracking Control with Adaptive Parallel Feedforward Compensator (I)
Mizumoto, IkuroKumamoto Univ
Kawabe, NobuyukiKumamoto Univ
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM16.3 Add to My Program
Direct Tuning in Feedback Error Learning Control and Its Generalization to Non-Minimum Phase Plant (I)
Sugimoto, KenjiNara Inst. of Science and Tech
Imahayashi, WataruNara Inst. of Science and Tech
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM16.4 Add to My Program
Autotuner Identification of TITO Systems Using a Single Relay Feedback Experiment
Berner, JosefinLund Univ
Soltesz, KristianLund Univ
Hagglund, ToreLund Univ
Astrom, Karl J.Lund Univ
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM16.5 Add to My Program
An Intelligent Modeling Approach for LPV Systems Based on Primary-Secondary Response Mechanism of Immune System
Chen, LeiDonghua Univ
Ding, YongshengDonghua Univ
Hao, KuangrongDonghua Univ
Ren, LihongDonghua Univ
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM16.6 Add to My Program
Bumpless Reengagement Using Shared Control between Human Pilot and Adaptive Autopilot
Farjadian, AmirMIT
Annaswamy, AnuradhaMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
Woods, DavidProfessor, Integrated Systems Engineering Faculty
TuM17 Open Invited Session, Servanty Add to My Program 
Network Control and Supervision for Complex Water Systems  
Chair: Jensen, Tom NørgaardAalborg Univ
Co-Chair: Trenn, StephanUniv. of Kaiserslautern
Organizer: Lefevre, LaurentUniv. Grenoble Alpes
Organizer: Maestre, Jose M.Univ. of Seville
Organizer: Ocampo-Martinez, CarlosTech. Univ. of Catalonia (UPC)
Organizer: Duviella, EricEc. Des Mines De Douai
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM17.1 Add to My Program
Modeling Water Hammers Via PDEs and Switched DAEs with Numerical Justification (I)
Kall, JochenTU Kaiserslautern
Kausar, RukhsanaPUCIT, Univ. of the Punjab
Trenn, StephanUniv. of Kaiserslautern
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM17.2 Add to My Program
Asymptotic Set-Point Regulation for a Large Class of Non-Linear Hydraulic Networks (I)
Jensen, Tom NørgaardAalborg Univ
Kallesøe, Carsten SkovmoseGrundfos Management A/S
Wisniewski, RafalAalborg Univ
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM17.3 Add to My Program
Friction Estimation of Pipelines with Extractions by Using State Observers (I)
Jimenez, JavierUniv. Del Norte
Torres, LizethUNAM
Verde, CristinaInst. De Ingenieria, UNAM
Sanjuan, MarcoUniv. Del Norte
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM17.4 Add to My Program
Pressure Regulation in Large Scale Hydraulic Networks with Input Constraints (I)
Scholten, TjardoUniv. of Groningen
Trip, SebastianUniv. of Groningen
De Persis, ClaudioUniv. of Groningen
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM17.5 Add to My Program
Outer Approximation Methods for the Solution of Co-Design Optimisation Problems in Water Distribution Networks (I)
Pecci, FilippoImperial Coll. London
Abraham, EdoTU Delft
Stoianov, IvanImperial Coll. London
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM17.6 Add to My Program
Optimal Management of Barcelona Water Distribution Network Using Non-Linear Model Predictive Control (I)
Wang, YeUniv. Pol. De Catalonia
Cembrano, GabrielaUPC
Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Urrea, MaiteIri, Upc-Csic
Romera, JuliTech. Univ. of Catalonia
Saporta, DavidAGBAR
Valero, José GabrielAGBAR
Quevedo, JosebaTech. Univ. of Catalonia
TuM18 Regular Session, De Marnier Add to My Program 
Bio and Ecological Systems - Control in Agriculture 1  
Chair: Visala, ArtoAalto Univ. ELEC School
Co-Chair: Guzman, Jose LuisUniv. of Almeria
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM18.1 Add to My Program
Modeling and Identification of Irrigation Channel Dynamics Affected by Wind
Cescon, MarziaUniv. of Melbourne
Weyer, ErikUniv. of Melbourne
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM18.2 Add to My Program
Switching Markov Chains for Modelling the Loads of a Four-Rotor Swather under Different Operating Modes
Paraforos, Dimitris S.Univ. of Hohenheim
Griepentrog, Hans W.Univ. of Hohenheim
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM18.3 Add to My Program
Data Driven Broiler Weight Forecasting Using Dynamic Neural Network Models
Johansen, Vestergaard, SimonAalborg Univ. Electronic Systems and SKOV A/S
Bendtsen, Jan DimonAalborg Univ
Riisgaard-Jensen, MartinSKOV
Mogensen, JesperSkov A/s
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM18.4 Add to My Program
A Low-Cost Embedded Controller Design for Selective Spraying Vehicle (I)
Pawlowski, AndrzejUNED
Guzman, Jose LuisUniv. of Almeria
Sánchez-Hermosilla, JuliánUniv. De Almería
Rodríguez, CarlosUNED
Dormido, SebastiánUNED
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM18.5 Add to My Program
Augmented Reality in Forest Machine Cabin (I)
Palonen, TuomoAalto Univ
Hyyti, Heikki SakariAalto Univ
Visala, ArtoAalto Univ. ELEC School
TuM19 Regular Session, Gavarnie Add to My Program 
Power System Control 2  
Chair: Imura, Jun-ichiTokyo Inst. of Tech
Co-Chair: Li, LiUniv. of Tech. Sydney
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM19.1 Add to My Program
Distributed State Estimation for Interconnected Synchronous Generators
Rana, MdUTS
Li, LiUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Su, Steven W.Univ. of Tech. Sydney
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM19.2 Add to My Program
Virtual Synchronous Generator Controller for MTDC and the Probabilistic Small Signal Stability Analysis
Wang, WeiyuHunan Univ
Liu, FangCentral South Univ
Tan, YiHunan Univ
Huang, JinhuaGuangdong Power Grid Co., Ltd(GPGC)
Tang, ShengweiElectric Power Res. Inst. of Guangdong Power Grid Co., L
Li, YongHunan Univ
Cao, YijiaHunan Univ
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM19.3 Add to My Program
Distributed Design of Local Controllers for Transient Stabilization in Power Grids
Sasahara, HampeiTokyo Inst. of Tech
Ishizaki, TakayukiTokyo Inst. of Tech
Sadamoto, TomonoriTokyo Inst. of Tech
Imura, Jun-ichiTokyo Inst. of Tech
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM19.4 Add to My Program
Distributed Stabilization of Multi-Machine Power Systems Via Multi-Agent Flocking Control
Zhou, JunHohai Univ
Wang, CuiHohai Univ
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM19.5 Add to My Program
Input-Output Properties of the Swing Dynamics for Power Transmission Networks with HVDC Modulation
Koorehdavoudi, KasraWashington State Univ
Roy, SandipWashington State Univ
Prevost, ThibaultRTE
Xavier, FlorentRTE
Panciatici, PatrickRTE
Venkatasubramanian, ManiWashington State Univ
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM19.6 Add to My Program
Modeling and Analysis Methods for Assessing Stability of Microgrids (I)
Ilic, MarijaCarnegie Mellon Univ
Jaddivada, Rupamathi1993
Miao, XiaMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
TuM20 Open Invited Session, Toulouse Add to My Program 
Control of Physiological Systems in Medicine: Models, Identification and
Clinical Application 3
Chair: Desaive, ThomasUniv. of Liege
Co-Chair: Leonhardt, SteffenRWTH Aachen
Organizer: Desaive, ThomasUniv. of Liege
Organizer: Leonhardt, SteffenRWTH Aachen
Organizer: Evans, Neil D.Univ. of Warwick
Organizer: Pretty, ChristopherUniv. of Canterbury
Organizer: Chappell, MichaelUniv. of Warwick
Organizer: Docherty, Paul DUniv. of Canterbury
Organizer: Mendonça, TeresaFaculdade De Ciências Da Univ. Do Porto
Organizer: Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM20.1 Add to My Program
Real-Time, Minimally Invasive, Beat-To-Beat Estimation of End-Systolic Volume Using a Modified End-Systolic Pressure-Volume Relation (I)
Davidson, Shaun MUniv. of Canterbury
Pretty, ChristopherUniv. of Canterbury
Kamoi, ShunUniv. of Canterbury
Balmer, JoelUniv. of Canterbury
Desaive, ThomasUniv. of Liege
Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM20.2 Add to My Program
Meal Detection in the Artificial Pancreas: Implications During Exercise (I)
Ramkissoon, CharriseUniv. De Girona
Herrero, PauImperial Coll. London
Bondia Company, JorgeUniv. Pol. De Valencia
Vehi, JosepUniv. De Girona
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM20.3 Add to My Program
Predicting the Effects of Changing PEEP Using a Basis Function Method (I)
Argus, FinbarUniv. of Canterbury
Sutherland, ConorUniv. of Canterbury
Chakson, JimmyUniv. of Canterbury
McNearney, EugeneUniv. of Canterbury
Dickson, Jennifer L.Univ. of Canterbury
Redmond, Daniel PaulUniv. of Canterbury
Kim, Kyeong TaeUniv. of Canterbury
Docherty, Paul DUniv. of Canterbury
Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM20.4 Add to My Program
The Novel Dimensional Reduction Method and Tikhonov Regularisation in Parameter Identification of Non-Linear Ill-Posed Problems (I)
Davidson, Shaun MUniv. of Canterbury
Docherty, Paul DUniv. of Canterbury
Kretschmer, JoernFurtwangen Univ
Murray, RuaUniv. of Canterbury
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM20.5 Add to My Program
Plateau Pressure Prediction in ARDS Patients (I)
Langdon, RubyUniv. of Canterbury
Docherty, Paul DUniv. of Canterbury
Schranz, ChristophHamilton Medical AG
Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM20.6 Add to My Program
Quantifying Patient Effort in Spontaneously Breathing Patient Using Negative Component of Dynamic Elastance (I)
Kim, Kyeong TaeUniv. of Canterbury
Redmond, Daniel PaulUniv. of Canterbury
Morton, SophieUniv. of Canterbury
Howe, SarahUniv. of Canterbury
Chiew, Yeong ShiongMonash Univ
Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
TuM21 Regular Session, Conques Add to My Program 
Adaptive Control Design  
Chair: Zuyev, AlexanderMax Planck Inst. for Dynamics of Complex Tech. Systems
Co-Chair: Tohidi, Seyed ShahabaldinBilkent Univ
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM21.1 Add to My Program
Adaptive Control Allocation for Over-Actuated Systems with Actuator Saturation
Tohidi, Seyed ShahabaldinBilkent Univ
Yildiz, YildirayBilkent Univ
Kolmanovsky, Ilya V.Univ. of Michigan
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM21.2 Add to My Program
Adaptive Output Regulation of Invertible MIMO Systems
Pyrkin, AntonITMO Univ
Isidori, AlbertoUniv. of Rome "La Sapienza"
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM21.3 Add to My Program
Adaptive Feedforward and Feedback Control for Cloud Services (I)
Cerf, SophieUniv. Grenoble Alpes, GIPSA-Lab
Berekmeri, MihalyUniv. of Grenoble, GIPSA-Lab, LIG
Robu, BogdanUniv. of Grenoble, GIPSA-Lab
Marchand, NicolasGIPSA-Lab CNRS
Bouchenak, SaraUniv. of Grenoble
Landau, Ioan DoreGIPSA-LAB,
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM21.4 Add to My Program
L1 Adaptive Output Feedback Control for Underactuated MIMO Systems
Lee, HanminUniv. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Cichella, VenanzioUniv. of Illinois
Hovakimyan, NairaUIUC
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM21.5 Add to My Program
Adaptive Bipartite Tracking Control of Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems with Unknown Hysteresis
Yu, TaoSouthwest Jiaotong Univ
Ma, LeiSouthwest Jiaotong Univ
Zhang, HongweiSouthwest Jiaotong Univ
Wang, YijingTianjin Univ
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM21.6 Add to My Program
Extremum Seeking for Time-Varying Functions Using Lie Bracket Approximations
Grushkovskaya, VictoriaInst. for Systems Theory and Automatic Control
Dürr, Hans-BerndNone
Ebenbauer, ChristianStuttgart Univ
Zuyev, AlexanderMax Planck Inst. for Dynamics of Complex Tech. Systems
TuM22 Open Invited Session, Cordes Add to My Program 
Optimization and Control in Smart Grids  
Chair: Robba, MichelaUniv. of Genova
Co-Chair: Annaswamy, AnuradhaMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
Organizer: Robba, MichelaUniv. of Genova
Organizer: Nudell, ThomasSmart Wires Inc
Organizer: Annaswamy, AnuradhaMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM22.1 Add to My Program
Scenario-Based Approaches for Handling Uncertainty in MPC for Power System Frequency Control (I)
Ersdal, Anne MaiUiT the Arctic Univ. of Norway
Imsland, LarsNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM22.2 Add to My Program
Distributed AC Optimal Power Flow Using ALADIN (I)
Engelmann, AlexanderKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech
Muehlpfordt, TillmannKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech
Jiang, YuningShanghaiTech Univ
Houska, BorisShanghaiTech Univ
Faulwasser, TimmKIT
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM22.3 Add to My Program
Equation-Based Object-Oriented Modelling and Simulation of Large-Scale Smart Grids with Modelica (I)
Casella, FrancescoPol. Di Milano
Bartolini, Andrea GiorgioDynamica S.r.l
Leva, AlbertoPol. Di Milano
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM22.4 Add to My Program
Decentralised Robust Inverter-Based Control in Power Systems (I)
Pates, RichardLund Univ
Mallada, EnriqueJohns Hopkins Univ
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM22.5 Add to My Program
Coordinated Fuzzy Logic Control Strategy for Hybrid PV Array with Fuel-Cell and Ultra-Capacitor in a Microgrid (I)
Wu, GuiyingBaylor Univ
Lee, Kwang Y.Baylor Univ
Sun, LiTsinghua Univ
Xue, YaliTsinghua Univ
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM22.6 Add to My Program
Decentralized Coordination of Controlled Loads and Transformers in a Hierarchical Structure (I)
Zou, SuliBeijing Inst. of Tech
Hiskens, Ian A.Univ. of Michigan
Ma, ZhongjingBeijing Inst. of Tech
TuM23 Open Invited Session, Lourdes Add to My Program 
Recent Trends in Modeling, Estimation and Control with PDEs II  
Chair: Meurer, ThomasChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
Co-Chair: Le Gorrec, YannFemto-St, Ensmm
Organizer: Meurer, ThomasChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
Organizer: Le Gorrec, YannFemto-St, Ensmm
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM23.1 Add to My Program
Backstepping Design of Robust State Feedback Regulators for Parabolic PIDEs with In-Domain Outputs (I)
Deutscher, JoachimUniv. Erlangen-Nürnberg
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM23.2 Add to My Program
Parabolic Matching of Hyperbolic System Using Control by Interconnection (I)
Vu, TrangLCIS Lab
Trenchant, VincentFEMTO-ST Inst
Ramirez, HectorFemto-St, Ufc
Lefevre, LaurentUniv. Grenoble Alpes
Le Gorrec, YannFemto-St, Ensmm
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM23.3 Add to My Program
Asymptotic Stability of an Euler-Bernoulli Beam Coupled to Linear/non Linear Spring-Damper Systems (I)
Le Gorrec, YannFemto-St, Ensmm
Zwart, HansUniv. of Twente
Ramirez, HectorFemto-St, Ufc
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM23.4 Add to My Program
Output Feedback Exponential Stabilization of a Nonlinear 1-D Wave Equation with Boundary Input (I)
Zhou, Hua-ChengAcad. of Mathematics and Systems Science, Acad. Sinica
Weiss, GeorgeTel Aviv Univ
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM23.5 Add to My Program
Controllability in Projection of the Simple Spectrum Bilinear Schrödinger Equation (I)
Caponigro, MarcoConservatoire National Des Arts Et Metiers
Sigalotti, MarioINRIA Nancy - Grand Est
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM23.6 Add to My Program
Boundary Energy-Shaping Control of an Ideal Compressible Isentropic Fluid in 1-D (I)
Macchelli, AlessandroUniv. of Bologna - Italy
Le Gorrec, YannFemto-St, Ensmm
Ramirez, HectorFemto-St, Ufc
TuM24 Open Invited Session, Pic du Midi Add to My Program 
Tensor Methods for Modelling and Control  
Chair: Lichtenberg, GerwaldHamburg Univ. of Applied Sciences
Co-Chair: Kuti, JozsefObuda Univ
Organizer: Lichtenberg, GerwaldHamburg Univ. of Applied Sciences
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM24.1 Add to My Program
Generalization of Tensor Product Model Transformation for Control Design (I)
Kuti, JozsefObuda Univ
Galambos, PéterAntal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics, Obuda Univ
Baranyi, PeterComputer and Automation Res. Inst
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM24.2 Add to My Program
Comparison of Tensor Decomposition Methods for Simulation of Multilinear Time-Invariant Systems with the MTI Toolbox (I)
Kruppa, KaiHamburg Univ. of Applied Sciences
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM24.3 Add to My Program
Decentralized State Feedback Design for Multilinear Time-Invariant Systems (I)
Kruppa, KaiHamburg Univ. of Applied Sciences
Lichtenberg, GerwaldHamburg Univ. of Applied Sciences
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM24.4 Add to My Program
Fault Detection Algorithms Based on Decomposed Tensor Representations for Qualitative Models (I)
Müller-Eping, ThorstenFraunhofer Inst. for Solar Energy Systems - ISE
Lichtenberg, GerwaldHamburg Univ. of Applied Sciences
Vogelmann, VivienUniv. Freiburg
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM24.5 Add to My Program
Tensor Decompositions for Modeling Inverse Dynamics (I)
Baier, StephanLudwig Maximilian Univ. München
Tresp, VolkerSiemens AG and Ludwig Maximilian Univ. München
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM24.6 Add to My Program
Geometrical Interpretation of Feasibility of the Lyapunov Inequalities and Controller Gain Minimization for a Class of Polytopic Systems (I)
Grof, PatriciaThe Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
Yam, YeungThe Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
TuM25 Regular Session, Basketball Add to My Program 
Mechatronics, Robotics and Components - Robotics 4  
Chair: Sloth, ChristofferAalborg Univ
Co-Chair: Costa, Ramon R.COPPE - Federal Univ. of Rio De Janeiro
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM25.1 Add to My Program
Localization of an Autonomous Rail-Guided Robot Using Particle Filter
Carvalho, Guilherme P. S.Federal Univ. of Rio De Janeiro
Costa, Ramon R.COPPE - Federal Univ. of Rio De Janeiro
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM25.2 Add to My Program
Control of Wall Mounting Robot
Sloth, ChristofferAalborg Univ
Pedersen, RasmusAalborg Univ
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM25.3 Add to My Program
A Stochastic Learning Approach for Construction of Brick Structures with a Ground Robot
Barros dos Santos, Sérgio RonaldoITA
Dantas, DiegoFederal Univ. of Maranhão
Givigi, SidneyRoyal Military Coll. of Canada
Buonocore, LucianoFederal Univ. of Maranhão
Almeida Neto, AreolinoFederal Univ. of Maranhão
Nascimento Junior, CairoITA
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM25.4 Add to My Program
Robust Control of Continuum Robots Using Interval Arithmetic
Hisch, FlorianTech. Univ. München
Giusti, AndreaTech. Univ. München
Althoff, MatthiasTech. Univ. München
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM25.5 Add to My Program
Towards High Accuracy Robot-Assisted Surgery
Schillreff, NadiaOtto-Von-Guericke Univ
Nykolaychuk, MykhayloOtto-Von-Guericke Univ. Magdeburg
Ortmeier, FrankOtto-Von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM25.6 Add to My Program
A Hierarchical Optimization Approach to Robot Teleoperation and Virtual Fixtures Rendering
Nicolis, DavidePol. Di Milano
Zanchettin, Andrea MariaPol. Di Milano
Rocco, PaoloPol. Di Milano
TuM26 Open Invited Session, Rugby Add to My Program 
Assembly System 4.0: From Workstation to Assembly Line Design, from Part
Logistics to Information Flow Management for Smart Assembly Systems in
the Industry 4.0 Era
Chair: Cohen, YuvalAfeka Tel Aviv Coll. of Engineering
Co-Chair: Pilati, FrancescoUniv. of Bologna
Organizer: Cohen, YuvalAfeka Tel Aviv Coll. of Engineering
Organizer: Faccio, MaurizioUniv. of Padova
Organizer: Pilati, FrancescoUniv. of Bologna
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM26.1 Add to My Program
Modelling the Flexibility of Production Systems in Industry 4.0 for Analysing Their Productivity and Availability with High-Level Petri Nets (I)
Long, FeiGSaME, Univ. of Stuttgart; Inst. of Machine Components,
Zeiler, PeterEsslingen Univ. of Applied Sciences
Bertsche, BerndInst. of Machine Components, Univ. of Stuttgart
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM26.2 Add to My Program
Probabilistic Approach to Modular Assembly (I)
Shoval, ShragaThe Univ. of New South Wales
Efatmaneshnik, MahmoudUNSW
Ryan, Michael J.UNSW
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM26.3 Add to My Program
Modular Configuration and Control Concept for the Implementation of Human-Robot-Cooperation in the Automotive Assembly Line (I)
Scholer, MatthiasZeMA Center for Mechatronics and Automation Tech
Müller, RainerZeMA Zentrum Für Mechatronik Und Automatisierungstechnik
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM26.4 Add to My Program
Assembly System Design in the Industry 4.0 Era: A General Framework (I)
Bortolini, MUniv. of Bologna, Department of Industrial Engineering
Ferrari, EmilioDepartment of Industrial Engineering, Univ. of Bologna
Gamberi, MauroUniv. of Bologna, Department of Industrial Engineering
Pilati, FrancescoUniv. of Bologna
Faccio, MaurizioUniv. of Padova
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM26.5 Add to My Program
Stochastic Assembly Line Balancing with Learning Effects (I)
Lolli, FrancescoUniv. of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Balugani, EliaUniv. of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Gamberini, RitaUniv. of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Rimini, BiancaUniv. Di Modena E Reggio Emilia
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM26.6 Add to My Program
A Transformable Manufacturing Concept for Low-Volume Aerospace Assembly (I)
Drouot, AdrienUniv. of Nottingham
Irving, LucasUniv. of Nottingham
Sanderson, DavidUniv. of Nottingham
Smith, AnthonyUniv. of Nottingham
Ratchev, SvetanUniv. of Nottingham
TuM27 Open Invited Session, Football Add to My Program 
Advances in Real-Time Optimization of Uncertain Process Systems II  
Chair: Bonvin, DominiqueEPFL
Co-Chair: Guay, MartinQueen's Univ
Organizer: Faulwasser, TimmKIT
Organizer: Marchetti, Alejandro GabrielEPFL
Organizer: Francois, GregoryEc. Pol. Federale De Lausanne
Organizer: Bonvin, DominiqueEPFL
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM27.1 Add to My Program
Improved Directional Derivatives for Modifier-Adaptation Schemes (I)
Singhal, MartandEPFL
Marchetti, Alejandro GabrielEPFL
Faulwasser, TimmKIT
Bonvin, DominiqueEPFL
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM27.2 Add to My Program
Fast Proportional Integral Phasor Extremum Seeking Control for a Class of Nonlinear System (I)
Atta, KhalidLTU
Guay, MartinQueen's Univ
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM27.3 Add to My Program
Real-Time Optimization of a Novel Hydroformylation Process by Using Transient Measurements in Modifier Adaptation (I)
Gao, WeihuaTU Dortmund
Hernandez, ReinaldoTU Dortmund
Engell, SebastianTU Dortmund
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM27.4 Add to My Program
Use of Transient Measurements for Static Real-Time Optimization (I)
de Avila Ferreira, TafarelEPFL
Francois, GregoryEc. Pol. Federale De Lausanne
Marchetti, Alejandro GabrielEPFL
Bonvin, DominiqueEPFL
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM27.5 Add to My Program
Distributed Modifier Adaptation Using a Coordinator and Measured Interconnection Variables (I)
Milosavljevic, PredragÉcole Pol. Fédérale De Lausanne
Schneider, RenéEc. Pol. Fédérale De Lausanne (EPFL)
Faulwasser, TimmKIT
Bonvin, DominiqueEPFL
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM27.6 Add to My Program
A Minmax Extremum-Seeking Controller Design Technique (I)
Guay, MartinQueen's Univ
Hudon, NicolasQueen's Univ
TuM28 Regular Session, Hockey Add to My Program 
Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles 1  
Chair: Saussie, David AlexandrePol. Montréal
Co-Chair: Brinon Arranz, LaraGIPSA-Lab/cnrs
13:30-13:50, Paper TuM28.1 Add to My Program
Path Tracking for a Skid-Steer Vehicle Using Model Predictive Control with On-Line Sparse Gaussian Process
Kim, TaewanSeoul National Univ
Kim, WonchulSeoul National Univ
Choi, SeungwonSeoul National Univ
Kim, H. JinSeoul National Univ
13:50-14:10, Paper TuM28.2 Add to My Program
Robust and Self-Scheduled Fault-Tolerant Control of a Quadrotor
Nguyen, Duc TienPol. Montréal
Saussie, David AlexandrePol. Montréal
Saydy, LahcenEc. Pol. of Montreal
14:10-14:30, Paper TuM28.3 Add to My Program
Vehicle Platooning with Multiple Vehicle Look-Ahead Information
Konduri, ShyamprasadTexas a and M Univ
Pagilla, Prabhakar R.Texas A&M Univ
Darbha, SwaroopTexas a & M Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper TuM28.4 Add to My Program
Adaptive Cruise Control with Safety Guarantees for Autonomous Vehicles
Magdici, SilviaTech. Univ. of Munich
Althoff, MatthiasTech. Univ. München
14:50-15:10, Paper TuM28.5 Add to My Program
Target Tracking Via a Circular Formation of Unicycles
Brinon Arranz, LaraGIPSA-Lab/cnrs
Seuret, AlexandreCnrs / Laas
Pascoal, Antonio M.Inst. Superior Técnico (IST)
15:10-15:30, Paper TuM28.6 Add to My Program
A 3D Decentralized Guidance and Control System for a Swarm of Multi-Copters
Tartaglione, GaetanoUniv. Degli Studi Di Napoli "Parthenope"
Ariola, MarcoUniv. Degli Studi Di Napoli Parthenope
D'Amato, EgidioSeconda Univ. Degli Studi Di Napoli
Salvo Rossi, PierluigiNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech
TuM33 Demonstrator Session, Handball Add to My Program 
Tools and Demonstrators for Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems  
Chair: Lahaye, SébastienUniv. D'angers
Co-Chair: Mahulea, CristianUniv. of Zaragoza
Organizer: Lahaye, SébastienUniv. D'angers
Organizer: Mahulea, CristianUniv. of Zaragoza
Organizer: Pietrac, LaurentINSA De Lyon
13:30-18:00, Paper TuM33.1 Add to My Program
Supremica—An Efficient Tool for Large-Scale Discrete Event Systems (I)
Malik, RobiThe Univ. of Waikato
Akesson, KnutChalmers Univ. of Tech
Flordal, HugoChalmers Univ. of Tech
Fabian, MartinChalmers Univ. of Tech
13:30-18:00, Paper TuM33.2 Add to My Program
A Mixed-Boolean Hybrid Mathematical Model with Discontinuous States (I)
Margetts, RebeccaLincoln Univ
13:30-18:00, Paper TuM33.3 Add to My Program
A Tool Support to Distributed Control Synthesis and Grafcet Implementation for Discrete Event Manufacturing Systems (I)
Qamsane, YassineCadi Ayyad Univ
El Hamlaoui, MahmoudSIME Lab. IMS Team Mohammed V Univ. Rabat
Tajer, AbdelouahedCadi Ayyad Univ
Philippot, AlexandreUniv. De Reims Champagne Ardenne
13:30-18:00, Paper TuM33.4 Add to My Program
Formal Framework for Discrete-Event Simulation (I)
Albert, VincentLAAS-CNRS
Foucher, ClémentLAAS-CNRS
13:30-18:00, Paper TuM33.5 Add to My Program
Sequence Planner: Supporting Integrated Virtual Preparation and Commissioning (I)
Dahl, MartinChalmers Univ. of Tech
Bengtsson, KristoferSekvensa AB
Bergagård, PatrikChalmers Univ. of Tech
Fabian, MartinChalmers Univ. of Tech
Falkman, PetterAutomation Res. Group
13:30-18:00, Paper TuM33.6 Add to My Program
RMTool: Recent Enhancements (I)
Parrilla, LuisUniv. of Zaragoza
Mahulea, CristianUniv. of Zaragoza
Kloetzer, MariusTech. Univ. of Iasi
13:30-18:00, Paper TuM33.7 Add to My Program
UltraDES - a Library for Modeling, Analysis and Control of Discrete Event Systems (I)
Alves, Lucas Vinícius RibeiroUniv. Federal De Minas Gerais
Martins, Lucas Rangel RodriguesUniv. Federal De Minas Gerais
Pena, Patricia NascimentoUniv. Federal De Minas Gerais
13:30-18:00, Paper TuM33.8 Add to My Program
Using a Virtual Plant to Support the Development of Intelligent Gateway for Sensors/Actuators (I)
Toublanc, ThomasUniv. Bretagne Sud, Lab-STICC
Guillet, SébastienBrestagne Sud, Lab-STICC
Frizon de Lamotte, FlorentUniv. Européenne De Bretagne - UBS
Berruet, PascalUniv. De Bretagne Sud
Lapotre, VianneyUBS, Lab-STICC
13:30-18:00, Paper TuM33.9 Add to My Program
IdentifyTPN: A Tool for the Identification of Time Petri Nets (I)
Basile, FrancescoUniv. Degli Studi Di Salerno
Chiacchio, PasqualeUniv. Di Salerno
Coppola, JolandaDIEII - Univ. Di Salerno
13:30-18:00, Paper TuM33.10 Add to My Program
A Tool for Deadlock Analysis of Parameterized-Chain Networks (I)
Moodi, MojtabaUniv. of Waterloo
Zibaeenejad, Mohammad HadiUniv. of Waterloo
Thistle, John G.Univ. of Waterloo
13:30-18:00, Paper TuM33.11 Add to My Program
Dynamic Software Update of Stateflow Charts Using Erlang Runtime System (I)
Roder, Sebastian Q.Tech. Univ. of Munich
Provost, JulienTech. Univ. of Munich
13:30-18:00, Paper TuM33.12 Add to My Program
DPO-SYNT: Discrete Control Synthesis for Partially-Observed Systems (I)
Yin, XiangShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Morrison, MaxwellUniv. of Michigan
Sheng, SiyuanUniv. Michigan
Lafortune, StephaneUniv. of Michigan
13:30-18:00, Paper TuM33.13 Add to My Program
MinMaxGDJS : A Web Toolbox to Handle Periodic Series in MinMax[gamma, Delta] Semiring (I)
Ferreira Cândido, Renato MarkeleUniv. Estadual De Campinas
Lhommeau, MehdiUniv. D'angers
Hardouin, LaurentUniv. of Angers
Santos-Mendes, RafaelState Univ. of Campinas
TuP01 Interactive Session, Caravelle 1.2 Add to My Program 
Computers for Control  
Chair: Marcos, MargaETSI Bilbao, Univ. Del País Vasco
Co-Chair: Vogel-Heuser, BirgitTech. Univ. of Munich
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP01.1 Add to My Program
A New Approach of Dynamic Fuzzy Cognitive Knowledge Networks in Modelling Diagnosing Process of Meniscus Injury
Anninou, AntigoniUniv. of Patras
Groumpos, PeterUniv. of Patras
Poulios, PanagiotisUniv. of Patras
Gkliatis, IoannisUniv. of Patras
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP01.2 Add to My Program
Formal Verification for Embedded Implementation of Convex Optimization Algorithms
Cohen, RaphaelGeorgia Inst. of Tech
Davy, GuillaumeONERA
Feron, EricGeorgia Tech
Garoche, Pierre-LoicONERA Toulouse
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP01.3 Add to My Program
Timing Analysis Tools in a Model-Driven Development Environment
Garrido, JorgeUniv. Pol. De Madrid
de la Puente, Juan AntonioUniv. Pol. De Madrid
Zamorano, JuanUniv. Pol. De Madrid
de Miguel, Miguel AngelUniv. Pol. De Madrid
Alonso, AlejandroUniv. Pol. De Madrid
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP01.4 Add to My Program
Scheduling and Control Co-Design for Control Systems under Computational Constraints
Zhao, YunboZhejiang Univ. of Tech
Dong, HuiZhejiang Univ. of Tech
Ni, HongjieZhejiang Univ. of Tech
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP01.5 Add to My Program
Adapting the Concept of Technical Debt to Software of Automated Production Systems Focusing on Fault Handling, Modes of Operation, and Safety Aspects
Vogel-Heuser, BirgitTech. Univ. of Munich
Neumann, Eva-MariaTech. Univ. München
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP01.6 Add to My Program
LQG-Based Control and Scheduling Co-Design
Xu, YangLund Univ
Arzen, Karl-ErikLund Inst. of Tech
Bini, EnricoUniv. of Turin
Cervin, AntonLund Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP01.7 Add to My Program
Approximate Inverses in Preconditioned Fast Dual Gradient Methods for MPC
Klintberg, EmilChalmers Univ. of Tech
Gros, SebastienAssistant Pr. Chalmers Univ. Göteborg
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP01.8 Add to My Program
Secure Authentication in CPS-Based Production Environments
Quint, FabianGerman Res. Center for Artifcial Intelligence (DFKI)
Orfgen, MariusMiniTec Smart Solutions GmbH
Schmitt, MathiasGerman Res. Center for Artificial Intelligence
Weyer, StephanGerman Res. Center for Artificial Intelligence
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP01.9 Add to My Program
Decentralized Energy Sharing Protocol Using TÆMS Framework and Coalition-Based Metaheuristic for Heterogeneous Robotic Systems
Arbanas, BarbaraUniv. of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Comp
Boljuncic, SaraUniv. of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Comp
Petrovic, TamaraUniv. of Zagreb
Bogdan, StjepanUniv. of Zagreb
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP01.10 Add to My Program
Dynamic QoS Management for Flexible Multimedia Applications
Armentia, AintzaneUniv. Del Pais Vasco
Gangoiti, UnaiUniv. Del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Orive, DarioUniv. Del País Vasco
Marcos, MargaETSI Bilbao, Univ. Del País Vasco
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP01.11 Add to My Program
Distributed Real Time TDMA Scheduling Algorithm for Tree Topology WSNs
Ahmad, AasemCVUT
Hanzalek, ZdenekCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP01.12 Add to My Program
Comparative Study of Algorithms for Cloud Motion Estimation Using Sky-Imaging Data
Zaher, AliUniv. of Perpignan Via Domitia
Nou, JulienUniv. of Perpignan
Traore, AdamaPROMES CNRS Lab
Thil, StéphaneLab. PROMES (UPR 8521)
Grieu, StéphaneUniv. of Perpignan Via Domitia
TuP02 Interactive Session, Caravelle 1.3 Add to My Program 
Transportation and Vehicle Systems - Advances in Automotive Control  
Chair: Sename, OlivierGrenoble Inst. of Tech. / GIPSA-Lab
Co-Chair: Basset, MichelUniv. De Haute-Alsace
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP02.1 Add to My Program
Distributed Model Predictive Control for Intersection Automation Using a Parallelized Optimization Approach
Katriniok, AlexanderFord Res. & Innovation Center (RIC)
Kleibaum, PeterRWTH Aachen Univ
Josevski, MartinaInst. of Automatic Control, RWTH Aachen Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP02.2 Add to My Program
Charging Cost Optimization for EV Buses Using Neural Network Based Energy Predictor
Nageshrao, Subramanya PrasadDelft Univ. of Tech
Jacob, JubinTNO
Wilkins, StevenTNO Powetrains, Powertrains Department, P.O. Box 756, 5700 AT, H
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP02.3 Add to My Program
A Computationally Fast Iterative Dynamic Programming Method for Optimal Control of Loosely Coupled Dynamical Systems with Different Time Scales
Lock, JonathanChalmers Univ. of Tech
McKelvey, TomasChalmers Univ. of Tech
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP02.4 Add to My Program
Robust Velocity Estimation for Railway Vehicles
Ararat, OncuIstanbul Tech. Univ
Söylemez, Mehmet TuranIstanbul Tecnical Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP02.5 Add to My Program
Safe Active Learning and Safe Bayesian Optimization for Tuning a PI-Controller (I)
Schillinger, MarkBosch Engineering GmbH
Hartmann, BenjaminBosch Engineering GmbH
Skalecki, PatricRobert Bosch GmbH
Meister, MonaRobert Bosch GmbH
Nguyen-Tuong, DuyRobert Bosch GmbH
Nelles, OliverUniv. of Siegen
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP02.6 Add to My Program
Topology Discovery Protocol for Train Inauguration in Wireless Train Networks
Kang, ShinkwangInha Univ
Kim, JoonkyoInha Univ
Park, JaehyunInha Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP02.7 Add to My Program
Angular Velocity Estimation from Incremental Encoder Measurements in the Presence of Sensor Imperfections
Aguado-Rojas, MissieUniv. Paris-Sud
Pasillas Lepine, WilliamCNRS
Loria, AntonioCNRS
De Bernardinis, AlexandreIFSTTAR
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP02.8 Add to My Program
Reduced Complexity Safety Testing for ADAS & ADF
Zhou, JinweiJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz
del Re, LuigiJohannes Kepler Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP02.9 Add to My Program
Risk-Averse Stochastic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Real-Time Safety-Critical Systems
Sajadi-Alamdari, Seyed AminUniv. of Luxembourg
Voos, HolgerUniv. of Luxembourg
Darouach, MohamedCRAN-CNRS UMR7039, Univ. De Lorraine
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP02.10 Add to My Program
Methodology for Analysing the NOx-NH3 Trade-Off for the Heavy-Duty Automotive SCR Catalyst
Åberg, AndreasTech. Univ. of Denmark
Widd, AndersHaldor Topsoe A/S
Abildskov, JensTech. Univ. of Denmark
Huusom, Jakob KjøbstedTech. Univ. of Denmark
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP02.11 Add to My Program
Data-Driven Model Predictive Control for Lean NOx Trap Regeneration
Karimshoushtari, MiladPol. Di Torino
Novara, CarloPol. Di Torino
Trotta, AntoninoPol. Di Torino
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP02.12 Add to My Program
Real-Time Pedaling Rate Estimation Via Wheel Speed Filtering
Rallo, GianmarcoPol. Di Milano
Formentin, SimonePol. Di Milano
Corno, MatteoPol. Di Milano
Savaresi, SergioPol. Di Milano
TuP03 Interactive Session, Caravelle 2.1 Add to My Program 
Vibration Control  
Chair: Tsao, Tsu-ChinUniv. of California Los Angeles
Co-Chair: Manzie, ChrisThe Univ. of Melbourne
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP03.1 Add to My Program
Trajectory Planning of Soft Link Robots with Improved Intrinsic Safety (I)
Lismonde, ArthurUniv. De Liège
Sonneville, ValentinDepartment of Aerospace Engineering, Univ. of Maryland
Bruls, OlivierUniv. of Liege
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP03.2 Add to My Program
Periodic Disturbance Rejection Control Based on Observer and Switching in Photo-Conductor Drum with Planetary Gear System (I)
Matsuda, HiromichiRicoh Company, Ltd
Takahashi, MotoharuRicoh Company, Ltd
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP03.3 Add to My Program
Control Design for a Pneumatic Isolation Table Including Different Time Delays Dependent on Control Input Polarity (I)
Kumata, SatoshiShinshu Univ
Narumi, KentaShinshu Univ
Maruyama, NaotoShinshu Univ
Iida, TomoharuNissan Motor Co., Ltd
Tanemura, MasayaShinshu Univ
Chida, YuichiShinshu Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP03.4 Add to My Program
Torsional Vibration Control in Oilwell Drilling
Zhao, YimingHalliburton Energy Services
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP03.5 Add to My Program
A Fractional-Order Controller for Single-Link Flexible Robots Robust to Sensor Disturbances
Feliu-Talegon, DanielUniv. of Castilla-La Mancha
Feliu, VicenteUniv. of Castilla-La Mancha
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP03.6 Add to My Program
Boundary Control Design for a Flexible Manipulator with Input Backlash
Zou, MingfoUniv. of Electronic Science and Tech. of China
He, WeiUUniversity of Science and Tech. Beijing
He, XiuyuUniv. of Science and Tech. Beijing
Zhao, MinghaoUniv. of Electronic Science and Tech. of China
Yang, ChuanUniv. of Electronic Science and Tech. of China
Li, GuangQueen Mary Univ. of London
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP03.7 Add to My Program
Multidimensional Trajectories Generation with Vibration Suppression Capabilities: The Role of Exponential B-Splines
Moriello, LorenzoUniv. of Bologna
Biagiotti, LuigiUniv. of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Melchiorri, ClaudioUniv. of Bologna
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP03.8 Add to My Program
Robust Sliding Mode Control of a Rotary Hook
Ho, Duc ThoToyohashi Univ. of Tech
Tasaki, RyosukeToyohashi Univ. of Tech
Terashima, KazuhikoToyohashi Univ. of Tech
Tsume, MitsuoSINFONIA Tech. CO., LTD
Suzuki, KensukeSINFONIA Tech. CO., LTD
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP03.10 Add to My Program
Development of One-Piece Zero-Compliance Mechanism for Force Measurement (I)
Mizuno, TakeshiSaitama Univ
Takasaki, MasayaSaitama Univ
Ishino, YujiSaitama Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP03.11 Add to My Program
An MR-Compatible Stage for Respiratory Motion Emulation (I)
Simonelli, JamesUniv. of California, Los Angeles
Lee, Yu-HsiuUniv. of California, Los Angeles
Mikaiel, SamanthaUniv. of California, Los Angeles
Chen, Cheng-WeiUCLA
Li, XinzhouUniv. of California, Los Angeles
Sung, KyungUniv. of California, Los Angeles
Lu, DavidUCLA
Wu, HoldenUCLA Radiological Sciences
Tsao, Tsu-ChinUniv. of California Los Angeles
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP03.12 Add to My Program
Ultra-Lightweight Space Arm DELIAN: Mechatronic Analysis and Joint Control Design
Cavenago, FrancescoPol. Di Milano
Bascetta, LucaPol. Di Milano
Magnani, GianAntonioPol. Di Milano
Rusconi, AndreaLeonardo S.p.A
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP03.13 Add to My Program
Simple Physically Parameterized Observer for Vibration Suppression Control of SCARA Robot with Elastic Joints (I)
Oaki, JunjiToshiba Corp
Chiba, YasunoriToshiba Corp
TuP04 Interactive Session, Caravelle 2.2 Add to My Program 
Optimal Control II  
Chair: Tarasyev, AlexanderKrasovskii Inst. of Mathematics and Mechanics of Ural Branch of RAS, Ural Federal Univ
Co-Chair: Ebenbauer, ChristianStuttgart Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP04.1 Add to My Program
On Optimal Feedforward and ILC: The Role of Feedback for Optimal Performance and Inferential Control
van Zundert, JurgenEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Oomen, TomEindhoven Univ. of Tech
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP04.2 Add to My Program
Polynomial J-Spectral Factorization Method for Optimal Control of Discrete-Time Systems
Bunjaku, DrilonFMCE at Univ. of Mitrovica
Stefanovski, JovanJP Strezevo, Bitola
Dimirovski, Georgi MarkoDogus Univ. of Istanbul
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP04.3 Add to My Program
Desensitized Optimal Trajectory for Multi-Phase Lunar Landing
S, MathavarajISRO Satellite Center
Padhi, RadhakantIndian Inst. of Science
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP04.4 Add to My Program
Modelling and Control of Big Data Frameworks (I)
Leva, AlbertoPol. Di Milano
Papadopoulos, Alessandro VittorioMälardalen Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP04.5 Add to My Program
An Algebraic Geometry Approach to Compute Strategically Equivalent Bimatrix Games
Possieri, CorradoUniv. of Rome, Tor Vergata
Hespanha, JoaoUniv. of California, Santa Barbara
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP04.6 Add to My Program
Suboptimal Anisotropy-Based Control for Linear Discrete Time Varying Systems with Noncentered Disturbances
Kustov, ArkadiyInst. of Control Sciences, Russian Acad. of Sciences
Timin, VictorV.A. Trapeznikov Inst. of Control Sciences, RAS
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP04.7 Add to My Program
Strong Local Optimality for Bang-Bang-Singular Extremals in Single Input Control Problems (I)
Poggiolini, LauraUniv. Di Firenze
Stefani, GiannaUniv. Di Firenze
16:00-18:00, Paper TuP04.8 Add to My Program
Stability Criterion for Nonsmooth Systems and Nash Equilibrium Seeking Via Projected Gradient Dynamics (I)
Liang, ShuInst. of Systems Science, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Zeng, XianlinChinese Acad. of Sciences
Hong, YiguangChinese Acad. of Sciences
TuP05 Regular Session, Latécoère Add to My Program 
Control in Stochastic Systems  
Chair: Miller, BorisMonash Univ
Co-Chair: Sloth, ChristofferAalborg Univ
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP05.1 Add to My Program
An Efficient Regression Approach to Solving the Dual Problems of Dynamic Programs
Zhu, HelinGeorgia Inst. of Tech
Ye, FanGeorgia Inst. of Tech
Zhou, EnluGeorgia Inst. of Tech
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP05.2 Add to My Program
On Infinite Dimensional Linear Programming Approach to Stochastic Control
Kamgarpour, MaryamSwiss Federal Inst. of Tech
Summers, TylerUniv. of Texas at Dallas
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP05.3 Add to My Program
The Impact of the Virtual Metrology on a Run-To-Run Control for a Chemical Mechanical Planarization Process
Jebri, Mohamed AliLSIS UMR 7296, Aix Marseille Univ
El Adel, El MostafaUniv. Aix-Marseille III
Graton, GuillaumeEc. Centrale De Marseille
Ouladsine, MustaphaUniv. D'aix Marseille III
Pinaton, JacquesSTMicroelectronics
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP05.4 Add to My Program
Optimization of the Data Transmission Flow from Moving Object to Nonhomogeneous Network of Base Stations
Miller, BorisMonash Univ
Miller, GregoryInst. of Informatics Problems of RAS
Semenikhin, KonstantinMoscow Aviation Inst
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP05.5 Add to My Program
Distributed Nash Equilibrium Seeking Via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
Salehisadaghiani, FarzadUniv. of Toronto
Pavel, LacraUniv. of Toronto
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP05.6 Add to My Program
Stochastic Stability Analysis of Control Systems with Uncertain Communication
Sloth, ChristofferAalborg Univ
Wisniewski, RafalAalborg Univ
TuP06 Regular Session, Mermoz Add to My Program 
Manufacturing and Logistics Systems - Large Scale Complex Systems 1  
Chair: Swartz, Christopher L.E.McMaster Univ
Co-Chair: Peres, FrancoisENIT-INPT Univ. Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP06.1 Add to My Program
Using of Data Mining Methods for Manufacturing Process Control
Vazan, PavelSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
Janikova, DominikaSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
Tanuska, PavolSlovak Univ. of Tech
Kebisek, MichalSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
Cervenanska, ZuzanaSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP06.2 Add to My Program
Coordination of Distributed MPC Systems Via Dynamic Real-Time Optimization
Jamaludin, Mohammad ZamryMcMaster Univ
Swartz, Christopher L.E.McMaster Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP06.3 Add to My Program
Kriging Analysis of an Integrated Demand Management Process in Softwood Industry (I)
Ben Ali, MahaFORAC, Univ. Laval
D'Amours, SophieUniv. Laval
Gaudreault, JonathanUniv. Laval
Carle, Marc-AndréUniv. Laval
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP06.4 Add to My Program
Modelling a Manufacturing Line Using Extended Object Oriented Bayesian Network
Liu, QuanUniv. Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénée, Ec. Nationale D'ing
Tchangani, Ayeley, PhilippeLab. Génie De Production
Peres, FrancoisENIT-INPT Univ. Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP06.5 Add to My Program
An Automated Generation Approach of Simulation Models for Checking Control/Monitoring System
Prat, SophieUniv. De Bretagne Sud
Cavron, JérémySEGULA Tech
Kesraoui, DjamalSEGULA Tech
Rauffet, PhilippeUniv. Bretagne Sud
Berruet, PascalUniv. De Bretagne Sud
Bignon, AlainSEGULA Tech
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP06.6 Add to My Program
Three-Dimensional Leaderless Flocking Control of Large-Scale Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Jia, YongnanPeking Univ
Du, JinmingNortheastern Univ
Zhang, WeicunUniv. of Science and Tech. Beijing
Wang, LongPeking Univ
TuP07 Regular Session, Spot Add to My Program 
Frequency Domain Identification  
Chair: Gehring, NicoleTech. Univ. of Munich
Co-Chair: Tóth, RolandEindhoven Univ. of Tech
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP07.1 Add to My Program
An Algebraic Approach to the Identification of Linear Systems with Fractional Derivatives (I)
Gehring, NicoleTech. Univ. of Munich
Rudolph, JoachimSaarland Univ
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP07.2 Add to My Program
Towards an Effective Study of the Algebraic Parameter Estimation Problem
Quadrat, AlbanInria Lille - Nord Europe
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP07.3 Add to My Program
Frequency Domain Identification of ARX Models in the Presence of Additive Input-Output Noise
Soverini, UmbertoUniv. of Bologna
Soderstrom, TorstenUppsala Univ
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP07.4 Add to My Program
Transfer Function Estimation in System Identifcation Toolbox Via Vector Fitting
Gumussoy, SuatThe MathWorks
Ozdemir, Ahmet ArdaMathWorks
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP07.5 Add to My Program
Bayesian Frequency Domain Identification of LTI Systems with OBFs Kernels
Darwish, Mohamed Abdelmonim HassanEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Lataire, JohnVrije Univ. Brussel
Tóth, RolandEindhoven Univ. of Tech
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP07.6 Add to My Program
Frequency Domain Identification of Complex Sinusoids in the Presence of Additive Noise
Soverini, UmbertoUniv. of Bologna
Soderstrom, TorstenUppsala Univ
TuP08 Open Invited Session, Diamant Add to My Program 
Interval Estimation for Uncertain Systems III  
Chair: Raïssi, TarekConservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers
Co-Chair: Efimov, DenisInria
Organizer: Raïssi, TarekConservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers
Organizer: Efimov, DenisInria
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP08.1 Add to My Program
Unknown Input Interval Observer with H∞ and D-Stability Performance (I)
Ellero, NicolasUniv. of Bordeaux
Gucik-Derigny, DavidUniv. of Bordeaux, IMS Lab
Henry, DavidUniv. De Bordeaux
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP08.2 Add to My Program
Interval Observers Design for Continuous-Time Linear Switched Systems (I)
Ethabet, HaifaRes. Lab. Modeling, Analysis and Control of Systems (
Raïssi, TarekConservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers
Amairi, MessaoudNational Engineering School of Gabes
Aoun, MohamedBordeaux 1
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP08.3 Add to My Program
Interval Estimation for Linear Switched System (I)
Rabehi, DjahidUniv. of Orléans, PRISME Lab
Efimov, DenisInria
Richard, Jean-PierreEc. Centrale De Lille
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP08.4 Add to My Program
Reduced-Order Interval-Observer Design for Dynamic Systems with Time-Invariant Uncertainty (I)
Pourasghar, MasoudPol. Univ. of Catalonia
Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Ocampo-Martinez, CarlosTech. Univ. of Catalonia (UPC)
Zhang, QinghuaINRIA
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP08.5 Add to My Program
Parameter Estimation Enhanced by Optimal Input Design in a Bounded-Error Context (I)
Li, QiaochuUniv. of Tech. of Compiègne
Jauberthie, CarineLAAS-CNRS
Denis-Vidal, LilianneUniv. of Tech. of Compiègne
Cherfi, ZohraUniv. of Tech. of Compiègne
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP08.6 Add to My Program
Interval-Based Implementation of Robust Variable-Structure and Backstepping Controllers of Single-Input Single-Output Systems (I)
Rauh, AndreasUniv. of Rostock
Kersten, JuliaUniv. of Rostock
Aschemann, HaraldUniv. of Rostock
TuP09 Regular Session, Argos Add to My Program 
Optimal Control Theory III  
Chair: Pereira, Fernando LoboPorto Univ
Co-Chair: Rostalski, PhilippUniv. Zu Lübeck
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP09.1 Add to My Program
An Adaptive Cross Approximation Method for the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation
Wang, ZhongOther
Li, YanNorthwestern Pol. Univ
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP09.2 Add to My Program
Investigation of Controllability and Regularity Conditions for State Constrained Problems
Arutyunov, Aram V.Peoples Friendship Univ. Russia
Karamzin, DmitryFederal Res. Center "Computer Science and Control" of the Ru
Pereira, Fernando LoboPorto Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP09.3 Add to My Program
State Constrained Optimal Control Via the Fokker-Planck Equation
Rutquist, PerTomlab Optimization
Wik, TorstenChalmers Univ. of Tech
Breitholtz, ClaesChalmers Univ. of Tech
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP09.4 Add to My Program
Optimal Solution of Kinodynamic Motion Planning for the Cart-Pole System
Boriero, FabrizioUniv. of Verona
Sansonetto, NicolaUniv. of Verona
Marigonda, AntonioUniv. of Verona
Muradore, RiccardoUniv. of Verona
Fiorini, PaoloUniv. of Verona
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP09.5 Add to My Program
Linear Optimal Control on Factor Graphs - a Message Passing Perspective
Hoffmann, ChristianUniv. Zu Lübeck
Rostalski, PhilippUniv. Zu Lübeck
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP09.6 Add to My Program
Time-Optimal Solution for a Unicycle Path on SE(2) with a Penalty on Curvature
Halder, UditUniv. of Maryland
Kalabic, Uros V.Mitsubishi Electric Res. Lab. (MERL)
TuP10 Regular Session, Cassiopée Add to My Program 
Model Reduction  
Chair: Kawano, YuUniv. of Groningen
Co-Chair: Teel, Andrew R.Univ. of California at Santa Barbara
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP10.1 Add to My Program
Empirical Differential Balancing for Nonlinear Systems
Kawano, YuUniv. of Groningen
Scherpen, Jacquelien M.A.Univ. of Groningen
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP10.2 Add to My Program
Model Order Reduction of Stochastic Linear Systems by Moment Matching
Scarciotti, GiordanoImperial Coll. London
Teel, Andrew R.Univ. of California at Santa Barbara
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP10.3 Add to My Program
H-2 Order and Parameter Dependency Reduction of Uncertain Linear Systems Using LMI Relaxations
S. Mazzoccante, GustavoUniv. of Campinas
Oliveira, Ricardo C. L. F.Univ. of Campinas
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP10.4 Add to My Program
LPV Model Reduction Methods for Aeroelastic Structures
Liptak, GyorgyHungarian Acad. of Sciences Inst. for Computer Science And
Luspay, TamásInst. for Computer Science and Control
Peni, TamasInst. for Computer Science and Control (MTA-SZTAKI)
Takarics, BelaHungarian Acad. of Sciences, Inst. for Computer Science An
Vanek, BalintMta Sztaki
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP10.5 Add to My Program
Model Reduction by Moment Matching at Isolated Singularities for Linear Systems: A Complex Analytic Approach
Padoan, AlbertoImperial Coll. London
Astolfi, AlessandroImperial Col. London & Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP10.6 Add to My Program
Krylov Subspace Methods for Model Order Reduction in Computational Electromagnetics
Bonotto, MatteoCRF - Centro Ricerche Fusione, Univ. of Padova
Cenedese, AngeloUniv. of Padova
Bettini, PaoloDept. of Industrial Engineering, Univ. of Padova
TuP11 Invited Session, Ariane 1 Add to My Program 
IFAC, Peaceful Coexistence and Sustainability  
Chair: Kopacek, PeterVienna Univ. of Tech
Co-Chair: Stapleton, AmyUniv. Lille III
Organizer: Stapleton, LarryWaterford Inst. of Tech
Organizer: Stapleton, AmyUniv. Lille III
Organizer: Kopacek, PeterVienna Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Groumpos, PeterUniv. of Patras
Organizer: Organ, JohnINSYTE, Waterford Inst. of Tech
Organizer: Hersh, Marion A.Univ. of Glasgow
16:00-16:40, Paper TuP11.1 Add to My Program
From Swiss to Tecis and Beyond (I)
Kopacek, PeterVienna Univ. of Tech
Stapleton, LarryWaterford Inst. of Tech
Dimirovski, Georgi MarkoDogus Univ. of Istanbul
-, Paper TuP11.2 Add to My Program
The Control of Human Factors in Catastrophic Financial Systems Risk Using Ontologies (I)
Organ, JohnINSYTE, Waterford Inst. of Tech
Stapleton, LarryWaterford Inst. of Tech
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP11.3 Add to My Program
Systemic Control, Cultural Values and Religious Institutions - an Assessment of Semi-Automatic Human Values Systems Analysis in Religious Institutional Diagnostics (I)
Stapleton, LarryWaterford Inst. of Tech
Marques, DawtonINSYTE
Thakar, TejanWaterford Inst. of Tech
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP11.4 Add to My Program
Non-Maleficience: Professional Practice in Poland (I)
Lewoc, Jozef BohdanBPBIT Leader LLC, Jozef Bohdan Lewoc Sole MBR
Hersh, Marion A.Univ. of Glasgow
FitzGibbon, MikeUCC
TuP12 Regular Session, Ariane 2 Add to My Program 
Networked Control Systems  
Chair: Ohta, YoshitoKyoto Univ
Co-Chair: Ishii, HideakiTokyo Inst. of Tech
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP12.1 Add to My Program
A Randomized Variance-Based Sensor Scheduling for Remote State Estimation
Li, YuzheUniv. of Alberta
Chen, TongwenUniv. of Alberta
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP12.2 Add to My Program
Networked Control of Uncertain Systems Via the Coarsest Quantization and Lossy Communication
Takijiri, KazuyaTokyo Inst. of Tech
Ishii, HideakiTokyo Inst. of Tech
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP12.3 Add to My Program
Data-Rate and Network Coding Co-Design with Stability and Capacity Constraints
Di Girolamo, Giovanni DomenicoUniv. of L'Aquila
Di Benedetto, M. DomenicaUniv. of L'Aquila
Athalye, SanandIndian Inst. of Tech. Bombay
D'Innocenzo, AlessandroUniv. Degli Studi Di L'Aquila
Jungers, Raphaël M.Univ. Catholique De Louvain
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP12.4 Add to My Program
SNR Analysis for Linear Quadratic Control Over Gaussian Channels with Feedback
Shingin, HidenoriYamaguchi Univ
Ohta, YoshitoKyoto Univ
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP12.5 Add to My Program
Control with Erasure Channels: Performance Characterization Using an Equivalent SNR Constrained Problem
Maass, Alejandro I.The Univ. of Melbourne
Vargas, Francisco J.Univ. Técnica Federico Santa María
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP12.6 Add to My Program
Model Reduction for Aperiodically Sampled Data Systems
Bastug, MertEc. Centrale De Lille
Hetel, LaurentiuCNRS
Petreczky, MihalyCNRS
TuP13 Open Invited Session, Add to My Program 
History of Automatic Control in Aerospace Engineering  
Chair: Alazard, DanielUniv. De Toulouse - ISAE
Co-Chair: Nebylov, AlexanderState Univ. of Aerospace Inst
Organizer: Alazard, DanielUniv. De Toulouse - ISAE
Organizer: Nebylov, AlexanderState Univ. of Aerospace Inst
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP13.1 Add to My Program
Attitude and Orbit Control Systems of Russian Communication, Navigation and Geodesic Satellites: History, Present and Future (I)
Testoyedov, NikolayISS Res. JSC
Rayevsky, ValentineISS Res. JSC
Somov, YevgenySamara State Tech. Univ
Titov, GennadyRes. ISS JSC
Yakimov, YevgenyRes. ISS JSC
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP13.2 Add to My Program
From GOCE to NGGM: Automatic Control Breakthroughs for European Future Gravity Missions (I)
Bacchetta, AndreaThales Alenia Space
Colangelo, LuigiPol. Di Torino
Canuto, EnricoPol. Di Torino
Dionisio, SabrinaThales Alenia Space
Massotti, LucaEsa - Estec
Novara, CarloPol. Di Torino
Parisch, ManlioThales Alenia Space
Silvestrin, PierluigiEuropean Space Agency
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP13.3 Add to My Program
Development Stages and Prospects of Flight Control and Navigation Complexes for Aircraft (I)
Nebylov, AlexanderState Univ. of Aerospace Inst
Tikhomirov, MikhailSaint Petersburg State Univ. of Aerospace Inst
Benzerrouk, HamzaIIAAT of SUAI St Petersburg
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP13.4 Add to My Program
Attitude and Active Payload Control: The H-Infinity Revolution (I)
Pittet, ChristelleCNES
Mignot, JeanCNES
Viaud, FrederickCNES
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP13.5 Add to My Program
Modern Control Theory and Real-World Aerospace Applications: I Love You, nor Do I? (I)
Zolghadri, AliBordeaux Univ
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP13.6 Add to My Program
The Airbus A320: A Story about Fly-By-Wire Pioneering (I)
Chatrenet, DominiqueRetired from AIRBUS
TuP14 Regular Session, Guillaumet 1 Add to My Program 
Observers for Linear Systems  
Chair: Perdon, Anna MariaUniv. Pol. Delle Marche
Co-Chair: Millan Gata, PabloUniv. Loyola Andalucía
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP14.1 Add to My Program
A Deadbeat Observer for Two and Three-Dimensional LTI Systems by a Time/Output-Dependent State Mapping
Pin, GilbertoElectrolux Professional S.p.A
Li, PengImperial Coll. London
Fedele, GiuseppeUniv. Della Calabria
Parisini, ThomasImperial Coll. & Univ. of Trieste
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP14.2 Add to My Program
Unknown Input Observers for Hybrid Linear Systems with State Jumps
Conte, GiuseppeUniv. Pol. Delle Marche
Perdon, Anna MariaUniv. Pol. Delle Marche
Zattoni, ElenaAlma Mater Studiorum - Univ. of Bologna
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP14.3 Add to My Program
Periodic Signal Compressors
Zeng, ShenUniv. of Stuttgart
Montenbruck, Jan MaximilianUniv. of Stuttgart
Allgower, FrankUniv. of Stuttgart
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP14.4 Add to My Program
Set-Membership Observer Design Based on Ellipsoidal Invariant Sets
Loukkas, NassimGrenoble Inp
Martinez Molina, John J.GRENOBLE-INP, GIPSA-Lab
Meslem, NacimINP De Grenoble
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP14.5 Add to My Program
Non-Minimal Order Low-Frequency H-Infinity Filtering for Uncertain Discrete-Time Systems
Romão, Lício Bruno Ribeiro RodriguesUniv. of Campinas
Frezzatto, LucianoUniv. of Campinas
de Oliveira, Mauricio C.Univ. of California, San Diego
Oliveira, Ricardo C. L. F.Univ. of Campinas
Peres, Pedro L. D.Univ. of Campinas
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP14.6 Add to My Program
Distributed Implementation and Design for State Estimation
Millan Gata, PabloUniv. Loyola Andalucía
Rodríguez, ÁlvaroUniv. Loyola Andalucía
Zaccarian, LucaLAAS-CNRS and Univ. of Trento
Orihuela Espina, LuisUniv. Loyola Andalucía
Seuret, AlexandreCnrs / Laas
TuP15 Regular Session, Guillaumet 2 Add to My Program 
Time-Delay Systems  
Chair: Vyhlidal, TomasCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Co-Chair: Peet, Matthew MArizona State Univ
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP15.1 Add to My Program
Prediction-Based Adaptive Robust Control for a Class of Uncertain Time-Delay Systems
Suraj Nandiganahalli, JayaprakashPurdue Univ
Kwon, CheolhyeonPurdue Univ
Hwang, InseokPurdue Univ
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP15.2 Add to My Program
Simultaneous Decentralized Controller Design for Time-Delay Systems
Özer, Süleyman MertAnadolu Univ
Iftar, AltugAnadolu Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP15.3 Add to My Program
Dominant Four-Pole Placement in Filtered PID Control Loop with Delay
Fiser, JaromirCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
Zitek, PavelCzech Tech. Univ
Vyhlidal, TomasCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineerin
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP15.4 Add to My Program
On the Lyapunov Matrix of Linear Delay Difference Equations in Continuous Time
Rocha, EmanuelCinvestav, Ipn
Di Loreto, MichaelINSA De Lyon
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP15.5 Add to My Program
Inversion of Separable Kernel Operators in Coupled Differential-Functional Equations and Application to Controller Synthesis
Miao, GuoyingNanjing Univ. of Information Science and Tech
Peet, Matthew MArizona State Univ
Gu, KeqinSouthern Illinois Univ. Edwardsville
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP15.6 Add to My Program
Stability Analysis of a Human-In-The-Loop Telerobotics System with Two Independent Time-Delays
Yousefi, EhsanBilkent Univ
Yildiz, YildirayBilkent Univ
Sipahi, RifatNortheastern Univ
Yucelen, TanselUniv. of South Florida
TuP16 Regular Session, Daurat Add to My Program 
Adaptive Control III  
Chair: Giri, FouadUniv. of Caen Normandie
Co-Chair: Leonov, GennadySaint-Peterburg State Univ
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP16.1 Add to My Program
A Short Survey on Nonlinear Models of QPSK Costas Loop
Kuznetsov, NikolaySaint-Petersburg State Univ
Kuznetsova, OlgaSaint Petersburg State Univ
Leonov, GennadySaint-Peterburg State Univ
Yuldashev, MaratSaint Petersburg State Univ
Yuldashev, RenatUniv. of Jyvaskyla
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP16.2 Add to My Program
Hardware Implementation of a Constraints-Based ESC for Thermoelectric Generators
Patel, SonamCoventry Univ
Maganga, OthmanCoventry Univ
Fofana, AdamaCoventry Univ
Bates, Ian R JCoventry Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP16.3 Add to My Program
Backstepping Control of Photovoltaic-Grid Hybrid Power Feed Water Pump
Elfadili, AbderrahimUniv. Hassan II, FSTM , Mohammedia
Cuny, FabienUniv. De Caen Normandie
El Magri, AbdelmounimeEMI
Stitou, MohammedUniv. of Mohammed V, Ec. Normale Superieure D’enseignemen
Janik, Jean-MarieUniv. De Caen Normandie
Giri, FouadUniv. of Caen Basse-Normandie
Chaoui, Fatima-ZahraENSET, Univ. Mohammed V
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP16.4 Add to My Program
Adaptive Control with Heuristic Disturbance Rejection in T1DM: A Performance Assessment
Rebro, MatusFaculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Tech. Sl
Tarnik, MarianSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava, Faculty of Electr
Murgas, JanSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava, Faculty of Electr
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP16.5 Add to My Program
Adaptive Power and Rate Control for Wireless Communication Networks with Nonlinear Channel Fading and Time-Varying Delay
Han, CunwuNorth China Univ. of Tech
Li, MengqiNorth China Univ. of Tech
Li, YinghongNorth China Univ. of Tech
Dong, ZheNorth China Univ. of Tech
Li, ZhijunNorth China Univ. of Tech
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP16.6 Add to My Program
Control Analysis and Synthesis through Polytopic Tensor Product Model: A General Concept (I)
Kuti, JozsefObuda Univ
Galambos, PéterAntal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics, Obuda Univ
Baranyi, PeterComputer and Automation Res. Inst
TuP17 Open Invited Session, Servanty Add to My Program 
Network Control and Supervision for Complex Water Systems 2  
Chair: Lefevre, LaurentUniv. Grenoble Alpes
Co-Chair: Bendtsen, Jan DimonAalborg Univ
Organizer: Lefevre, LaurentUniv. Grenoble Alpes
Organizer: Maestre, Jose M.Univ. of Seville
Organizer: Ocampo-Martinez, CarlosTech. Univ. of Catalonia (UPC)
Organizer: Duviella, EricEc. Des Mines De Douai
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP17.1 Add to My Program
Distributed Model Predictive Control of Irrigation Systems Using Cooperative Controllers (I)
Nguyen, Le-Duy-LaiUniv. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble INP, LCIS, F-26000, Valence, Fran
Prodan, IonelaINP Grenoble
Lefevre, LaurentUniv. Grenoble Alpes
Genon-Catalot, DenisUniv. Grenoble Alpes, LCIS, F-26902 Valence
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP17.2 Add to My Program
Mobile Model Predictive Control for the Évora Irrigation Test Canal (I)
López Rodríguez, FranciscoDepartment of Systems and Automation, Univ. of Seville
Horváth, KlaudiaEindhoven Univ. of Tech
García Martín, JavierDepartment of Systems and Automation, Univ. of Seville
Maestre, Jose M.Univ. of Seville
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP17.3 Add to My Program
Distributed MDP for Water Resources Planning and Management in Inland Waterways (I)
Desquesnes, GuillaumeMines De Douai
Lozenguez, GuillaumeEc. Des Mines De Douai
Doniec, ArnaudEc. Des Mines De Douai
Duviella, EricEc. Des Mines De Douai
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP17.4 Add to My Program
Plug-And-Play Model Predictive Control for Water Supply Networks with Storage (I)
Kallesøe, Carsten SkovmoseGrundfos Management A/S
Jensen, Tom NørgaardAalborg Univ
Bendtsen, Jan DimonAalborg Univ
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP17.5 Add to My Program
Periodic Nonlinear Economic Model Predictive Control with Changing Horizon for Water Distribution Networks (I)
Wang, YeUniv. Pol. De Catalonia
Salvador, Jose R.Univ. De Sevilla
Muñoz de la Peña, DavidUniv. De Sevilla
Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Cembrano, GabrielaUPC
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP17.6 Add to My Program
Robust Model Predictive Control with Signal Temporal Logic Constraints for Barcelona Wastewater System (I)
S. Farahani, SamiraMax Planck Inst. for Software Systems
Esmaeil Zadeh Soudjani, SadeghMax-Planck Inst. for Software Systems
Majumdar, RupakMax Planck Inst. for Software Systems and Univ. of Cali
Ocampo-Martinez, CarlosTech. Univ. of Catalonia (UPC)
TuP18 Regular Session, De Marnier Add to My Program 
Bio and Ecological Systems - Control in Agriculture 2  
Chair: Oliveira, Vilma A.Univ. De Sao Paulo
Co-Chair: Puig, VicençUniv. Pol. De Catalunya (UPC)
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP18.1 Add to My Program
Optimization of an Oilseed-Based Biofuels Upstream Supply Chain in West Africa
Bambara, Linda Dominique FabiolaInst. International D’ingénierie De L’eau Et De L’environneme
Sawadogo, MarieInst. International D’ingénierie De L’eau Et De L’environneme
Blin, JoëlCentre De Coopération Internationale En Recherche Agronomique Po
Roy, DanielEc. Nationale D'ingénieurs De Metz
Anciaux, DidierUniv. De Lorraine
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP18.2 Add to My Program
Flow and Pressure Regulation for Agricultural Sprayers Using Solenoid Valves
Mercaldi, Heitor V.USP
Peñaloza, Elmer A. G.Escola De Engenharia De São Carlos and Embrapa Inst
Mariano, Rafael A.Univ
Oliveira, Vilma A.Univ. De Sao Paulo
Cruvinel, Paulo E.Embrapa Inst
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP18.3 Add to My Program
Optimal Management of Water and Energy in Irrigation Systems: Application to the Bardenas Canal (I)
Galindo, JorgeADASA
Torok, SergioADASA
Salguero, FranciscoADASA
De Campos, SergioADASA
Romera, JuliTech. Univ. of Catalonia
Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP18.4 Add to My Program
POD and Galerkin-Based Reduction of a Wood Chip Drying Model
Berner, OliverRuhr-Univ. Bochum
Sudbrock, FlorianRuhr-Univ. Bochum
Scherer, ViktorRuhr-Univ. Bochum
Monnigmann, MartinRuhr-Univ. Bochum
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP18.5 Add to My Program
Development of Artificial Pollination System Using Ultrasonic Waves (I)
Shimizu, HiroshiKyoto Univ
TuP19 Regular Session, Gavarnie Add to My Program 
Microgrid Control  
Chair: Kammer, ChristophEPFL
Co-Chair: Alamir, MazenGipsa-Lab (CNRS-Univ. of Grenoble)
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP19.1 Add to My Program
Decentralized Optimal Projected Control of PV Inverters in Residential Microgrids
Nahata, PulkitSwiss Federal Inst. of Tech
Mastellone, SilviaABB Corp. Res
Dorfler, FlorianSwiss Federal Inst. of Tech. (ETH) Zurich
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP19.2 Add to My Program
A Decentralized Switched System Approach to Overvoltage Prevention in PV Residential Microgrids
Nahata, PulkitSwiss Federal Inst. of Tech
Mastellone, SilviaABB Corp. Res
Dorfler, FlorianSwiss Federal Inst. of Tech. (ETH) Zurich
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP19.3 Add to My Program
On Higher Order Dynamics in the Fundamental Equation of Frequency in Islanded Microgrids
Dobrowolski, JeanSchneider Electric Industrie
Alamir, MazenGipsa-Lab (CNRS-Univ. of Grenoble)
Bacha, SeddikGrenoble Inst. of Tech. Grenoble Electrical Engineerin
Gualino, DavidSchneider Electric Industrie
Wang, Miao-XinSchneider Electric Industrie
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP19.4 Add to My Program
Advanced Droop Control in Islanded Microgrids Using Dynamic Phasor Models
Kammer, ChristophEPFL
Karimi, AlirezaEc. Pol. Federale De Lausanne
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP19.5 Add to My Program
On the Robustness of a Passivity-Based Controller for Microgrids
Avila-Becerril, SofiaUniv. Nacional Autonoma De Mexico
Silva-Martínez, DiegoUNAM
Espinosa-Perez, GerardoUniv. Nacional Autonoma De Mexico
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP19.6 Add to My Program
Microgrid to Provide Ancillary Services by Stochastic Optimization
Corsetti, EdoardoRSE
Guagliardi, Antonio, GiuseppeRSE
Sandroni, CarloRSE SpA
TuP20 Open Invited Session, Toulouse Add to My Program 
Control of Physiological Systems in Medicine: Models, Identification and
Clinical Application 4
Chair: Pretty, ChristopherUniv. of Canterbury
Co-Chair: Leonhardt, SteffenRWTH Aachen
Organizer: Desaive, ThomasUniv. of Liege
Organizer: Leonhardt, SteffenRWTH Aachen
Organizer: Evans, Neil D.Univ. of Warwick
Organizer: Pretty, ChristopherUniv. of Canterbury
Organizer: Chappell, MichaelUniv. of Warwick
Organizer: Docherty, Paul DUniv. of Canterbury
Organizer: Mendonça, TeresaFaculdade De Ciências Da Univ. Do Porto
Organizer: Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP20.1 Add to My Program
Analysis of Neonatal Pulmonary Mechanics (I)
Chakson, JimmyUniv. of Canterbury
McNearney, EugeneUniv. of Canterbury
Argus, FinbarUniv. of Canterbury
Sutherland, ConorUniv. of Canterbury
Dickson, Jennifer L.Univ. of Canterbury
Redmond, Daniel PaulUniv. of Canterbury
Kim, Kyeong TaeUniv. of Canterbury
Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP20.2 Add to My Program
A Variable Resistance Respiratory Mechanics Model (I)
Redmond, Daniel PaulUniv. of Canterbury
Kim, Kyeong TaeUniv. of Canterbury
Morton, SophieUniv. of Canterbury
Howe, SarahUniv. of Canterbury
Chiew, Yeong ShiongMonash Univ
Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP20.3 Add to My Program
A Bootstrap Approach to for Predicting Methoxyflurane Occupational Exposure in Paramedicine (I)
Allison, SerahUniv. of Canterbury
Docherty, Paul DUniv. of Canterbury
Pons, DirkUniv. of Canterbury
Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP20.4 Add to My Program
Virtual Trials of the NICE-SUGAR Protocol: The Impact on Performance of Protocol and Protocol Compliance (I)
Uyttendaele, VincentUniv. of Canterbury
Dickson, Jennifer L.Univ. of Canterbury
Shaw, Geoffrey MChristchurch Hospital, Canterbury District Health Board
Desaive, ThomasUniv. of Liege
Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP20.5 Add to My Program
Modeling Fluid Volume and Creatinine Dynamics During Acute Kidney Injury and Edema (I)
Richards, EvanUniv. of Pittsburgh
Clermont, GillesUniv. of Pittsburgh
Parker, Robert S.Univ. of Pittsburgh
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP20.6 Add to My Program
Iterative Learning Control of a Left Ventricular Assist Device (I)
Ketelhut, MaikeInst. of Automatic Control, RWTH Aachen Univ
Schrödel, FrankIAV GmbH
Stemmler, SebastianRWTH Aachen Univ
Roseveare, Jesse MatthewInst. of Automatic Control, RWTH Aachen Univ
Hein, MarcRWTH Aachen Univ. Hospital
Gesenhues, JonasRWTH Aachen Univ
Albin, ThivaharanRWTH Aachen Univ
Abel, DirkRWTH-Aachen Univ
TuP21 Regular Session, Conques Add to My Program 
Discrete-Time and Infinite Dimensional Systems  
Chair: Geromel, Jose C.UNICAMP
Co-Chair: Conficoni, ChristianAlma Mater Studiorum Bologna
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP21.1 Add to My Program
H-2 and H-Infinity Digital Redesign of Analog Controllers for Continuous-Time Polytopic Systems
Morais, Cecília F.Univ. of Campinas
Braga, Marcio F.Univ. of Campinas
Tognetti, EduardoUniv. of Brasília
Oliveira, Ricardo C. L. F.Univ. of Campinas
Peres, Pedro L. D.Univ. of Campinas
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP21.2 Add to My Program
Generalized Kleinman-Newton Method in Discrete-Time
Geromel, Jose C.UNICAMP
Deaecto, Grace S.Univ. of Campinas, Brazil
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP21.3 Add to My Program
New Results on PID Controller Design of Discrete-Time Systems Via Pole Placement
Wang, HonghaiColl. of Information Science and Engineering, NortheasternUniv
Liu, JianchangP.o.box 135, Northeastern Univ
Yu, XiaColl. of Information Science and Engineering, NortheasternUniv
Tan, ShubinColl. of Information Science and Engineering, NortheasternUniv
Zhang, YuColl. of Information Science and Engineering, NortheasternUniv
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP21.4 Add to My Program
Multiscale Thermal Management of Computing Systems - the MULTITHERMAN Approach (I)
Bartolini, AndreaUniv. of Bologna / ETH Zurich
Conficoni, ChristianAlma Mater Studiorum Bologna
Diversi, RobertoUniv. of Bologna
Tilli, AndreaUniv. of Bologna
Benini, LucaUniv. of Bologna
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP21.5 Add to My Program
Discrete-Time Multiple Resonant Controller Design for Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Keiel, GuilhermeUniv. Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul - UFRGS
Flores, Jeferson VieiraUFRGS
Pereira, Luís Fernando AlvesUniv. Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul
Salton, Aurelio TergolinaPontifícia Univ. Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul (PUCRS)
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP21.6 Add to My Program
Nonlinear Control for Infinite-Dimensional Process Systems: Fault-Tolerant Distributed Application for Heat Exchangers
Costa, Sérgio J.Inst. Superior De Engenharia De Lisboa - IPL
Igreja, José Manuel CardosoInst. Superior De Engenharia De Lisboa
Mota, José Paulo BarbosaRequimte/CQFB, DQ-FCT-UNL
Lemos, Joao M.Inesc-Id
TuP22 Open Invited Session, Cordes Add to My Program 
Optimization and Control in Smart Grids 2  
Chair: Robba, MichelaUniv. of Genova
Co-Chair: Annaswamy, AnuradhaMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
Organizer: Robba, MichelaUniv. of Genova
Organizer: Nudell, ThomasSmart Wires Inc
Organizer: Annaswamy, AnuradhaMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP22.1 Add to My Program
A Semi-Decentralized Scheme for Integration of Price-Responsive Appliances in the Electricity Market (I)
De Paola, AntonioImperial Coll. London
Angeli, DavidImperial Coll
Strbac, GoranImperial Coll. London
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP22.2 Add to My Program
Stabilization of Structure-Preserving Power Networks with Market Dynamics (I)
Stegink, Tjerk W.Univ. of Groningen
De Persis, ClaudioUniv. of Groningen
van der Schaft, Arjan J.Univ. of Groningen
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP22.3 Add to My Program
Probabilistic Approach to Evaluate the Cost and Constraints of the Renewable Production Curtailment in MV Network (I)
Do, Minh-ThangMeteodyn
Francois, BrunoEc. Centrale De Lille - L2EP
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP22.4 Add to My Program
Dynamic Pricing for Local Energy Management : Towards a Better Integration of Local Production (I)
Muller, AlexandreCentraleSupélec
Bourdais, RomainCentraleSupelec - IETR
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP22.5 Add to My Program
Robust Optimization Based Energy Dispatch in Smart Grids Considering Simultaneously Multiple Uncertainties: Load Demands and Energy Prices (I)
Nassourou, MohamadouIri, Upc-Csic
Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Blesa, JoaquimUniv. Pol. De Catalunya (UPC)
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP22.6 Add to My Program
Learning to Buy (and Sell) Demand Response (I)
Khezeli, KiaCornell Univ
Lin, WeixuanCornell Univ
Bitar, EilyanUniv. of California at Berkeley
TuP23 Open Invited Session, Lourdes Add to My Program 
Recent Trends in Modeling, Estimation and Control with PDEs III  
Chair: Meurer, ThomasChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
Co-Chair: Le Gorrec, YannFemto-St, Ensmm
Organizer: Meurer, ThomasChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
Organizer: Le Gorrec, YannFemto-St, Ensmm
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP23.1 Add to My Program
Finite Element Modeling and Motion Planning of an Adaptive Elastic Wingsail (I)
Kater, AndreasChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
Wriedt, Jan-PhilippChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
Meurer, ThomasChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP23.2 Add to My Program
Fault Detection for Parabolic Systems with Distributed Inputs and Outputs Using the Modulation Function Approach (I)
Fischer, FerdinandUniv. Erlangen-Nürnberg
Deutscher, JoachimUniv. Erlangen-Nürnberg
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP23.3 Add to My Program
Backstepping-Based Extended Luenberger Observer Design for a Burgers-Type PDE for Multi-Agent Deployment (I)
Freudenthaler, GerhardChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
Göttsch, FelixTech. Univ. Braunschweig
Meurer, ThomasChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP23.4 Add to My Program
On Approximation and Implementation of Transformation Based Feedback Laws for Distributed Parameter Systems (I)
Woittennek, FrankUMIT
Riesmeier, MarcusUMIT
Ecklebe, StefanTU Dresden
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP23.5 Add to My Program
Output Feedback Stabilization for Multi-Dimensional Wave Equation with Boundary Control Matched Disturbance
Zhou, Hua-ChengAcad. of Mathematics and Systems Science, Acad. Sinica
Guo, Bao-ZhuThe Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Yao, Cui-ZhenBeijing Inst. of Tech
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP23.6 Add to My Program
Modeling, Discretization and Motion Control of a Flexible Beam in the Port-Hamiltonian Framework
Wang, MeiTech. Univ. of Munich
Bestler, AnjaUlm Univ
Kotyczka, PaulUniv. Claude Bernard Lyon 1
TuP24 Open Invited Session, Pic du Midi Add to My Program 
Diagnosis Techniques on Discrete Event Systems  
Chair: Lefebvre, DimitriUniv. Le Havre
Co-Chair: Takai, ShigemasaOsaka Univ
Organizer: Ghazel, MohamedIFSTTAR
Organizer: Lefebvre, DimitriUniv. Le Havre
Organizer: Takai, ShigemasaOsaka Univ
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP24.1 Add to My Program
A Comparative Study of Fault Prognosis Approaches for Timed Stochastic Discrete Event Systems (I)
Ammour, RabahUniv. Le Havre Normandie
Leclercq, EdouardUniv. Du Havre
Sanlaville, EricUniv. Le Havre
Lefebvre, DimitriUniv. Le Havre
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP24.2 Add to My Program
Design of Indicators for the Detection of Time Shift Failures in (max, +)-Linear Systems (I)
Sahuguede, AlexandreUniv. of Toulouse, LAAS-CNRS
Le Corronc, EuriellLAAS-CNRS
Pencolé, Y.CNRS; Univ. De Toulouse; LAAS
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP24.3 Add to My Program
A Generalized Inference-Based Prognosis Framework for Discrete Event Systems (I)
Takai, ShigemasaOsaka Univ
Kumar, RatneshIowa State Univ
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP24.4 Add to My Program
Adaptive Online Fault Diagnosis of Manufacturing Systems Based on DEVS Formalism (I)
Rajaoarisoa, LalaInst. Mines Télecom. Mines De Douai
Sayed-Mouchaweh, MoamarEc. Des Mines De Douai
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP24.5 Add to My Program
Synchronous Decentralized Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems (I)
Cabral, Felipe GomesUniv. Federal Do Rio De Janeiro
Moreira, Marcos VicenteUniv. Fed. Rio De Janeiro
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP24.6 Add to My Program
A Discussion on Fault Detection for a Class of Hybrid Petri Nets (I)
Lefebvre, DimitriUniv. Le Havre
Aguayo-Lara, EnriqueTecnológico De Monterrey, Campus Guadalajara
TuP25 Regular Session, Basketball Add to My Program 
Mechatronics, Robotics and Components - Robotics 5  
Chair: Lozano, RogelioUniv. De Tech. De Compiegne
Co-Chair: Smith, Roy S.Swiss Federal Inst. of Tech. (ETH)
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP25.1 Add to My Program
Modeling and Calibration of a Tactile Sensor for Robust Grasping
Cirillo, AndreaSeconda Univ. Degli Studi Di Napoli
Cirillo, PasqualeSecond Univ. of Naples
De Maria, GiuseppeSeconda Univ. Degli Studi Di Napoli
Natale, CiroUniv. Degli Studi Della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
Pirozzi, SalvatoreUniv. Degli Studi Della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP25.2 Add to My Program
Design and Implementation of a Magnetically Actuated Miniature Robotic Fish
Chen, XingyuInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Wu, ZhengxingInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Zhou, ChaoInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Yu, JunzhiInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP25.3 Add to My Program
Nonlinear Algorithm with Adaptive Properties to Stabilize an Underwater Vehicle: Real-Time Experiments
Manzanilla, AdrianUmi Lafmia Cnrs 3175, Cinvestav-Ipn
Castillo, PedroUniv. De Tech. De Compiegne
Lozano, RogelioUniv. De Tech. De Compiegne
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP25.4 Add to My Program
Parameter Identification of the KUKA LBR Iiwa Robot Including Constraints on Physical Feasibility
Stürz, Yvonne RebeccaETH Zurich
Affolter, Lukas MartinETH Zurich
Smith, Roy S.Swiss Federal Inst. of Tech. (ETH)
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP25.5 Add to My Program
A Comparison of Damped Least Squares Algorithms for Inverse Kinematics of Robot Manipulators
Di Vito, DanieleUniv. of Cassino and Southern Lazio
Natale, CiroUniv. Degli Studi Della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
Antonelli, GianlucaUniv. of Cassino and Southern Lazio
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP25.6 Add to My Program
Communication-Aware Planning for Robot Teams Deployment
Marchukov, YaroslavUniv. of Zaragoza
Montano, LuisUniv. of Zaragoza
TuP26 Invited Session, Rugby Add to My Program 
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Industrial and Logistic System Design and
Chair: Sgarbossa, FabioUniv. of Padua
Co-Chair: Grosse, EricTech. Univ. Darmstadt
Organizer: Sgarbossa, FabioUniv. of Padua
Organizer: Battini, DariaUniv. of Padua
Organizer: Glock, ChristophTech. Univ. Darmstadt
Organizer: Grosse, EricTech. Univ. Darmstadt
Organizer: Neumann, W. PatrickHuman Factors Engineering Lab, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson Univ. Toronto
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP26.1 Add to My Program
Fatigue and Recovery: Research Opportunities in Order Picking Systems (I)
Battini, DariaUniv. of Padua
Calzavara, MartinaUniv. of Padua
Persona, AlessandroUniv. of Padua
Sgarbossa, FabioUniv. of Padua
Visentin, ValentinaUniv. of Padova
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP26.2 Add to My Program
Picking from Pallet and Picking from Boxes: A Time and Ergonomic Study (I)
Calzavara, MartinaUniv. of Padua
Hanson, RobinChalmers Univ. of Tech
Sgarbossa, FabioUniv. of Padua
Medbo, LarsChalmers Univ. of Tech
Johansson, Mats I.Chalmers Univ. of Tech
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP26.3 Add to My Program
Manoeuvres in Manual Person-To-Parts Order Picking Systems: Is There a Significant Influence on Travel Time and Metabolic Rates? (I)
Elbert, RalfTech. Univ. Darmstadt
Müller, Jan PhilippTech. Univ. Darmstadt
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP26.4 Add to My Program
Incorporating Human Factors into Decision Support Models for Production and Logistics: Current State of Research (I)
Grosse, EricTech. Univ. Darmstadt
Calzavara, MartinaUniv. of Padua
Glock, ChristophTech. Univ. Darmstadt
Sgarbossa, FabioUniv. of Padua
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP26.5 Add to My Program
Workforce Management in Manual Assembly Lines of Large Products: A Case Study (I)
Martignago, MicheleUniv. of Padova
Battini, DariaUniv. of Padua
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP26.6 Add to My Program
Skills Management in the Optimization of Aircraft Maintenance Processes (I)
Stadnicka, DorotaRzeszow Univ. of Tech
Arkhipov, DmitryInst. of Control Sciences of Russian Acad. of Sciences
Ratnayake, R.M. ChandimaUniv. of Stavanger
TuP27 Open Invited Session, Football Add to My Program 
Reinforcement Learning for Control II  
Chair: Busoniu, LucianTech. Univ. of Cluj-Napoca
Co-Chair: Gouyon, DavidUniv. De Lorraine
Organizer: Busoniu, LucianTech. Univ. of Cluj-Napoca
Organizer: Babuska, RobertDelft Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Jagannathan, SarangapaniMissouri Univ. of Science and Tech
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP27.1 Add to My Program
Reinforcement Learning for Electric Power System Decision and Control: Past Considerations and Perspectives (I)
Glavic, MevludinUniv. of Liege
Fonteneau, RaphaelUniv. of Liège
Ernst, DamienUniv. of Liège
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP27.2 Add to My Program
Evaluation of Physical Damage Associated with Action Selection Strategies in Reinforcement Learning (I)
Koryakovskiy, IvanDelft Univ. of Tech
Vallery, HeikeDelft Univ. of Tech
Babuska, RobertDelft Univ. of Tech
Caarls, WouterPontifical Catholic Univ. of Rio De Janeiro
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP27.3 Add to My Program
Implementation of Brain Emotional Learning-Based Intelligent Controller for Flocking of Multi-Agent Systems (I)
Jafari, MohammadUniv. of Nevada, Reno
Fehr, RicUniv. of Nevada, Reno
Garcia Carrillo, Luis RodolfoTexas A&M Univ. - Corp. Christi
Espinoza Quesada, Eduardo SteedPol. Univ. of Pachuca
Xu, HaoUniv. of Nevada, Reno
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP27.4 Add to My Program
Physiological Feature Based Emotion Recognition Via an Ensemble Deep Learning Model with Parsimonious Structure
Yin, ZhongUniv. of Shanghai for Science and Tech
Wang, YongxiongUniv. of Shanghai for Science and Tech
Zhang, WeiUniv. of Shanghai for Science and Tech
Liu, LiUniv. of Shanghai for Science and Tech
Zhang, JianhuaEast China Univ. of Science and Tech
Han, FeiUniv. of Shanghai for Science and Tech
Jin, WenjieUniv. of Shanghai for Science and Tech
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP27.5 Add to My Program
On-Line Rule Weighting for Pid-Type Fuzzy Logic Controllers Using Extended Kalman Filter
Arghavani, NasserIstanbul Tech. Univ
Almobaied, MoayedIstanbul Tech. Univ
Guzelkaya, MujdeIstanbul Tech. Univ
Eksin, IbrahimIstanbul Tech. Univ
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP27.6 Add to My Program
Safe Operation Sequences: A Generation Approach Based on Iterative Refinements and Abstractions of Timed Automata
Cochard, ThomasUniv. De Lorraine
Gouyon, DavidUniv. De Lorraine
Petin, Jean-FrancoisUniv. De Lorraine
TuP28 Regular Session, Hockey Add to My Program 
Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles 2  
Chair: Gaspar, PeterMta Sztaki
Co-Chair: Prandini, MariaPol. Di Milano
16:00-16:20, Paper TuP28.1 Add to My Program
Model Based Trajectory Planning for Highly Automated Road Vehicles
Hegedüs, FerencRobert Bosch Hungary
Bécsi, TamásBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec
Aradi, SzilárdBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec
Gaspar, PeterMta Sztaki
16:20-16:40, Paper TuP28.2 Add to My Program
Flat-RRT*: A Sampling-Based Optimal Trajectory Planner for Differentially Flat Vehicles with Constrained Dynamics
Bascetta, LucaPol. Di Milano
Mendizabal Arrieta, IñigoManagement Center Innsbruck
Prandini, MariaPol. Di Milano
16:40-17:00, Paper TuP28.3 Add to My Program
Reliable Nonlinear Control for Quadcopter Trajectory Tracking through Differential Flatness
Nguyen, Ngoc ThinhLCIS (Lab. of Conception and Integration of Systems)
Prodan, IonelaINP Grenoble
Stoican, FlorinPol. Univ. of Bucharest
Lefevre, LaurentUniv. Grenoble Alpes
17:00-17:20, Paper TuP28.4 Add to My Program
Decentralized Hybrid Control for Multi-Agent Motion Planning and Coordination in Polygonal Environments
Sutorius, MasonUniv. of Michigan
Panagou, DimitraUniv. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
17:20-17:40, Paper TuP28.5 Add to My Program
Guiding Vector Field Algorithm for a Moving Path Following Problem
Kapitanyuk, YuriUniv. of Groningen
Garcia de Marina, HectorEc. Nationale De L'aviation Civil
Proskurnikov, Anton V.Delft Univ. of Tech
Cao, MingUniv. of Groningen
17:40-18:00, Paper TuP28.6 Add to My Program
Backstepping Control Method with Sliding Mode Observer for Autonomous Lane Keeping System
Kang, Chang MookHanyang Univ
Kim, WonheeChung-Ang Univ
Lee, Seung-HiHanyang Univ
Chung, Chung ChooHanyang Univ
Tu21 Plenary Session, Palais des sports Add to My Program 
Some Key Steps in the History of Feedback Control  
Chair: Dochain, DenisUniv. Catholique De Louvain
18:15-19:00, Paper Tu21.1 Add to My Program
Some Key Steps in the History of Feedback Control
Coron, Jean-michelUniv. Pierre Et Marie Curie
Tu2T1 Plenary Session, St Exupéry Add to My Program 
Historical Survey and Emerging Challenges of Manufacturing Automation
Modeling and Control – a Global Perspective
Chair: Bittanti, SergioPol. Di Milano
18:15-19:00, Paper Tu2T1.1 Add to My Program
Historical Survey and Emerging Challenges of Manufacturing Automation Modeling and Control – a Global Perspective
Pereira, Carlos EduardoFederal Univ. of Rio Grande Do Sul - UFRGS
Nof, Shimon Y.Purdue Univ
Morel, GerardUniv. De Lorraine




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