IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, France. 9-14 July, 2017 The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control

20th IFAC World Congress
July 9-14, 2017, Toulouse Convention Center, Toulouse, France

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Last updated on July 28, 2017. This conference program is tentative and subject to change

Technical Program for Wednesday July 12, 2017

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We11 Plenary Session, Palais des sports Add to My Program 
Automating Mobility in Smart Cities  
Chair: Peaucelle, DimitriLAAS-CNRS
08:30-09:30, Paper We11.1 Add to My Program
Automating Mobility in Smart Cities
Cassandras, Christos G.Boston Univ
WeA01 Interactive Session, Caravelle 1.2 Add to My Program 
GDR MACS - Industrial and Logistic Systems  
Chair: Caillaud, EmmanuelUniv. De Strasbourg
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA01.1 Add to My Program
Actuator Sensor Securing Over Industrial Network (I)
Toublanc, ThomasUniv. Bretagne Sud, Lab-STICC
Guillet, SébastienBrestagne Sud, Lab-STICC
Frizon de Lamotte, FlorentUniv. Européenne De Bretagne - UBS
Berruet, PascalUniv. De Bretagne Sud
Lapotre, VianneyUBS, Lab-STICC
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA01.2 Add to My Program
Safe Design of the Autonomous Driving Control Function (I)
Cuer, RomainINSA Lyon
Pietrac, LaurentINSA De Lyon
Niel, EricINSA De Lyon
Diallo, SaidouRenault
Minoiu Enache, NicoletaRenault SAS
Dang-Van-Nhan, ChristopheRenault
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA01.3 Add to My Program
Hybrid Satellite Position Estimator Using Self-Induced Dither for SATCOM on the Move (I)
Broussard, ElliotThales Communication and Security
Pham, Minh TuINSA De Lyon
Ladevez, MaximeThales Communication and Security
Brun, XavierInsa De Lyon
Vion, BenoitThales Communication and Security
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA01.4 Add to My Program
Statistical Damage Localization in Mechanical Systems Based on Load Vectors (I)
Bhuyan, Md Delwar HossainInria
Gautier, GuillaumeCEA-Tech. Pays-De-La-Loire
Döhler, MichaelInria
Lecieux, YannUniv. De Nantes
Schoefs, FranckUniv. De Nantes
Mevel, LaurentINRIA
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA01.5 Add to My Program
Analysing and Modelling a Network AS-Level Traffic (I)
Grandemange, QuentinUniv. De Lorraine
Bhujwalla, YusufUniv. De Lorraine
Gilson, MarionUniv. of Lorraine
Ferveur, OlivierPost Tech
Gnaedinger, Eric GnaedingerUniv. De Lorraine
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA01.6 Add to My Program
Model-Based System Engineering for PSS Development: Review and Problem Statement (I)
Maleki, ElahehIRCCyN
Belkadi, FaroukIRCCYN - Ec. Centrale De Nantes
Bernard, AlainEc. Centarle De Nantes
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA01.7 Add to My Program
Management of the Design Process: Human Resources Allocation in Factories of the Future (I)
Jin, GuangyingUniv. De Bordeaux
Sperandio Robin, SeverineUniv. De Bordeaux
Girard, PhilippeBordeaux Univ. UMR 5218 CNRS
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA01.8 Add to My Program
Improving the Labile Blood Products Transportation Processes Using Physical Internet, Complex Event Processing and Process Mining (I)
Schoen, QuentinUniv. of Toulouse – IMT - Mines Albi, Industrial Engineerin
Fontanili, FranckEc. Des Mines D'albi-Carmaux
Truptil, SébastienUniv. of Toulouse – Mines Albi, Industrial Engineering Cent
Lauras, MatthieuCentre De Génie Industriel, Mines D'albi
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA01.9 Add to My Program
A Multi-Objective Model for Home Service Assignment and Routing Problem (I)
El Hajri, ZiedDISP - INSA Lyon
Di Mascolo, MariaCNRS, Inst. National Pol. De Grenoble
Espinouse, Marie-LaureG-SCOP
Radureau, JérômeAdomni-Adhap Services
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA01.10 Add to My Program
Managing the Accompanying Path of People with Disabilities in a Medico-Social Network: A Method to Create a Process Model Based on Autonomous Actors Point of Views (I)
Mosquera Varela, Anderson FabianINSA Lyon
Trilling, LorraineUniv. De Lyon, INSA Lyon, DISP EA4570
Monteiro, ThibaudINSA Lyon, Univ. De Lyon, Département Génie Industriel
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA01.11 Add to My Program
A View on Systems of Systems (SoS) (I)
Assaad, Mohamad AliUniv. De Tech. De Compiègne
Talj, ReineHeudiasyc, Univ. of Tech. of Compiegne
Charara, AliUmr Cnrs 6599
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA01.12 Add to My Program
A Rolling Horizon Approach to Goods Transport Rescheduling Problem Using Passenger Urban Rail Network (I)
Behiri, WalidUPE
Belmokhtar-Berraf, SanaESIEE Paris
WeA02 Interactive Session, Caravelle 1.3 Add to My Program 
Adaptive and Learning Systems  
Chair: Giri, FouadUniv. of Caen Normandie
Co-Chair: Rogers, EricUniv. of Southampton
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA02.1 Add to My Program
Adaptive Backstepping State Feedback Control for Fractional Order Systems with Input Saturation (I)
Sheng, DianUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
Wei, YihengUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
Cheng, SongsongUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
Wang, YongUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA02.2 Add to My Program
Discussion on Fractional Order Derivatives (I)
Wei, YihengUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
Chen, YuquanUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
Cheng, SongsongUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
Wang, YongUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA02.3 Add to My Program
Fractional Order Composite MRAC for MIMO Systems Based on SDU Factorization (I)
Cheng, SongsongUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
Wei, YihengUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
Chen, YuquanUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
Zhou, XiUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
Wang, YongUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA02.4 Add to My Program
Neural Filter Based Integrator for Virtual Flux Estimation in Direct Power Control of Three-Phase PWM Rectifiers
Bechouche, AliMouloud MAMMERI Univ. of Tizi Ouzou
Ould Abdeslam, DjaffarUniv. De Haute-Alsace
Sediki, HamidUnversity Mouloud Mammeri of Tizi Ouzou, Algeria
Rahoui, AdelUniv. of Tizi Ouzou
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA02.5 Add to My Program
A Variable Structure System Control and Its Application in Underwater Vehicles
Dyda, AlexanderMaritime State Univ
Oskin, Dmitry A.Maritime State Univ. Vladivostok, Russia
Longhi, SauroUniv. Pol. Delle Marche
Monteriù, AndreaUniv. Pol. Delle Marche
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA02.6 Add to My Program
The DREM Approach for Chaotic Oscillators Parameter Estimation with Improved Performance
Gromov, VladislavITMO Univ
Borisov, OlegITMO Univ
Pyrkin, AntonITMO Univ
Bobtsov, AlexeyITMO Univ
Kolyubin, SergeyITMO Univ
Aranovskiy, StanislavCentraleSupelec - IETR
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA02.7 Add to My Program
A Nonlinear Backstepping Controller for Inverters Used in Microgrids
El Fadil, HassanENSA, Ibn Tofail Univ. Kénitra
Giri, FouadUniv. of Caen Basse-Normandie
Ammeh, LeilaENSA, Ibn Tofail Univ. Kenitra
Ahmed-Ali, TarekUniv. De Caen Normandie
Yahya, AbdelhafidIbn Tofail Univ
Ouhaddach, KarimLGS Lab. National School of Applied Sciences (ENSA), Kéni
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA02.8 Add to My Program
Towards Artificial Situation Awareness by Autonomous Vehicles
McAree, OwenUniv. of Sheffield
Aitken, Jonathan MaxwellUniv. of Sheffield
Veres, Sandor MUniv. of Sheffield
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA02.10 Add to My Program
A UGES Switched MRAC Architecture Using Initial Excitation
Basu Roy, SayanIndian Inst. of Tech. Delhi
Bhasin, ShubhenduIndian Inst. of Tech. Delhi
Kar, Indra NarayanIndian Inst. of Tech
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA02.11 Add to My Program
Adaptive Tracking of Unknown Multi-Sinusoidal Signal in Linear Systems with Arbitrary Input Delays and Unknown Sign of High Frequency Gain
Gerasimov, DmitryITMO Univ
Paramonov, AlekseiITMO Univ
Nikiforov, Vladimir O.St. State Univ. of Information Tech. Mechanicsand Optics
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA02.12 Add to My Program
Multi-Modal Vibration Control of a Lightweight Stress-Ribbon Footbridge Based on Subspace Identification
Liu, XiaohanTU Berlin
Schauer, ThomasTech. Univ. Berlin
Goldack, ArndtTech. Univ. Berlin
Schlaich, MikeTU Berlin, Germany
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA02.13 Add to My Program
Adaptive Optimal Control Based on Parameter Estimation for Servomechanisms
Zhang, ChiBeijing Inst. of Tech
Gan, MinggangBeijing Inst. of Tech
Chen, JieBeijing Inst. of Tech
Chen, ChenBeijing Inst. of Tech
WeA03 Interactive Session, Caravelle 2.1 Add to My Program 
Distributed Parameter Systems (interactive)  
Chair: Meurer, ThomasChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
Co-Chair: Le Gorrec, YannFemto-St, Ensmm
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA03.1 Add to My Program
Boundary PI Controllers for a Star-Shaped Network of 2 X 2 Systems Governed by Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations
Trinh, Ngoc-TuUniv. of Lyon 1
Andrieu, VincentUniv. De Lyon
Xu, ChengzhongUniv. Claude Bernard - Lyon1
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA03.2 Add to My Program
Optimal Sensor Location and Mobile Sensor Crowd Modeling for Environmental Monitoring
Georges, DidierGrenoble Inst. of Tech. - ENSE3
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA03.3 Add to My Program
Source Estimation for the Damped Wave Equation Using Modulating Functions Method: Application to the Estimation of the Cerebral Blood Flow
Asiri, SharefaKAUST
Laleg, Taous-MeriemKing Abdullah Univ. of Science and Tech. (KAUST)
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA03.4 Add to My Program
Trajectory Tracking for a System of Two Linear Hyperbolic PDEs with Uncertainties
Auriol, JeanMINES ParisTech, PSL Res. Univ. CAS - Centre Automatiq
Di Meglio, FlorentMINES ParisTech
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA03.5 Add to My Program
Stabilization of Lossless Propagation Time-Delay Systems
Erol, Huseyin ErsinAnadolu Univ
Iftar, AltugAnadolu Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA03.6 Add to My Program
Robust Controller Design for Turning Operations Based on Measured Frequency Response Functions (I)
Hajdu, DavidBudapest Univ. of Tech
Insperger, TamasBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec
Stepan, GaborBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA03.7 Add to My Program
Spectral Shift of Cylindrical Heat Equations by Full-State Boundary Feedback
Schmidt, KevinUniv. of Stuttgart
Wittmuess, PhilippUniv. of Stuttgart
Sawodny, OliverUniv. of Stuttgart
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA03.8 Add to My Program
Globally Stabilizing Finite-Dimensional Damping Control for Dissipative PDE with Bounded Inputs
Solis-Daun, JulioUniv. Autonoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA03.9 Add to My Program
Reduced Order Controller Design for Temoshenko Beam: A Port Hamiltonian Approach
Wu, YongxinENSMM
Hamroun, BoussadLab. D'automatique Et Génie Des Procédés
Le Gorrec, YannFemto-St, Ensmm
Maschke, BernhardUniv. Claude Bernard of Lyon
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA03.10 Add to My Program
PDE Observer Design for Counter-Current Heat Flows in a Heat-Exchanger
Zobiri, FairouzUniv. Grenoble Alpes
Witrant, EmmanuelUniv. Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
Bonne, FrançoisCEA/INAC/SBT
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA03.11 Add to My Program
On Mixed Galerkin Modeling for Controller Design of Boundary Control Systems
Imai, JunOkayama Univ
Noso, KatsuyukiOkayama Univ
Takahashi, AkikoOkayama Univ
Funabiki, ShigeyukiOkayama Univ
WeA04 Interactive Session, Caravelle 2.2 Add to My Program 
Non-Linear Control Systems III  
Chair: Aranda-Bricaire, EduardoCINVESTAV
Co-Chair: Gravdahl, Jan TommyNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech. (NTNU)
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA04.1 Add to My Program
Finite and Fixed-Time State Estimation: Pendulum-Cart System (I)
Gutiérrez, DiegoUniv. Nacional Autónoma De México
Ríos, HéctorInst. Tecnológico De La Laguna
Rosales, Jose AntonioTecnologico De Monterrey, CCM
Galvan-Guerra, RosalbaUPIIH-IPN
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA04.2 Add to My Program
Switched Gain Differentiator with Fixed-Time Convergence (I)
Efimov, DenisInria
Polyakov, AndreyINRIA Lille Nord-Europe
Levant, ArieTel - Aviv Univ
Perruquetti, WilfridEc. Centrale De Lille
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA04.3 Add to My Program
Variable Structure Tracking Control-Observer for a Perturbed Inertia Wheel Pendulum Via Position Measurements (I)
Aguilar, Luis T.Inst. Pol. Nacional
Iriarte, RafaelNational Univ. of Mexico, UNAM
Orlov, YuryCICESE
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA04.4 Add to My Program
Higher Order Sliding Mode Stabilization of an Inverted Cart-Pendulum System (I)
Mendoza Avila, JesusNational Autonomous Univ. of Mexico
Castillo Lopez, Alberto IsmaelNational Autonomous Univ. of Mexico
Iriarte, RafaelNational Univ. of Mexico, UNAM
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA04.5 Add to My Program
Robust Generation of Self-Oscillation in Pendulum Systems: A Switched Integral Sliding Mode Control Approach (I)
Velázquez-Velázquez, Juan EduardoESIMEZ-IPN
Galvan Guerra, RosalbaIPN
Fridman, Leonid M.National Autonomous Univ. of Mexico
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA04.6 Add to My Program
Input-To-State Stabilizing a General Nonlinear System with Time-Varying Input Delay and Disturbances
Cai, Xiu ShanZhejiang Normal Univ
Meng, LingxinZhejiang Normal Univ
Lin, CongZhejiang Normal Univ
Zhang, WeiShanghai Univ. of Engineering Science
Liu, LeiboHenan Univ. of Science and Tech
Liu, YanhongZhengzhou Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA04.7 Add to My Program
A Computational Procedure for Ellipsoidal Robust Forward Invariant Tubes in Nonlinear MPC
Villanueva, Mario E.Texas A&M
Li, JiaqiShanghaiTech Univ
Feng, XuhuiShanghaiTech Univ
Chachuat, BenoitImperial Coll. London
Houska, BorisShanghaiTech Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA04.8 Add to My Program
Discrete Time Formulation of Quasi Infinite Horizon Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Scheme with Guaranteed Stability
Rajhans, ChinmayIit Bombay
Patwardhan, Sachin C.Indian Inst. of Tech. Bombay
Pillai, HarishIndian Inst. of Tech. Bombay
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA04.9 Add to My Program
Predictive Control with On-Off Actuators of Partially Fading Memory Systems
Salvador, Jose R.Univ. De Sevilla
Alamo, TeodoroUniv. De Sevilla
Ramirez, Daniel R.Univ. of Sevilla
Muñoz de la Peña, DavidUniv. De Sevilla
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA04.10 Add to My Program
On Distributed Model Predictive Control for Vehicle Platooning with a Recursive Feasibility Guarantee
Shi, ShenglingEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Lazar, MirceaEindhoven Univ. of Tech
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA04.11 Add to My Program
Stable Nonlinear Control of an Agonist-Antagonist Muscle-Driven System
Richter, HanzCleveland State Univ
Warner, HollyCleveland State Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA04.12 Add to My Program
Formal Controller Synthesis Via Genetic Programming
Verdier, CeesTU Delft
Mazo Jr., ManuelTU Delft
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA04.13 Add to My Program
On the Stabilization of Fixed-Point Iterations Arising in Hierarchical Control Design
Alamir, MazenGipsa-Lab (CNRS-Univ. of Grenoble)
Trinh, Van-VuongCNRS
Bonnay, PatrickCEA/INAC/SBT
10:00-12:00, Paper WeA04.14 Add to My Program
Relaxing the Conditions of ISS for Multistable Periodic Systems
Efimov, DenisInria
Schiffer, JohannesUniv. of Leeds
Barabanov, Nikita E.North Dakota State Univ
Ortega, RomeoSupelec
WeA05 Regular Session, Latécoère Add to My Program 
Spacecraft Control  
Chair: Louembet, ChristopheUniv. De Toulouse
Co-Chair: Castaldi, PaoloUniv. of Bologna - Aerospace Engineering Faculty
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA05.1 Add to My Program
Time Optimal State Feedback Control with Application to a Spacecraft with Cold Gas Propulsion
Kitchen-McKinley, SamuelEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ
Drakunov, Sergey V.Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA05.2 Add to My Program
Model Predictive Control for Rendezvous Hovering Phases Based on a Novel Description of Constrained Trajectories
Arantes Gilz, Paulo RicardoLab. D'analyse Et D'architecture Des Systèmes - Centre Na
Joldes, MioaraLAAS-CNRS
Louembet, ChristopheUniv. De Toulouse
Fcamps, FredericCNRS/LAAS
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA05.3 Add to My Program
A New Glideslope Guidance Algorithm for Minimum-Fuel Fixed-Time Elliptic Rendezvous Using Semidefinite Programming
Ariba, YassineIcam
Arzelier, DenisLAAS-CNRS
Urbina, Laura SofiaLAAS-CNRS
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA05.4 Add to My Program
An Approach for Geostationary Satellite Mode Management
Tipaldi, MassimoUniv. of Sannio
Witzmann, MarcoOHB System AG
Ferraguto, MassimoSpace Systems Finland Ltd
Glielmo, LuigiUniv. of Sannio
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA05.5 Add to My Program
Space Debris Removal Using a Tether: A Model
Velez, PedroISAE-Supaero
Alazard, DanielUniv. De Toulouse - ISAE
Cumer, ChristelleONERA
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA05.6 Add to My Program
Combined Singular Perturbations and Nonlinear Geometric Approach to FDI in Satellite Actuators and Sensors
Baldi, PietroUniv. of Bologna - Aerospace Engineering Faculty
Castaldi, PaoloUniv. of Bologna - Aerospace Engineering Faculty
Mimmo, NicolaUniv. of Bologna - Aerospace Engineering Faculty
Simani, SilvioUniv. of Ferrara
WeA06 Open Invited Session, Mermoz Add to My Program 
Open Issues and Trends for Model Based Systems -And System of Systems
Chair: Bonjour, EricUniv. of Lorraine / ENSGSI
Co-Chair: Chapurlat, VincentEc. Des Mines D'alès
Organizer: Bonjour, EricUniv. of Lorraine / ENSGSI
Organizer: Chapurlat, VincentEc. Des Mines D'alès
Organizer: Leardi, CarloTetra Pak Packaging Solutions S.p.A
Organizer: Garro, AlfredoUniv. of Calabria
Organizer: Mayer, FrédériqueUniv. of Lorraine
Organizer: Roussel, Jean-ClaudeAirbus Group Innovations
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA06.1 Add to My Program
An MBSE Approach to Pass from Requirements to Functional Architecture (I)
Lemazurier, LoriEc. Des Mines De Nantes
Chapurlat, VincentEc. Des Mines D'alès
Grossetete, AlainAreva Np
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA06.2 Add to My Program
Towards an Integration of Systems Engineering and Project Management Processes for a Decision Aiding Purpose (I)
Lachhab, MajdaINP-ENIT, Univ. of Toulouse
Béler, CédrickLab. Génie De Production / INP-ENIT - Univ. Oftoulou
Solano Charris, ElynEICEA, La Sabana Univ
Coudert, ThierryUniv. of Toulouse
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA06.3 Add to My Program
DALTON: A Generic Meta-Model to Support Business Rules and Requirements Engineering in a PLM System (I)
Fortineau, VirginieKhtema
Talhi, AsmaArts Et Métiers Paristech
Paviot, ThomasArts Et Métiers Paristech
Lamouri, SamirArts Et Métiers ParisTech
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA06.4 Add to My Program
The Determination of Functional Safety Concept Coupled with the Definition of Functional Architecture: A Framework of Analysis from the Automotive Industry (I)
Mauborgne, PierreUniv. De Lorraine
Deniaud, SamuelUTBM
Levrat, EricNancy-Univ
Bonjour, EricUniv. of Lorraine / ENSGSI
Micaelli, Jean-PierreUniv. Jean Moulin Lyon 3, IAE De Lyon
Loise, DominiqueSystèmes Conseil
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA06.5 Add to My Program
Urban Logistics Ecosystem: A System of System Framework for Stakeholders in Urban Freight Transport Projects (I)
Lagorio, AlexandraUniv. of Bergamo
Pinto, RobertoUniv. of Bergamo
Golini, RuggeroUniv. of Bergamo
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA06.6 Add to My Program
Offer Elaboration: New Confidence Indexes to Take into Account Uncertainty (I)
Sylla, AbdourahimMines Albi
Vareilles, EliseToulouse Univ. - Mines Albi
Coudert, ThierryUniv. of Toulouse
Aldanondo, MichelToulouse Univ. - Mines Albi
Geneste, LaurentEc. Nationale D'ingénieurs De Tarbes
WeA07 Regular Session, Spot Add to My Program 
Input Design for Identification and Detection  
Chair: Puncochar, IvoUniv. of West Bohemia
Co-Chair: Häggblom, Kurt-ErikÅbo Akademi Univ
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA07.1 Add to My Program
System Identification Algorithm for Non-Uniformly Sampled Data
Bekiroglu, KorkutPenn State Univ
Lagoa, Constantino M.Pennsylvania State Univ
Lanza, StephanieThe Pennsylvania State Univ
Sznaier, MarioNortheastern Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA07.2 Add to My Program
Input Design for Fault Detection Using Extended Kalman Filter and Reinforcement Learning
Skach, JanUniv. of West Bohemia
Puncochar, IvoUniv. of West Bohemia
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA07.3 Add to My Program
Active Fault Diagnosis for Jump Markov Nonlinear Systems
Skach, JanUniv. of West Bohemia
Puncochar, IvoUniv. of West Bohemia
Straka, OndrejUniv. of West Bohemia
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA07.4 Add to My Program
Maximizing Parameter Identifiability of a Combined Thermal and Electrochemical Battery Model Via Periodic Current Input Optimization
Mendoza, SergioThe Pennsylvania State Univ
Rothenberger, MichaelInfoscitex
Liu, JiPennsylvania State Univ
Fathy, Hosam K.Penn State Univ
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA07.5 Add to My Program
A New Optimization-Based Approach to Experiment Design for Dynamic MIMO Identification
Häggblom, Kurt-ErikÅbo Akademi Univ
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA07.6 Add to My Program
Order Determination and Input Selection with Local Model Networks
Belz, JulianUniv. of Siegen
Nelles, OliverUniv. of Siegen
Schwingshackl, DanielAlpen-Adria-Univ. Klagenfurt
Rehrl, JakobGraz Univ. of Tech
Horn, MartinGraz Univ. of Tech
WeA08 Open Invited Session, Diamant Add to My Program 
Security and Privacy for Networked Multi-Agent Cyber-Physical Systems  
Chair: Dey, SubhrakantiUppsala Univ
Co-Chair: Ferrari, Riccardo M.G.Delft Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Dey, SubhrakantiUppsala Univ
Organizer: Shi, LingHong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech
Organizer: Pappas, George J.Univ. of Pennsylvania
Organizer: Sinopoli, BrunoCarnegie Mellon Univ
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA08.1 Add to My Program
Indiscernible Topological Variations in DAE Networks with Applications to Power Grids (I)
Küsters, FerdinandFraunhofer Inst. for Industrial Mathematics ITWM
Patil, DeepakIndian Inst. of Tech. Delhi
Tesi, PietroUniv. of Groningen
Trenn, StephanUniv. of Kaiserslautern
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA08.2 Add to My Program
On Remote State Estimation in the Presence of an Eavesdropper (I)
Leong, AlexPaderborn Univ
Quevedo, DanielPaderborn Univ
Dolz, DanielUniv. Jaume I
Dey, SubhrakantiUppsala Univ
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA08.3 Add to My Program
Private and Secure Coordination of Match-Making for Heavy-Duty Vehicle Platooning (I)
Farokhi, FarhadThe Univ. of Melbourne
Shames, ImanUniv. of Melbourne
Johansson, Karl H.Royal Inst. of Tech
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA08.4 Add to My Program
Secure Dynamic State Estimation by Decomposing Kalman Filter (I)
Liu, XinghuaNanyang Tech. Univ
Mo, YilinNanyang Tech. Univ
Garone, EmanueleUniv. Libre De Bruxelles
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA08.5 Add to My Program
Strong Structural Input and State Observability of LTV Network Systems with Multiple Unknown Inputs (I)
Gracy, SebinUniv. Grenoble Alpes
Garin, FedericaINRIA
Kibangou, AlainGIPSA-Lab, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA08.6 Add to My Program
Detection and Isolation of Replay Attacks through Sensor Watermarking (I)
Ferrari, Riccardo M.G.Delft Univ. of Tech
Teixeira, André M.H.Delft Univ. of Tech
WeA09 Regular Session, Argos Add to My Program 
Modeling for Control Optimization  
Chair: Rey, FelixETH Zurich
Co-Chair: She, JinhuaTokyo Univ. of Tech
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA09.1 Add to My Program
An Improved-WM Method Based on Optimization of Centers of Output Fuzzy Subsets for Fuzzy Rules
Jin, YaliChina Univ. of Geosciences
Cao, WeihuaChina Univ. of Geosciences
Wu, MinChina Univ. of Geosciences
She, JinhuaTokyo Univ. of Tech
Yuan, YanChina Univ. of Geosciences
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA09.2 Add to My Program
Supervisory Model Predictive Control of the Heat Integrated Distillation Column
Meyer, KrisitianTech. Univ. of Denmark,
Bisgaard, ThomasTech. Univ. of Denmark
Huusom, Jakob KjøbstedTech. Univ. of Denmark
Abildskov, JensTech. Univ. of Denmark
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA09.3 Add to My Program
Predictive Control of Hydronic Floor Heating Systems Using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
Vinther, KasperAalborg Univ
Green, TorbenDanish Tech. Inst
Jensen, Søren ØstergaardDanish Tech. Inst
Bendtsen, Jan DimonAalborg Univ
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA09.4 Add to My Program
Online Combinatorial Optimization for Interconnected Refrigeration Systems: Linear Approximation and Submodularity
Yang, InsoonUniv. of Southern California
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA09.5 Add to My Program
MPC with Sliding Mode Control for the Energy Management System of Microgrids
Incremona, Gian PaoloUniv. Degli Studi Di Pavia
Cucuzzella, MicheleUniv. of Pavia
Magni, LaloUniv. of Pavia
Ferrara, AntonellaUniv. of Pavia
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA09.6 Add to My Program
A Tailored ADMM Approach for Power Coordination in Variable Speed Drives
Rey, FelixETH Zurich
Hokayem, PeterABB, Switzerland
Lygeros, JohnETH Zurich
WeA10 Regular Session, Cassiopée Add to My Program 
Stability of Nonlinear Systems I  
Chair: Turner, Matthew C.Univ. of Leicester
Co-Chair: Ito, HiroshiKyushu Inst. of Tech
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA10.1 Add to My Program
Improved Circle and Popov Criteria for Systems Containing Magnitude Bounded Nonlinearities
Turner, Matthew C.Univ. of Leicester
Sofrony, Jorge IvanUniv. Nacional De Colombia
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA10.2 Add to My Program
On the Convergence of a Matricial Fixed-Point Iteration Connected with Spectral Estimation
Baggio, GiacomoUniv. of Padova
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA10.3 Add to My Program
A Note on the Stability of Nonlinear Differential-Algebraic Systems
Di Franco, PierluigiPierluigi Di Franco
Scarciotti, GiordanoImperial Coll. London
Astolfi, AlessandroImperial Col. London & Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA10.4 Add to My Program
Lyapunov Functions to Avoid Squashed Sublevel Sets for Interconnections Containing Non-ISS Components
Ito, HiroshiKyushu Inst. of Tech
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA10.5 Add to My Program
Path-Wise Bounds and Iiss of Nonlinear Systems Exposed to Global Stochastic Noise
Ito, HiroshiKyushu Inst. of Tech
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA10.6 Add to My Program
Differential Positivity with Respect to Cones of Rank K
Mostajeran, Cyrus S.Univ. of Cambridge
Sepulchre, Rodolphe J.Univ. of Cambridge
WeA11 Open Invited Session, Ariane 1 Add to My Program 
The Legacy of A.M. Lyapunov to Systems and Control Theory. 110 Years of the
Toulouse Edition "The General Problem of the Stability of Motion" - III
Chair: Pakshin, PavelArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
Co-Chair: Pakshina, NataliaArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
Organizer: Pakshin, PavelArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
Organizer: Panteley, Elena V.Cnrs, Itmo
Organizer: Pakshina, NataliaArzamas Pol. Inst. of R.E. Alekseev NSTU
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA11.1 Add to My Program
What Types of Functions May Be the Perron Function of a Diagonal Discrete Linear Time-Varying Systems? (I)
Babiarz, ArturFaculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science,
Czornik, AdamFaculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science,
Konyukh, AlexanderBelarus State Ec. Univ
Niezabitowski, MichalSilesian Univ. of Tech. Faculty of Automatic Control
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA11.2 Add to My Program
The Stability Postulate of N. G. Cetaev and the Augmented Model Validation (I)
Rasvan, VladimirUniv. of Craiova
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA11.3 Add to My Program
Lyapunov Functions: An Optimization Theory Perspective (I)
Polyak, Boris T.Moscow Inst. of Control Sciences
Shcherbakov, P.S.Moscow Inst. of Control Sciences
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA11.4 Add to My Program
On the Influence of Small Perturbations on the Senior Lyapunov Exponent of the Discrete Time-Varying System (I)
Babiarz, ArturFaculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science,
Barabanov, EvgenijInst. of Mathematics of National Acad. of Sciences of Bela
Czornik, AdamFaculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science,
Niezabitowski, MichalSilesian Univ. of Tech. Faculty of Automatic Control
Vaidzelevich, AliakseiInst. of Mathematics of National Acad. of Sciences of Bela
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA11.5 Add to My Program
Constructive Analysis of Control System Stability (I)
Osinenko, PavelTech. Univ. Chemnitz
Devadze, GrigoryTech. Univ. Chemnitz
Streif, StefanTech. Univ. Chemnitz
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA11.6 Add to My Program
Application of the Localization Method to Stability Analysis and Construction of Lyapunov Functions (I)
Krishchenko, AlexanderBauman Moscow State Tech. Univ
Golubev, AlexeyBauman Moscow State Tech. Univ
WeA12 Regular Session, Ariane 2 Add to My Program 
Transportation Systems: Optimization and Assessment  
Chair: Steinbuch, MaartenEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Co-Chair: Kouvelas, AnastasiosÉcole Pol. Fédérale De Lausanne
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA12.1 Add to My Program
Sustainability Assessment of a Transportation System under Uncertainty: An Integrated Multicriteria Approach
Moskolai Ngossaha, JustinUniv. Fédérale De Toulouse, ENIT-LGP
Houe Ngouna, RaymondUniv. Fédérale De Toulouse, ENIT-LGP
Archimede, BernardUniv. De Toulouse, Lab. GeniedeProduction, Ec. Nati
Nlong, Jean MichelUniv. De Ngaoundéré. Faculté Des Sciences
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA12.2 Add to My Program
Methodology for Determining Critical Locations in Road Networks Based on Graph Theory
Henning, SvenUniv. of Paderborn, Heinz Nixdorf Inst
Biemelt, PatrickUniv. of Paderborn
Abdelgawad, KareemUniv. of Paderborn
Gausemeier, SandraHeinz Nixdorf Inst. Univ. of Paderborn
Evers, Hans HeinrichUniv. of Paderborn
Traechtler, AnsgarUniv. of Paderborn
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA12.4 Add to My Program
Experimental Verifi cation of a Dynamic Model for Lane-Less (Indian) Traffic
Joshi, ApurvaIIT Bombay
Chakraborty, DebrajIndian Inst. of Tech. Bombay
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA12.5 Add to My Program
Dynamical Modeling and Predictive Control of Bus Transport Systems: A Hybrid Systems Approach
Sirmatel, Isik IlberEpfl Luts
Geroliminis, NikolasEc. Pol. FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE (EPFL)
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA12.6 Add to My Program
Effects of Using Synthesized Driving Cycles on Vehicle Fuel Consumption
Hereijgers, KobusEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Silvas, EmiliaEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Hofman, TheoTech. Univ. Eindhoven
Steinbuch, MaartenEindhoven Univ. of Tech
WeA13 Panel Session, St Exupéry Add to My Program 
Preparing Tomorrow's Scientists and Engineers for the Challenges of the
21st Century
Chair: Pasik-Duncan, BozennaUniv. of Kansas
Co-Chair: Doyle, FrancisHarvard Univ
WeA14 Regular Session, Guillaumet 1 Add to My Program 
Process Control  
Chair: Vilanova, RamonUniv. Autònoma De Barcelona
Co-Chair: Veronesi, MassimilianoYokogawa Italy
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA14.1 Add to My Program
Multi-Objective Optimization Based Tuning Tool for Industrial 2doF PID Controllers (I)
Gamboa, CarlosUniv. De Costa Rica
Rojas, Jose DavidUniv. De Costa Rica
Arrieta, OrlandoUniv. of Costa Rica
Vilanova, RamonUniv. Autònoma De Barcelona
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA14.2 Add to My Program
Applications of an Optimal Multi-Objective Technique for Integrated Control Structure Selection and Tuning
Juliani, RodrigoUniv. of Sao Paulo
Garcia, ClaudioPol. School of the Univ. of Sao Paulo
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA14.3 Add to My Program
Closed-Loop Tuning Rules for Feedforward Compensator Gains
Veronesi, MassimilianoYokogawa Italy
Guzman, Jose LuisUniv. of Almeria
Visioli, AntonioUniv. of Brescia
Hagglund, ToreLund Univ
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA14.4 Add to My Program
Scalability of Feedback Control Systems for Plug-And-Play Control
Luo, HaoUniv. of Duisburg-Essen
Zhao, HaoHarbin Inst. of Tech
Ding, Steven X.Univ. of Duisburg-Essen
Yin, ShenUniv. of Duisburg-Essen
Gao, HuijunHarbin Inst. of Tech
Yang, XuUniv. of Science and Tech. Beijing
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA14.5 Add to My Program
Fractional Order MPC Design Using Improved State Space Model
Zou, QinHangzhou Dianzi Univ
Zhang, RidongHangzhou Dianzi Univ
Gao, FurongHong Kong Univ. of Sci & Tech
Xue, AnkeHangzhou Dianzi Univ
Zhang, JunfengShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA14.6 Add to My Program
Enhanced Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Time Delay Systems
Hao, ShoulinDalian Univ. of Tech
Liu, TaoDalian Univ. of Tech. (DLUT)
Wang, Qing-GuoThe Univ. of Johannesburg
WeA15 Open Invited Session, Guillaumet 2 Add to My Program 
Linear Parameter Varying Systems: Modelling, Analysis, Observation,
Control, Diagnosis and Applications
Chair: Tóth, RolandEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Co-Chair: Sename, OlivierGrenoble Inst. of Tech. / GIPSA-Lab
Organizer: Tóth, RolandEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Sename, OlivierGrenoble Inst. of Tech. / GIPSA-Lab
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA15.1 Add to My Program
Internal Stability and Loop-Transformations: An Overview on LFTs, Mobius Transforms and Chain Scattering (I)
Szabo, ZoltanMta Sztaki
Seiler, PeterUniv. of Minnesota
Bokor, JozsefHungarian Acad. of Sciences
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA15.2 Add to My Program
Stability Analysis of LPV Systems with Piecewise Differentiable Parameters (I)
Briat, CorentinETH Zürich
Khammash, Mustafa H.Swiss Federal Inst. of Tech. (ETH)
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA15.3 Add to My Program
Generalising Quasi-LPV and CDI Models to Quasi-Convex Difference Inclusions (I)
Sala, AntonioUniv. Pol. De Valencia
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA15.4 Add to My Program
Global Robust Output Regulation for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Via Event-Triggered Control
Liu, WeiThe Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
Huang, JieThe Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA15.5 Add to My Program
Interval Observer for LPV Systems: Application to Vehicle Lateral Dynamics
Ifqir, SaraIBISC Lab. Evry Val D'essonne Univ
Ait oufroukh, NaimaIBISC
Ichalal, DalilIBISC-Lab, Evry Val D'essonne Univ
Mammar, SaïdCNRS
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA15.6 Add to My Program
Robust Output Estimator Synthesis Based on Cycling-Based LPTV Scaling
Hosoe, YoheiKyoto Univ
Miyamoto, MitsuakiKyoto Univ
Hagiwara, TomomichiKyoto Univ
WeA16 Regular Session, Daurat Add to My Program 
Mechatronic System - I  
Chair: Aschemann, HaraldUniv. of Rostock
Co-Chair: Ebner, WolfgangVirtual Vehicle Res. Center
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA16.1 Add to My Program
Auto-Generated Specification of Assembly Units by Formalized Requirements for a Higher Maturity in the Engineering Process
Schlag, AndreasDaimler AG
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA16.2 Add to My Program
Iterative Learning Control of a Pneumatically Actuated Lung Tumour Mimic Model
Wache, AlexanderUniv. of Rostock
Aschemann, HaraldUniv. of Rostock
Prabel, RobertUniv. of Rostock
Kurth, JensUniv. Medical Center of Rostock
Krause, BerndUniv. Medical Center of Rostock
Zorn, StefanUniv. of Rostock
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA16.3 Add to My Program
Symbolic Dynamic Modelling of Locomotion Systems with Persistent Contacts - Application to the 3D Bicycle
Mauny, JohanIMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays De La Loire, LS2N
Porez, MathieuIRCCyN
Boyer, FredericEc. Des Mines De Nantes
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA16.4 Add to My Program
A Model-Based Design Approach for an Optimal Electro-Hydraulic System within Automatic Transmissions
Ebner, WolfgangVirtual Vehicle Res. Center
Fuchs, JohannesTU Graz
Brasseur, GeorgTech. Univ. Graz
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA16.5 Add to My Program
Generation of Simulation Models in MATLAB-Simulink Based on AutomationML Plant Description
Novak, PetrTech. Univ. Wien
Ekaputra, FajarTech. Univ. Wien
Biffl, StefanTech. Univ. Wien
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA16.6 Add to My Program
Shaping Stable Oscillation of a Pendulum on a Cart Around the Horizontal
Surov, MaksimSaint-Petersburg State Univ. of InformationTechnologies Mec
Gusev, Sergei V.St. Petersburg State Univ
Shiriaev, AntonNTNU
WeA17 Invited Session, Servanty Add to My Program 
Advanced Control Techniques for Data Storage and Scanning Probe Microscopy  
Chair: Pantazi, AngelikiIBM Res. - Zurich
Co-Chair: Yamaguchi, TakashiRicoh Company Ltd
Organizer: Pantazi, AngelikiIBM Res. - Zurich
Organizer: Yamaguchi, TakashiRicoh Company Ltd
Organizer: Cherubini, GiovanniIBM
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA17.1 Add to My Program
Analysis of Sampled-Data Open-Loop Characteristics on Magnetic-Head Positioning System in HDDs (I)
Atsumi, TakenoriChiba Inst. of Tech
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA17.2 Add to My Program
Dual Actuation of Fast Scanning Axis for High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy (I)
Ito, ShingoTU Wien
Neyer, DanielTU Wien
Steininger, JuergenVienna Univ. of Tech
Schitter, GeorgVienna Univ. of Tech
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA17.3 Add to My Program
Tape Transport Control with Suppression of Time-Varying Tension Disturbances (I)
Pantazi, AngelikiIBM Res. - Zurich
Cherubini, GiovanniIBM
Taketomi, TomokoIBM
Bui, NhanIBM
Lantz, MarkIBM
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA17.4 Add to My Program
Beating Landauer’s Bound by Memory Erasure Using Time Multiplexed Potentials (I)
Talukdar, SauravUniv. of Minnesota
Bhaban, ShreyasUniv. of Minnesota TC
Salapaka, Murti V.Univ. of Minnesota, Twin Cities
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA17.5 Add to My Program
Budgeting of Systematic versus Stochastic Errors in Sensor Fusion for Piezo Electric Transducers (I)
Kohl, DominikTU Wien
Hoser, SeverinTU Wien
Saathof, RudolfVienna Univ. of Tech
Schitter, GeorgVienna Univ. of Tech
WeA18 Regular Session, De Marnier Add to My Program 
Bio and Ecological Systems - Modeling and Control of Environmental Systems
Chair: Join, CédricUHP-Nancy & ALIEN INRIA-Futurs
Co-Chair: Coelho, João PauloIPB and INESC TEC
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA18.1 Add to My Program
A Simple and Efficient Feedback Control Strategy for Wastewater Denitrification
Join, CédricUHP-Nancy & ALIEN INRIA-Futurs
Bernier, JeanSIAAP
Mottelet, StephaneUniv. De Tech. De Compiegne
Fliess, MichelEc. Pol
Rechdaoui-Guérin, SabrinaSIAAP
Azimi, SamirSIAAP
Rocher, VincentSiaap
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA18.2 Add to My Program
Optimized Fractional Order Sliding Mode Controller for Water Level in Irrigation Canal Pool
Oliveira, Josenalde BarbosaAgricultural School of Jundiaí
Pinho, Tatiana M.UTAD and INESC TEC
Coelho, João PauloIPB and INESC TEC
Boaventura Cunha, JoséUniv. De Tras-Os-Montes E Alto Douro
Moura Oliveira, PauloUniv. De Tras Os Montes E Alto Douro
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA18.3 Add to My Program
Evolutionary Game Dynamics and Risk Control in Global Dilemmas with Insurance Compensation
Du, JinmingNortheastern Univ
Jia, YongnanPeking Univ
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA18.4 Add to My Program
Structural Effects and Aggregation in a Social-Network Model of Natural Resource Consumption
Manzoor, TalhaLahore Univ. of Management Sciences
Rovenskaya, ElenaIIASA
Muhammad, AbubakrLUMS School of Science & Engineering, Pakistan
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA18.5 Add to My Program
Predictive Model Based Architecture for Energy Biomass Supply Chains Tactical Decisions
Pinho, Tatiana M.UTAD and INESC TEC
Coelho, João PauloIPB and INESC TEC
Veiga, GermanoInesc Tec
Moreira, António PauloFaculdade De Engenharia Da Univ. Do Porto
Moura Oliveira, PauloUniv. De Tras Os Montes E Alto Douro
Boaventura Cunha, JoséUniv. De Tras-Os-Montes E Alto Douro
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA18.6 Add to My Program
Order Reduction for a Signaling Pathway Model of Neuronal Synaptic Plasticity
Lehtimäki, MikkoTampere Univ. of Tech
Paunonen, LassiTampere Univ. of Tech
Pohjolainen, SeppoTampere Univ. of Tech
Linne, Marja-LeenaTampere Univ. of Tech
WeA19 Regular Session, Gavarnie Add to My Program 
Solar Energy Systems  
Chair: Bueno Lopez, MaximilianoUniv. De La Salle
Co-Chair: Conte, FrancescoUniv. of Genova
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA19.1 Add to My Program
Fuzzy Assisted Enhanced Control for Utility Connected Rooftop PV (I)
Pullaguram, DeepakIndian Inst. of Tech. Delhi
Mishra, SukumarIndian Inst. of Tech. Delhi
Senroy, N.IIT Delhi
Bhattacharya, SomeshIndian Inst. of Tech. Delhi
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA19.2 Add to My Program
Chaos in a Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Plant (I)
Abdelmoula, MohamedUniv. of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Lab. CReSTIC
Moughamir, SaidUniv. of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Lab. CReSTIC
Robert, Bruno Gérard MichelUniv. of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA19.3 Add to My Program
Bounded-Voltage Power Flow Control for Grid-Tied PV Systems (I)
Wang, YeqinTexas Tech. Univ
Ren, BeibeiTexas Tech. Univ
Zhong, Qing-ChangIllinois Inst. of Tech
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA19.4 Add to My Program
Fuzzy-Based Reactive Power Control for Smart PV Inverters in LV Distribution Systems
Bernal Alzate, EfrainUniv. De La Salle
Bueno Lopez, MaximilianoUniv. De La Salle
Salazar Caceres, Jose FabianUniv. De La Salle
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA19.5 Add to My Program
An Ultra-Short-Term Pre-Plan Power Curve Based Smoothing Control Approach for Grid-Connected Wind-Solar-Battery Hybrid Power System
Peng, ChaoUniv. of Electronic Science and Tech. of China
Zou, JianxiaoSchool of Automation Engineering, Univ. of Electronic Scien
Zhang, ZhenzhenColl. of Electrical & Information Engineering, Southwest Univ
Han, LuUniv. of Electronic Science and Tech. of China
Liu, MiaoUniv. of Electronic Science and Tech. of China
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA19.6 Add to My Program
Day-Ahead Planning and Real-Time Control of Integrated PV-Storage Systems by Stochastic Optimization
Conte, FrancescoUniv. of Genova
Massucco, StefanoUniv. of Genova
Silvestro, FedericoUniv. of Genova
WeA20 Invited Session, Toulouse Add to My Program 
Advances in Artificial Pancreas Control Systems  
Chair: Breton, Marc DUniv. of Virginia
Co-Chair: Cinar, AliIllinois Inst. of Tech
Organizer: Cinar, AliIllinois Inst. of Tech
Organizer: Breton, Marc DUniv. of Virginia
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA20.1 Add to My Program
Mixed Linear-Quadratic Cost Function Design for MPC of an Artificial Pancreas - Improved Treatment & Safety for a Broad Range of Meal Sizes (I)
Rebello, GustavoFederal Univ. of Juiz De Fora
Gondhalekar, RaviCharles Stark Draper Lab
Dassau, EyalHarvard Univ
Doyle, FrancisHarvard Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA20.2 Add to My Program
Artificial Pancreas: First Clinical Trials in Argentina (I)
Sánchez-Peña, Ricardo S.Inst. Tecnológico De Buenos Aires (ITBA)
Colmegna, Patricio HernánInst. Tecnológico De Buenos Aires
Grosembacher, LuisHiBA - Hospital Italino Buenos Aires
Breton, Marc DUniv. of Virginia
De Battista, HernánUniv. Nacional De La Plata - CONICET
Garelli, FabricioUniv. of La Plata
Belloso, WaldoHIBA
Campos Nanez, EnriqueUniv. of Virginia
Simonovich, VenturaHIBA
Beruto, ValeriaHIBA
Scibona, PaulaHIBA
Chernavvsky, DanielUniv. of Virginia
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA20.3 Add to My Program
Artificial Pancreas: From Control-To-Range to Control To-Target (I)
Incremona, Gian PaoloUniv. Degli Studi Di Pavia
Messori, MirkoUniv. of Pavia
Toffanin, ChiaraUniv. of Pavia
Cobelli, ClaudioUniv. of Padova
Magni, LaloUniv. of Pavia
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA20.4 Add to My Program
Insulin Limitation in the Artificial Pancreas by Sliding Mode Reference Conditioning and Insulin Feedback: An in Silico Comparison (I)
Sala, IvánUniv. Pol. De València
Díez, José LuisUniv. Pol. De Valencia
Bondia Company, JorgeUniv. Pol. De Valencia
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA20.5 Add to My Program
Impact of Sensing and Infusion Site Dependent Dynamics on Insulin Bolus Based Meal Compensation (I)
Kölle, KonstanzeNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech
Fougner, Anders LyngviNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech
Stavdahl, ØyvindNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech. (NTNU)
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA20.6 Add to My Program
Evaluation of Model Complexity in Model Predictive Control within an Exercise-Enabled Artificial Pancreas (I)
Resalat, NavidOregon Health and Science Univ
El Youssef, JosephOregon Health and Science Univ
Reddy, RaviOregon Health and Science Univ
Jacobs, PeterOregon Health and Science Univ
WeA21 Regular Session, Conques Add to My Program 
Data-Based Control  
Chair: Garone, EmanueleUniv. Libre De Bruxelles
Co-Chair: Galeani, SergioUniv. Di Roma Tor Vergata
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA21.1 Add to My Program
Sub-Optimal Extremum Seeking Control
Labar, ChristopheUniv. Libre De Bruxelles
Garone, EmanueleUniv. Libre De Bruxelles
Kinnaert, MichelUniv. Libre De Bruxelles
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA21.2 Add to My Program
Learning-Based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Limon, DanielUniv. De Sevilla
Calliess, Jan-PeterUniv. of Cambridge
Maciejowski, JanUniv. of Cambridge
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA21.3 Add to My Program
External Models for Output Regulation Based on Moment Estimation from Input-Output Data
Carnevale, DanieleUniv. Di Roma , Tor Vergata
Galeani, SergioUniv. Di Roma Tor Vergata
Sassano, MarioUniv. of Rome, Tor Vergata
Serrani, AndreaThe Ohio State Univ
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA21.4 Add to My Program
On Lyapunov Functions and Data-Driven Dissipativity
Maupong, Thabiso MphoobuileUniv. of Southapton
Mayo-Maldonado, Jonathan CarlosTecnologico De Monterrey
Rapisarda, PaoloUniv. of Southampton
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA21.5 Add to My Program
Determining Dissipation Inequalities from Input-Output Samples
Romer, AnneUniv. of Stuttgart
Montenbruck, Jan MaximilianUniv. of Stuttgart
Allgower, FrankUniv. of Stuttgart
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA21.6 Add to My Program
Data-Driven Predictive Control with Nonlinear Compensation for Performance Management in Virtualized Software System
Aryani, DharmaRMIT Univ
Wang, LiupingRMIT Univ
Patikirikorala, TharinduSwinburne Univ. of Tech
WeA22 Open Invited Session, Cordes Add to My Program 
Control of Power Electronic Converters  
Chair: Zhong, Qing-ChangIllinois Inst. of Tech
Co-Chair: Lee, Young IlSeoul National Univ. of Science and Tech
Organizer: Zhong, Qing-ChangIllinois Inst. of Tech
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA22.1 Add to My Program
Finite Control Set-Model Predictive Speed Control of Induction Motors with Optimal Duration (I)
Ahmed, AbdelsalamTanta Univ
Koh, Byung KwonSeoul National Univ. of Science and Tech
Lee, Young IlSeoul National Univ. of Science and Tech
Kim, Jung-SuSeoul National Univ. of Tech
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA22.2 Add to My Program
Sliding-Mode Control of a Boost Converter Supplying a Constant Power Load (I)
Martinez Treviño, Blanca AreliUniv. Rovira I Virgili
Jammes, RobinUniv. Rovira I Virgili, Department D’enginyeria Electrònic
El Aroudi, AbdelaliUniv. Rovira I Virgili
Martinez-Salamero, LuisUniv. Rovira Ivirgili
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA22.3 Add to My Program
Generic Modeling of N-Level Pulse Width Modulation Voltage Source Inverters and Their Control (I)
Vidal, Paul-EtienneLab. Génie De Production - ENIT
Cailhol, SimonLab. Génie De Production, Univ. De Toulouse, INP - E
Rotella, FredericENIT
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA22.4 Add to My Program
A Fault Detection Method and a Tolerance Control in a Single-Phase Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter (I)
Lee, June-HeeAjou Univ
Lee, Kyo-BeumAjou Univ
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA22.5 Add to My Program
Design of a UDE Frequency Selective Filter to Reject Periodical Disturbances (I)
Gadelovits, ShlomoUniv. of Sheffield
Zhong, Qing-ChangIllinois Inst. of Tech
Kadirkamanathan, VisakanThe Univ. of Sheffield
Konstantopoulos, GeorgeUniv. of Sheffield
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA22.6 Add to My Program
Impedance-Sum Stability Criterion for Cascaded Power Electronic Systems (I)
Zhong, Qing-ChangIllinois Inst. of Tech
Zhang, XinSheffield Univ
WeA23 Open Invited Session, Lourdes Add to My Program 
Powertrain Systems: Modeling, Control and Optimization 1  
Chair: Verdier, DamienContinental Automotive France SAS
Co-Chair: Eriksson, LarsLinköping Univ
Organizer: Onori, SimonaClemson Univ
Organizer: Eriksson, LarsLinköping Univ
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA23.1 Add to My Program
Identification of Control-Relevant Diesel Engine Models Using a Local Linear Parametric Approach (I)
van Keulen, Thijs Adriaan CornelisTech. Univ. Eindhoven
Huijben, LarsEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Oomen, TomEindhoven Univ. of Tech
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA23.3 Add to My Program
Optimal Powertrain Lock-Up Transients for a Heavy Duty Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle (I)
Sivertsson, MartinVolvo Cars
Eriksson, LarsLinköping Univ
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA23.4 Add to My Program
Optimizing a Hybrid Diesel Power Unit Using Extremum Seeking Control (I)
Popp, JohannesUniv. Erlangen-Nürnberg
Deutscher, JoachimUniv. Erlangen-Nürnberg
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA23.5 Add to My Program
Optimal Energy Control of a Dual Fuel Vehicle Fuelled by Natural Gas and E10 (I)
Hall, CarrieIllinois Inst. of Tech
Pamminger, MichaelArgonne National Lab
Sevik, JamesArgonne National Lab
Wallner, ThomasArgonne National Lab
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA23.6 Add to My Program
Model of a Hybrid Electrical System for Software and System V&V on Hardware in the Loop Test Bench (I)
Verdier, DamienContinental Automotive France SAS
Lachaize, JeromeContinental Automotive France SAS
Lamamy, RomainContinental Automotive France SAS
WeA24 Open Invited Session, Pic du Midi Add to My Program 
Event-Triggered and Self-Triggered Control  
Chair: Heemels, MauriceEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Co-Chair: Hirche, SandraTech. Univ. of Munich
Organizer: Heemels, MauriceEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Hirche, SandraTech. Univ. of Munich
Organizer: Johansson, Karl H.Royal Inst. of Tech
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA24.1 Add to My Program
H2 Optimization under Intermittent Sampling and Its Application to Event-Triggered Control (I)
Braksmayer, MaorTech. - IIT
Mirkin, LeonidTech
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA24.2 Add to My Program
Delay-Dependent Data Rate Bounds for Containability of Scalar Systems (I)
Linsenmayer, SteffenUniv. of Stuttgart
Blind, RainerUniv. of Stuttgart
Allgower, FrankUniv. of Stuttgart
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA24.3 Add to My Program
Self-Triggered Control for Sampled-Data Systems Using Reachability Analysis (I)
Al Khatib, MohammadLab. Des Signaux Et Systèmes
Girard, AntoineCNRS
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA24.4 Add to My Program
Design of Periodic Event-Triggered Control for Polynomial Systems: A Delay System Approach (I)
Aranda Escolástico, ErnestoUNED
Abdelrahim, MahmoudAssiut Univ
Guinaldo, MariaUNED
Dormido, SebastiánUNED
Heemels, MauriceEindhoven Univ. of Tech
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA24.5 Add to My Program
Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for Linear Systems Subject to Cone-Bounded Nonlinearities (I)
Tarbouriech, SophieLAAS-CNRS
Seuret, AlexandreCnrs / Laas
Moreira, LucianoUniv. Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul (UFRGS)
Gomes Da Silva Jr, Joao ManoelUniv. Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul (UFRGS)
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA24.6 Add to My Program
Robust Event-Triggered Control Subject to External Disturbance (I)
Zhang, PengpengNortheastern Univ
Liu, TengfeiNortheastern Univ
Jiang, Zhong-PingTandon School of Engineering, New York Univ
WeA25 Regular Session, Basketball Add to My Program 
Mechatronics, Robotics and Components - Robotics 6  
Chair: Werner, HerbertHamburg Univ. of Tech
Co-Chair: Mojica-Nava, EduardoUniv. NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA25.1 Add to My Program
USBL Integration and Assessment in a Multisensor Navigation Approach for AUVs
Guerrero Font, EricUniv. of the Balearic Islands
Bonin-Font, Francisco JesusUniv. of the Balearic Islands
Negre Carrasco, Pep LluisUniv. of the Balearic Islands
Massot Campos, MiquelUniv. of the Balearic Islands
Oliver, GabrielUniv. of the Balearic Islands
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA25.2 Add to My Program
Cooperative Source Seeking with Distance-Based Formation Control and Single-Integrator Agents
Ahmadi Barogh, SiavashHamburg Univ. of Tech. Inst. of Control Systems
Werner, HerbertHamburg Univ. of Tech
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA25.3 Add to My Program
Cooperative Source Seeking with Distance-Based Formation Control and Non-Holonomic Agents
Ahmadi Barogh, SiavashHamburg Univ. of Tech. Inst. of Control Systems
Werner, HerbertHamburg Univ. of Tech
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA25.4 Add to My Program
Collision-Free Formation Control for Multiple Quadrotor-Manipulator Systems
Qi, YuhuaBeijing Inst. of Tech
Wang, JiananBeijing Inst. of Tech
Shan, JiayuanBeijing Inst. of Tech
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA25.5 Add to My Program
Space Robot Relative Navigation for Debris Removal
Yazdkhasti, SetarehCarleton Univ
Sasiadek, Jurek ZCarleton Univ
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA25.6 Add to My Program
Exploration with Heterogeneous Robots Networks for Search and Rescue
Yanguas-Rojas, DavidUniv. Nacional De Colombia
Mojica-Nava, EduardoUniv. NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA
WeA26 Open Invited Session, Rugby Add to My Program 
Intelligent Systems Supporting Supply Chains Decision Making  
Chair: Frazzon, Enzo MorosiniFederal Univ. of Santa Catarina
Co-Chair: Freitag, MichaelBIBA - Bremer Inst. Für Produktion Und Logistik GmbH at the Univ. of Bremen
Organizer: Frazzon, Enzo MorosiniFederal Univ. of Santa Catarina
Organizer: Freitag, MichaelBIBA - Bremer Inst. Für Produktion Und Logistik GmbH at the Univ. of Bremen
Organizer: Pereira, Carlos EduardoFederal Univ. of Rio Grande Do Sul - UFRGS
Organizer: Hellingrath, BerndUniv. of Muenster
Organizer: Nof, Shimon Y.Purdue Univ
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA26.1 Add to My Program
Cycles As a Solving Strategy for Matching Problems in Cooperative Full Truckload Networks (I)
Nieberding, BerndUniv. of Applied Sciences Erfurt
Apfelstädt, AndyUniv. of Applied Sciences Erfurt
Dashkovskiy, SergeyUniv. of Würzburg
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA26.2 Add to My Program
On Exploitation of Supply Chain Properties by Sequential Distributed MPC (I)
Köhler, Philipp N.Univ. of Stuttgart
Muller, Matthias A.Univ. of Stuttgart
Pannek, JuergenUniv. of Bremen
Allgower, FrankUniv. of Stuttgart
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA26.3 Add to My Program
Evaluating the Robustness of Production Schedules Using Discrete-Event Simulation (I)
Vieira, GuilhermeFederal Univ. of Santa Catarina
Kück, MirkoBIBA - Bremer Inst. Für Produktion Und Logistik GmbH at the U
Frazzon, Enzo MorosiniFederal Univ. of Santa Catarina
Freitag, MichaelBIBA - Bremer Inst. Für Produktion Und Logistik GmbH at the U
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA26.4 Add to My Program
Reduction of Waiting Time in Logistics Centers by Trailer Yards (I)
Dashkovskiy, SergeyUniv. of Würzburg
Suttner, RaikUniv. of Wuerzburg
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA26.5 Add to My Program
A Networked Production System to Implement Virtual Enterprise and Product Lifecycle Information Loops (I)
Pedrazzoli, PaoloUniv. of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)
Silvestri, MarcoUniv. of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)
Avventuroso, GiuseppeUniv. of Parma, Parco Area Delle Scienze 181/A – 43124 Parm
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA26.6 Add to My Program
Long-Term Production Planning Problem: Scheduling, Makespan Estimation and Bottleneck Analysis (I)
Arkhipov, DmitryInst. of Control Sciences of Russian Acad. of Sciences
Lazarev, AlexanderInst. of Control Sciences, Russian Acad. of Sciences
WeA27 Regular Session, Football Add to My Program 
Process Monitoring and Fault Detection/Identification  
Chair: Chioua, MoncefABB Corp. Res. Germany
Co-Chair: Krishnannair, SyamalaUniv. of Zululand
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA27.1 Add to My Program
A Delay Vector Variance Based Approach for Detecting and Isolating the Non-Linearity Induced Oscillations in Control Loops
Aftab, Muhammad FaisalNTNU
Hovd, MortenNorwegian Univ. of Tech. and Science
Sivalingam, SelvanathanSiemens AS
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA27.2 Add to My Program
Automatic Damage Quanti cation Using Signal Based and Nonlinear Model Based Damage Sensitive Features
Ghrib, MeriemArts Et Métiers ParisTech
Rebillat, MarcArts Et Métiers ParisTech (ENSAM) Paris
Mechbal, NazihArts Et Métiers ParisTech
Vermot des Roches, GuillaumeSDTools
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA27.3 Add to My Program
Practical Methods for Detecting and Removing Transient Disturbances in Univariate Time Series
Zhou, BaifanKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech
Chioua, MoncefABB Corp. Res. Germany
Schlake, Jan-ChristophABB Corp. Res. Center
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA27.4 Add to My Program
Model-Plant Mismatch Detection with Support Vector Machines
Lu, QiugangUniv. of British Columbia
Gopaluni, BhushanUniv. of British Columbia
Forbes, Michael GregoryHoneywell
Loewen, Philip D.Univ. of British Columbia
Backstrom, JohanHoneywell
Dumont, GuyUniv. of British Columbia
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA27.5 Add to My Program
Concurrent Monitoring and Diagnosis of Process and Quality Faults with Canonical Correlation Analysis
Zhu, QinqinUniv. of Southern California
Liu, QiangNortheastern Univ
Qin, S. JoeUniv. of Southern California
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA27.6 Add to My Program
Fault Diagnosis of the Tennessee Eastman Benchmark Process with Nonlinear Singular Spectrum Analysis
Krishnannair, SyamalaUniv. of Zululand
Aldrich, ChrisCurtin Univ
WeA28 Open Invited Session, Hockey Add to My Program 
Cooperative Control and Navigation for UAVs  
Chair: Tsourdos, AntoniosCranfield Univ
Co-Chair: Piet-Lahanier, HeleneONERA
Organizer: Tsourdos, AntoniosCranfield Univ
Organizer: Piet-Lahanier, HeleneONERA
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA28.1 Add to My Program
Cooperative Control for a Flight Array of UAVs and an Application in Radar Jamming (I)
Jang, InmoCranfield Univ
Jeong, JunhoChungnam National Univ
Shin, Hyo-SangCranfield Univ
Kim, SeungkeunChungnam National Univ
Tsourdos, AntoniosCranfield Univ
Suk, JinyoungChungnam National Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper WeA28.2 Add to My Program
Cooperative Localisation of a GPS-Denied UAV in 3-Dimensional Space Using Direction of Arrival Measurements (I)
Russell, James StanleyAustralian National Univ
Ye, MengbinAustralian National Univ
Anderson, Brian D.O.Australian National Univ
Hmam, HatemDSTO
Sarunic, Peter WilliamDefence Science and Tech. Group
10:40-11:00, Paper WeA28.3 Add to My Program
Distributed Event-Triggered Control for Multi-Agent Formation Stabilization (I)
Viel, ChristopheONERA
Bertrand, SylvainONERA
Kieffer, MichelCNRS - Supélec - Univ. Paris-Sud, Inst
Piet-Lahanier, HeleneONERA
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA28.4 Add to My Program
Fast Formation of Swarm of UAVs in Congested Urban Environment (I)
Spanogianopoulos, SotiriosUniv. of Kent
Zhang, QianLiverpool John Moores Univ
Spurgeon, Sarah K.Univ. Coll. London
11:20-11:40, Paper WeA28.5 Add to My Program
Use of Co-Operative UAVs to Support/Augment UGV Situational Awareness And/or Inter-Vehicle Communications (I)
Quintin, FlorianCranfield Univ
Iovino, SerenaCranfield Univ
Savvaris, AlCranfield Univ
Tsourdos, AntoniosCranfield Univ
11:40-12:00, Paper WeA28.6 Add to My Program
Path Planning of Messenger UAV in Air-Ground Coordination
Ding, YulongBeijing Inst. of Tech
Xin, BinBeijing Inst. of Tech
Chen, JieBeijing Inst. of Tech
Fang, HaoBeijing Inst. of Tech
Zhu, YangguangBeijing Inst. of Tech
Gao, GuanqiangBeijing Inst. of Tech
Dou, Li-HuaBeijing Inst. of Tech
WeB13 Panel Session, St Exupéry Add to My Program 
History of Automatic Control  
Chair: Dugard, LucGipsa-Lab, CNRS Grenoble-INP-Univ. Grenoble Alpes
WeM01 Interactive Session, Caravelle 1.2 Add to My Program 
GDR MACS - Modeling and Control  
Chair: Cocquempot, VincentLILLE 1 Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM01.1 Add to My Program
Health Management of Industrial Vehicles & Fleet Maintenance Optimization: Taking into Account Operation Constraints and Mission Planning (I)
Robert, ElodieRenault Trucks SAS
Bouvard, KeomanyRenault Trucks SAS
Tedie, HoceaneRenault Trucks
Lesobre, RomainRenault Trucks Defense
Berenguer, ChristopheGrenoble Inst. of Tech. & CNRS
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM01.2 Add to My Program
A New Hybrid Approach for Fault Detection and Diagnosis (I)
Tidriri, KhaoulaUniv. of Angers, ISTIA, LARIS
Tiplica, TeodorUniv. D'angers
Chatti, NizarUniv. of Angers
Verron, SylvainUniv. of Angers
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM01.4 Add to My Program
Diagnosis of Critical Faults in Large Solar Thermal Systems: An Overview of Relevant FDI Methods and Their Combination (I)
Faure, GaëlleINES-CEA
Vallée, MathieuCea Ines
Paulus, CedricCea Ines
Tran, Quoc TuanCea Ines
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM01.5 Add to My Program
Identification of Discrete-Event Systems (I)
Lai, AiwenUniv. of Angers
Lahaye, SébastienUniv. D'angers
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM01.7 Add to My Program
Biomathematics Modelling for the Study of Failures Propagation: Application to a Production Resource (I)
Ongowe, FredrickUniv. of Nairobi
Hennequin, SophieENIM
Wairimu Kagunda, JosephineUniv. of Nairobi
Nyoungue, AiméUniv. of Lorraine
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM01.8 Add to My Program
Fusion of Fault and Degradation Indicators for Predictive Maintenance Assistance of Wind Turbine Fleets Using SCADA Monitoring Data (I)
Aziz, UsamaUniv. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, GIPSA-Lab, Valemo S.A.S, 33323
Lebranchu, AlexisVALEMO
Charbonnier, SylvieUniv. Joseph Fourier/ Grenoble INP
Berenguer, ChristopheGrenoble Inst. of Tech. & CNRS
Prevost, FrédéricVALEMO
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM01.9 Add to My Program
Performance Assessment for Fault Detection of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell in Automotive Condition (I)
Jullian, GauthierCEA-Grenoble
Rosini, SébastienCea Liten
Cadet, CatherineGIPSA-Lab, Automatic Department
Gerard, MathiasCEA-LITEN
Heiries, VincentCea Leti
Berenguer, ChristopheGrenoble Inst. of Tech. & CNRS
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM01.10 Add to My Program
Supervisory Control of Autonomous Trains: A Case Study of the Collision-Avoidance (I)
Cazenave, PaulEc. Centrale Lille/CRIStAL
Khlif Bouassida, ManelCentrale Lille
Toguyeni, ArmandEc. Centrale De Lille
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM01.11 Add to My Program
Distance Concept Based Filter Approach for Detection of Cyberattacks on Industrial Control Systems (I)
Sicard, FranckUniv. Alpes, CNRS, GSCOP
Zamai, EricInst. National Pol. De Grenoble
Flaus, Jean-MarieGrenoble-INP
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM01.12 Add to My Program
Testing Experiments for 1-Place-Unbounded Synchronized Petri Nets (I)
Wu, ChangshunAix-Marseille Univ
Demongodin, IsabelAix-Marseille Univ
Giua, AlessandroAix-Marseille Univ. France / Univ. of Cagliari, Italy
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM01.13 Add to My Program
Safety for Real-Time Ethernet in IEC 61508 and IEC 61784 (I)
Soury, AyoubUniv. Grenoble Alpes
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM01.14 Add to My Program
Through Optimal Decision Moments in Multistrategies Based Bayesian Evolutionary Algorithm (I)
Ghoumari, AsmaaUPEC
WeM02 Interactive Session, Caravelle 1.3 Add to My Program 
Fractional Systems  
Chair: Melchior, PierreUniv. Bordeaux 1 - IPB/ENSEIRB-MATMECA
Co-Chair: Victor, StephaneUniv. De Bordeaux, IMS
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM02.1 Add to My Program
Temperature Control of a Finite Diffusive Interface Medium Using the Third Generation CRONE Controller
Abi Zeid Daou, RoyLebanese German Univ. Faculty of Public Health
Moreau, XavierUniv. of Bordeaux
Christophy, FadyUniv. of Bordeaux
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM02.2 Add to My Program
Pinning Synchronization of Fractional General Complex Dynamical Networks with Time Delay
Ren, GuojianBeijing Jiaotong Univ
Yu, YongguangBeijing Jiaotong Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM02.3 Add to My Program
Variable Order Differential Models of Bone Remodelling (I)
Neto, Joana PinheiroInst. Superior T´Ec. Univ. De Lisboa
Coelho, Rui MouraIDMEC, Inst. Superior T´Ec. Univ. De Lisboa
Valério, Duarte Pedro Mata de OliveiraIDMEC/IST, Tech. Univ. of Lisbon
Vinga, SusanaIDMEC/LAETA
Sierociuk, DominikWarsaw Univ. of Tech. (ISEP)
Malesza, WiktorWarsaw Univ. of Tech
Macias, MichalInst. of Control and Industrial Electronics, Warsaw Univ
Dzielinski, AndrzejWarsaw Univ. of Tech
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM02.4 Add to My Program
Positive Fractional Variable Order Discrete-Time Systems (I)
Malesza, WiktorWarsaw Univ. of Tech
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM02.5 Add to My Program
Design and Analysis of Fractional Order PD-Type Iterative Learning Control
Zhao, YangShandong Univ
Zhou, FengyuShandong Univ
Wang, DaShandong Normal Univ
Li, YanShandong Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM02.6 Add to My Program
Optimal Tuning of Fractional Order PIλ DµA Controller Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Bettou, KhalfaUniv. Mentouri De Constantine
Charef, AbdelfatahUniv. Mentouri De Constantine
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM02.7 Add to My Program
Reverse Ishikawa-Nesterov Learning Scheme for Fractional Mean-Field Games
Tembine, HamidouNew York Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM02.8 Add to My Program
An Application of the Seasonal Fractional ARIMA Model to the Semiconductor Manufacturing (I)
Liu, KaiChina Univ. of Mining and Tech. Beijing
Chen, YangQuanUniv. of California, Merced
Zhang, XiChina Univ. of Mining and Tech. Beijing
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM02.9 Add to My Program
Two Strategies for Fractional Sliding Mode Control of Integer Order Systems by System Augmentation: Application to a Servomotor (I)
Tejado, InésUniv. of Extremadura
Djari, AbdelhamidNDT Lab. Automatic Department, Univ. of Jijel
Vinagre, B. M.Univ. De Extremadura
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM02.10 Add to My Program
Fractional-Order Extreme Learning Machine with Levy Flight (I)
Zhang, ShuoBJTU
Chen, YangQuanUniv. of California, Merced
Yu, YongguangBeijing Jiaotong Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM02.11 Add to My Program
Stability of Discrete Fractional Linear Systems with Positive Orders (I)
Mozyrska, DorotaBialystok Univ. of Tech
Wyrwas, MalgorzataBialystok Univ. of Tech. (BUT)
WeM03 Interactive Session, Caravelle 2.1 Add to My Program 
Non-Linear Control Systems IV  
Chair: Lozano, RogelioUniv. De Tech. De Compiegne
Co-Chair: Gazzino, ClémentLAAS-CNRS
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM03.1 Add to My Program
Improved Transparency for Haptic Systems with Complex Environments
Forbrigger, Shane ThomasDalhousie Univ
Pan, Ya-JunDalhousie Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM03.2 Add to My Program
Observer Design for an Electrochemical Model of Lithium Ion Batteries Based on a Polytopic Approach
Blondel, Pierre GoustanCRAN, CNRS, Univ. De Lorraine
Postoyan, RomainCRAN, CNRS, Univ. De Lorraine
Raël, StéphaneGREEN, Univ. De Lorraine
Benjamin, SébastienSAFT, Direction De La Recherche
Desprez, PhilippeSAFT, Direction De La Recherche
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM03.3 Add to My Program
Zero Finding Via Feedback Stabilisation
Mylvaganam, ThulasiImperial Coll. London
Astolfi, AlessandroImperial Col. London & Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM03.4 Add to My Program
Estimation of the Attraction Domain for Nonlinear Single-Input System with Constrained Control
Pesterev, AlexanderInst. of Control Sciences, Russian Acad. of Sciences
Rapoport, LevInst. for Control Sciences RAS
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM03.5 Add to My Program
Singular Perturbation for Sampled-Data Systems with Fast Subsystems
Yun, HyeonjunSeoul National Univ
Shim, HyungboSeoul National Univ
Chang, H.J.Kookmin Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM03.6 Add to My Program
Enhanced Bounded Integral Control of Input-To-State Stable Nonlinear Systems
Konstantopoulos, GeorgeUniv. of Sheffield
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM03.7 Add to My Program
Popov-Like Criterion for the Complex-Variable Systems
Lipkovich, MikhailSaint Petersburg State Univ
Fradkov, Alexander L.Russian Acad. of Sciences
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM03.9 Add to My Program
Parameter Varying Flutter Suppression Control for the BAH Jet Transport Wing
Patartics, BálintInst. for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Acad. Of
Luspay, TamásInst. for Computer Science and Control
Peni, TamasInst. for Computer Science and Control (MTA-SZTAKI)
Takarics, BelaHungarian Acad. of Sciences, Inst. for Computer Science An
Vanek, BalintMta Sztaki
Kier, ThiemoDLR
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM03.10 Add to My Program
Integer Programming for Optimal Control of Geostationary Station Keeping of Low-Thrust Satellites
Gazzino, ClémentLAAS-CNRS
Louembet, ChristopheUniv. De Toulouse
Arzelier, DenisLAAS-CNRS
Jozefowiez, NicolasINSA
Losa, DamianaThales Alenia Space
Pittet, ChristelleCNES
Cerri, LucaCNES
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM03.11 Add to My Program
PI(D) Tuning for Flight Control Systems Via Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion
Acquatella B., PaulDLR, German Aerospace Center
van Ekeren, WimDelft Univ. of Tech
Chu, QipingDelft Univ. of Tech. Faculty of AerospaceEngineering
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM03.12 Add to My Program
Robust Generalized Dynamic Inversion Quadrotor Control
Ansari, UzairKing Abdulaziz Univ
Bajodah, Abdulrahman H.King Abdulaziz Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM03.13 Add to My Program
Nonlinear Feedback Control of Quadrotors Exploiting First-Order Drag Effects
Kai, Jean-MarieI3S CNRS Univ. Côte D'azur
Allibert, GuillaumeCnrs / Unsa
Hua, Minh-DucI3s Uns-Cnrs Umr7271
Hamel, TarekUniv. De Nice Sophia Antipolis
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM03.14 Add to My Program
Towards 4D Trajectory Tracking for Transport Aircraft
Escamilla Nunez, HectorEc. Nationale De L'aviation Civile
Mora-Camino, FelixEc. Nationale De L'aviation Civile
Bouadi, HakimEMP
WeM04 Interactive Session, Caravelle 2.2 Add to My Program 
Non-Linear Control Systems V  
Chair: Isidori, AlbertoUniv. of Rome "La Sapienza"
Co-Chair: Spurgeon, Sarah K.Univ. Coll. London
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM04.1 Add to My Program
An Internal Model Based Semi-Global Output Feedback Control for Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems
Su, YoufengFuzhou Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM04.2 Add to My Program
Robust Control for Robot Manipulators: Support Vector Regression Based Command Filtered Adaptive Backstepping Approach
Mvogo Ahanda, Joseph Jean-BaptisteDepartment of Physics, Faculty of Science, Univ. of Yaounde
Mbede, Jean BoscoUniv. of Yaoundé 1
Melingui, AchilleUniv. of LIlle1
Essimbi Zobo, BernardDepartment of Physics, Faculty of Science, Univ. of Yaounde
Lakhal, OthmanUniv. Lille 1, CRIStAL, CNRS-UMR 9189,
Merzouki, RochdiEc. Pol. Univ. De Lille
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM04.3 Add to My Program
Stability Analysis of Output Regulated Rational Nonlinear Systems
Castro, RafaelPUCRS
Flores, Jeferson VieiraUFRGS
Salton, Aurelio TergolinaPontifícia Univ. Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul (PUCRS)
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM04.4 Add to My Program
Maximising the Guaranteed Feasible Set for Stochastic MPC with Chance Constraints
Schaich, Rainer ManuelUniv. of Oxford
Cannon, MarkUniv. of Oxford
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM04.5 Add to My Program
On Existence of Separable Contraction Metrics for Monotone Nonlinear Systems
Manchester, IanUniv. of Sydney
Slotine, Jean-Jacques E.Massachusetts Inst. of Tech
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM04.6 Add to My Program
A Scalable Moment Matching-Based Model Reduction Technique of Linear Networks
Ionescu, Tudor C.Pol. Uni. of Bucharest & Romanian Acad
Necoara, IonUniv. Pol. Bucharest
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM04.7 Add to My Program
An Agent-Based Framework for Bio-Inspired Value-Sensitive Collective Decision-Making
Gray, Rebecca A. L.Princeton Univ
Franci, AlessioDepartment of Mathematics, UNAM
Srivastava, VaibhavPrinceton Univ
Leonard, Naomi EhrichPrinceton Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM04.8 Add to My Program
Optimized Thermal-Aware Job Scheduling and Control of Data Centers
Van Damme, TobiasUniv. of Groningen
De Persis, ClaudioUniv. of Groningen
Tesi, PietroUniv. of Groningen
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM04.9 Add to My Program
Flatness Based Control and Tracking Control Based on Nonlinearity Measures
Broecker, MarkusHeilbronn Univ
Herrmann, LukasHeilbronn Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM04.10 Add to My Program
Tracking Control of Fully-Actuated Port-Hamiltonian Mechanical Systems Via Sliding Manifolds and Contraction Analysis
Reyes-Báez, RodolfoUniv. of Groningen
van der Schaft, Arjan J.Univ. of Groningen
Jayawardhana, BayuUniv. of Groningen
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM04.11 Add to My Program
Robust Controller Design for the Uncertainty and Disturbance Estimator (UDE) (I)
Castillo, AlbertoUniv. Pol. De Valencia
Sanz, RicardoUniv. Pol. De Valencia
Garcia Gil, Pedro JoséUniv. Pol. De Valencia
Albertos, PedroUniv. Pol. De Valencia
13:30-15:30, Paper WeM04.12 Add to My Program
Circular Path Following for the Spherical Pendulum on a Cart
Greco, LucaCentraleSupélec
Mason, PaoloL2S CentraleSupélec, CNRS
Maggiore, ManfrediUniv. of Toronto
WeM05 Regular Session, Latécoère Add to My Program 
Spacecraft Navigation and Guidance  
Chair: Capolupo, FrancescoAirbus Defence and Space
Co-Chair: Hajiyev, ChingizIstanbul Tech. Univ
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM05.1 Add to My Program
Q-Adaptation of SVD-Aided UKF Algorithm for Nanosatellite Attitude Estimation
Hajiyev, ChingizIstanbul Tech. Univ
Soken, Halil ErsinThe Graduate Univ. for Advanced Studies
Cilden, DemetIstanbul Tech. Univ
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM05.3 Add to My Program
Heuristic Guidance Techniques for the Exploration of Small Celestial Bodies
Capolupo, FrancescoAirbus Defence and Space
Simeon, ThierryLAAS-CNRS
Berges, Jean-ClaudeCentre National D'etudes Spatiales
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM05.4 Add to My Program
Generalization of Linearly Parametrized Trajectory Shaping Guidance Laws
Cho, NamhoonSeoul National Univ
Kim, YoudanSeoul National Univ
Shin, Hyo-SangCranfield Univ
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM05.5 Add to My Program
Trajectory Optimization for Planetary Multi-Point Powered Landing
Ma, LinZhejiang Univ
Wang, KexinZhejiang Univ
Shao, ZhijiangZhejiang Univ
Song, ZhengyuChinese Society of Astronautics
Biegler, Lorenz T.Carnegie Mellon Univ
WeM06 Open Invited Session, Mermoz Add to My Program 
Analysis and Control of Large-Scale Complex Networked Systems 1  
Chair: Wang, XiaofanShanghai JiaoTong Univ
Co-Chair: di Bernardo, MarioUniv. of Naples Federico II
Organizer: Wang, XiaofanShanghai JiaoTong Univ
Organizer: Ren, WeiUniv. of California, Riverside
Organizer: di Bernardo, MarioUniv. of Naples Federico II
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM06.1 Add to My Program
Discrete-Time Dynamical Networks with Diagonal Controllability Gramian (I)
Zhao, ShiyuUniv. of Sheffield
Pasqualetti, FabioUniv. of California, Riverside
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM06.2 Add to My Program
Robust Semi-Global Coordinated Tracking of Saturated Networked Systems (I)
Wang, XiaolingShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Su, HoushengHuazhong Univ. of Science and Tech
Wang, Xiao FanShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Cai, YunzeShanghai Jiaotong Univ
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM06.3 Add to My Program
A Driver Node Selection Strategy for Minimizing the Control Energy in Complex Networks (I)
Lindmark, GustavLinköping Univ
Altafini, ClaudioLinkoping Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM06.4 Add to My Program
Topological Aspects of Controlling Large Scale Networks with Unilateral Inputs (I)
Lindmark, GustavLinköping Univ
Altafini, ClaudioLinkoping Univ
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM06.5 Add to My Program
Minimum Energy Control for Networks of Coupled Harmonic Oscillators (I)
Lindmark, GustavLinköping Univ
Altafini, ClaudioLinkoping Univ
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM06.6 Add to My Program
Pinning Controllability of Complex Stochastic Networks (I)
Burbano Lombana, Daniel AlbertoUniv. of Naples Federico II
di Bernardo, MarioUniv. of Naples Federico II
Russo, GiovanniIBM Res. Ireland
WeM07 Regular Session, Spot Add to My Program 
Nonlinear System Identification  
Chair: Schoukens, MaartenVrije Univ. Brussel
Co-Chair: Aguero, Juan CUniv. Santa Maria
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM07.1 Add to My Program
Approximate Inference of Nonparametric Hammerstein Models
Risuleo, Riccardo SvenKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Bottegal, GiulioTU Eindhoven
Hjalmarsson, HåkanKTH
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM07.2 Add to My Program
Discrete Time Approximation of Continuous Time Nonlinear State Space Models
Schoukens, JohanVrije Univ. Brussel
Relan, RishiVrije Univ. Brussel (VUB)
Schoukens, MaartenVrije Univ. Brussel
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM07.3 Add to My Program
Applying Measures of Dependence Based on the Symmetric Rényi Divergence to the Statistical Linearization
Chernyshov, KirillV.A. Trapeznikov Inst. of Control Sciences
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM07.4 Add to My Program
LPV Model Order Selection from Noise-Corrupted Output and Scheduling Signal Measurements
Mejari, ManasIMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
Piga, DarioIMT Inst. for Advanced Studies Lucca
Bemporad, AlbertoIMT Inst. for Advanced Studies Lucca
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM07.5 Add to My Program
Robust Target Location Estimation for Possibly Unknown Signal Propagating Models
Bai, Er-WeiUniv. of Iowa
Ding, LiWuhan Univ
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM07.6 Add to My Program
EM-Based Identification of ARX Systems Having Quantized Output Data
Aguero, Juan CThe Univ. of Newcastle
Gonzalez, KarenUniv. Santa Maria
Carvajal, RodrigoUniv. Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
WeM08 Open Invited Session, Diamant Add to My Program 
Security and Privacy for Networked Multi-Agent Cyber-Physical Systems II  
Chair: Chen, JianqiCity Univ. of Hong Kong
Co-Chair: Dey, SubhrakantiUppsala Univ
Organizer: Dey, SubhrakantiUppsala Univ
Organizer: Shi, LingHong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech
Organizer: Pappas, George J.Univ. of Pennsylvania
Organizer: Sinopoli, BrunoCarnegie Mellon Univ
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM08.1 Add to My Program
Protecting Positive and Second-Order Systems against Undetectable Attacks (I)
Chen, JianqiCity Univ. of Hong Kong
Wei, JieqiangRoyal Inst. of Tech. Sweden
Chen, WeiThe Royal Inst. of Tech. (KTH)
Sandberg, HenrikKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Johansson, Karl H.Royal Inst. of Tech
Chen, JieCity Univ. of Hong Kong
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM08.2 Add to My Program
Voltage Control in Distributed Generation under Measurement Falsification Attacks (I)
Ma, MingxiaoDelft Univ. of Tech
Teixeira, André M.H.Delft Univ. of Tech
van den Berg, JanDelft Univ. of Tech
Palensky, PeterDelft Univ. of Tech
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM08.3 Add to My Program
State Estimation with Secrecy against Eavesdroppers (I)
Tsiamis, AnastasiosUniv. of Pennsylvania
Gatsis, KonstantinosUniv. of Pennsylvania
Pappas, George J.Univ. of Pennsylvania
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM08.4 Add to My Program
Analysis and Mitigation of Bias Injection Attacks against Kalman Filter (I)
Milosevic, JezdimirKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Tanaka, TakashiKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Sandberg, HenrikKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Johansson, Karl H.Royal Inst. of Tech
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM08.5 Add to My Program
Consequence Analysis of Innovation-Based Integrity Attacks with Side Information on Remote State Estimation (I)
Guo, ZiyangHong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech
Shi, DaweiHarvard Univ
Johansson, Karl H.Royal Inst. of Tech
Shi, LingHong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM08.6 Add to My Program
Wireless Control under Jamming Attacks with Bounded Average Interference Power (I)
Cetinkaya, AhmetTokyo Inst. of Tech
Ishii, HideakiTokyo Inst. of Tech
Hayakawa, TomohisaTokyo Inst. of Tech
WeM09 Regular Session, Argos Add to My Program 
Large Scale Optimization  
Chair: Bourdais, RomainCentraleSupelec - IETR
Co-Chair: Peaucelle, DimitriLAAS-CNRS
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM09.1 Add to My Program
Fast ADMM for Homogeneous Self-Dual Embedding of Sparse SDPs
Zheng, YangUniv. of Oxford
Fantuzzi, GiovanniImperial Coll. London
Papachristodoulou, AntonisUniv. of Oxford
Goulart, Paul J.Univ. of Oxford
Wynn, AndrewImperial Coll. London
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM09.2 Add to My Program
Distributed Resource Allocation among a Subset of Nodes of a Graph
Obando, GermánUniv. De Los Andes
Quijano, NicanorUniv. De Los Andes
Gauthier, AlainUniv. De Los Andes
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM09.3 Add to My Program
Projected Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Hybrid Systems
Feng, ChengangCentraleSupélec
Bourdais, RomainCentraleSupelec - IETR
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM09.4 Add to My Program
Computing Monotone Policies for Markov Decision Processes: A Nearly-Isotonic Penalty Approach
Mattila, RobertKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Rojas, Cristian R.KTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Krishnamurthy, VikramUniv. of British Columbia
Wahlberg, BoKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM09.5 Add to My Program
A Consensus Approach to Dynamic Programming
Laurini, MattiaUniv. Degli Studi Di Parma
Consolini, LucaUniv. of Parma
Locatelli, MarcoUniv. Degli Studi Di Parma
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM09.6 Add to My Program
Formation Control of Mobile Robots Based on Interconnected Positive Systems
Ichihara, HiroyukiMeiji Univ
Kajihara, ShinyaMeiji Univ
Ebihara, YoshioKyoto Univ
Peaucelle, DimitriLAAS-CNRS
WeM10 Regular Session, Cassiopée Add to My Program 
Stability of Nonlinear Systems II  
Chair: Scherer, Carsten W.Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Stuttgart
Co-Chair: Proskurnikov, Anton V.Delft Univ. of Tech
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM10.1 Add to My Program
Absolute Stability Analysis of Discrete Time Feedback Interconnections
Fetzer, MatthiasUniv. of Stuttgart
Scherer, Carsten W.Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Stuttgart
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM10.2 Add to My Program
Singular Perturbations of Volterra Equations with Periodic Nonlinearities. Stability and Oscillatory Properties
Smirnova, VeraSt.Petersburg State Univ. of Architecture and Civil Enginee
Proskurnikov, Anton V.Delft Univ. of Tech
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM10.3 Add to My Program
Convergence Properties of an Isospectral Saddle-Point Dynamics
Gharesifard, BahmanQueens Univ. Canada
Ebenbauer, ChristianStuttgart Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM10.4 Add to My Program
Nested Saturation Based Control of Ultra-Compliant Cantilever with Tip Mass Mounted on a Cart
Shenoy, RahulIndian Inst. of Tech. Bombay
Gandhi, PrasannaIndian Inst. of Tech. Bombay
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM10.5 Add to My Program
Local Stabilization of Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems Subject to Amplitude Bounded Disturbances
Klug, MichaelFederal Inst. of Santa Catarina
Castelan, Eugenio B.Univ. Federal De Santa Catarina
Coutinho, DanielUniv. Federal De Santa Catarina
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM10.6 Add to My Program
Scattering Transformation for Non-Planar Conic Systems
Usova, AnastasiiaUniv. of Western Ontario
Polushin, Ilia G.Univ. of Western Ontario
Patel, RajniUniv. of Western Ontario
WeM11 Open Invited Session, Ariane 1 Add to My Program 
Sliding Mode Control Design: Fundamental Concepts and New Challenges I  
Chair: Utkin, Vadim I.Ohio State Univ
Co-Chair: Spurgeon, Sarah K.Univ. Coll. London
Organizer: Utkin, Vadim I.Ohio State Univ
Organizer: Orlov, YuryCICESE
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM11.1 Add to My Program
Sliding Mode-Based Speed-Gradient Control of the String Energy (I)
Orlov, YuryCICESE
Fradkov, Alexander L.Russian Acad. of Sciences
Andrievsky, BorisInst. for Problems of Mechanical Engineering of the RAS
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM11.2 Add to My Program
Time-Varying Sliding Mode Control for ABS Control of an Electric Car (I)
Rajendran, SulakshanUniv. of Leicester
Spurgeon, Sarah K.Univ. Coll. London
Tsampardoukas, GeorgiosJaguar Land Rover
Hampson, RicJaguar Land Rover
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM11.3 Add to My Program
Simplex Sliding Mode Control Strategies for Spacecraft Rendezvous Maneuvers (I)
Capello, ElisaPol. Di Torino, CNR-IEIIT
Punta, ElisabettaNational Res. Council of Italy - CNR
Bartolini, GiorgioUniv. of Cagliari
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM11.4 Add to My Program
On Average Real Sliding Dynamics in Linear Systems (I)
Olm, Josep M.Univ. Pol. De Catalunya
Repecho Del Corral, VíctorUniv. Pol. De Catalunya (UPC)
Biel, DomingoUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Shtessel, Yuri B.Univ. of Alabama at Huntsville
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM11.5 Add to My Program
Sliding Mode Observer for Stochastic Mechanical Models of Ito-Type with Unknown Dynamics (I)
Pelaez, EdgarCINVESTAV
Poznyak, Alexander S.CINVESTAV-IPN
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM11.6 Add to My Program
Sliding Mode Control Design for Linear Evolution Equations with Uncertain Measurements and Exogenous Perturbations (I)
Zhuk, SergiyIBM Res
Polyakov, AndreyINRIA Lille Nord-Europe
Nakonechnyi, OlexanderTaras Shevchenko National Univ
WeM12 Regular Session, Ariane 2 Add to My Program 
Traffic Control  
Chair: Mihaita, Adriana SimonaDATA61|CSIRO
Co-Chair: Aaslund, JanLinköping Univ
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM12.1 Add to My Program
Event-Triggered Control for Improving the Positioning Accuracy of Connected Vehicles Equipped with DSRC
Mihaita, Adriana SimonaDATA61|CSIRO
Chen, FangDATA61
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM12.2 Add to My Program
String Stability Preserving Adaptive Spacing Policy for Handling Saturation in Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoons
Tóth, JánosBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec
Rödönyi, GáborInst. for Computer Science and Control
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM12.3 Add to My Program
Distributed Model Predictive Control for Highway Maneuvers
Mohseni, FatemehAmirkabir Univ. of Tech. (Tehran Pol
Frisk, ErikLinköping Univ
Aaslund, JanLinköping Univ
Nielsen, LarsLinköping Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM12.4 Add to My Program
Nonlinear Robust Traffic Flow Control in Urban Networks
Aalipour, AliSchool of Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Tehran, Iran
Kebriaei, HamedUniv. of Tehran
Ramezani, MohsenThe Univ. of Sydney
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM12.5 Add to My Program
A Linear Formulation for Model Predictive Perimeter Traffic Control in Cities
Kouvelas, AnastasiosÉcole Pol. Fédérale De Lausanne
Saeedmanesh, MohammadrezaEPFL
Geroliminis, NikolasEc. Pol. FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE (EPFL)
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM12.6 Add to My Program
A Robust and Fault Tolerant Approach for Automatic Train Stop Control System Design
Aguiar, BraulioUniv. of Valenciennes Hainaut-Cambresis
Berdjag, DenisUniv. of Valenciennes
Demaya, BernardALSTOM Transport
Guerra, Thierry MarieUniv. of Valenciennes Hainaut-Cambresis
WeM13 Panel Session, St Exupéry Add to My Program 
Your Research Sharing through Outreach  
Chair: Pasik-Duncan, BozennaUniv. of Kansas
Co-Chair: Bushnell, LindaUniv. of Washington
WeM14 Open Invited Session, Guillaumet 1 Add to My Program 
Advances in Fractional Calculus. Theory and Applications  
Chair: Copot, DanaGhent Univ
Co-Chair: Maione, GuidoPol. Di Bari
Organizer: Muresan, Cristina IoanaTech. Univ. of Cluj Napoca
Organizer: Markowski, Konrad AndrzejWarsaw Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Copot, DanaGhent Univ
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM14.1 Add to My Program
On Fractional Predictive PID Controller Design Method (I)
Edet, EmmanuelUniv. of Strathclyde
Katebi, RezaUniv. of Strathclyde
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM14.2 Add to My Program
Tuning of Fractional Order PID Controllers Based on Integral Performance Criteria Using Fourier Series Method (I)
Deniz, Furkan NurInonu Univ
Yuce, AliInonu Univ
Tan, NusretInonu Univ
Atherton, Derek P.Univ. of Sussex
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM14.3 Add to My Program
Improved Initialization of Fractional Order Systems
Maamri, NezhaEc. Supérieure D'ingénieurs De Poitiers
Trigeassou, Jean-ClaudeUniv. of Bordeaux, IMS-LAPS
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM14.4 Add to My Program
Misconceptions in Using Riemann-Liouville’s and Caputo’s Definitions for the Description and Initialization of Fractional Partial Differential Equations (I)
Sabatier, JocelynUniv. Bordeaux1
Farges, ChristopheIMS
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM14.5 Add to My Program
Realization of New Robust Digital Fractional-Order Compensators (I)
Lino, PaoloPol. Di Bari
Maione, GuidoPol. Di Bari
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM14.6 Add to My Program
Combined Fractional Adaptive Control (I)
Aguila-Camacho, NorelysUniv. of Chile
Duarte-Mermoud, ManuelUniv. of Chile
WeM15 Open Invited Session, Guillaumet 2 Add to My Program 
Linear Parameter Varying Systems: Modelling, Analysis, Observation,
Control, Diagnosis and Applications II
Chair: Tóth, RolandEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Co-Chair: Sename, OlivierGrenoble Inst. of Tech. / GIPSA-Lab
Organizer: Tóth, RolandEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Sename, OlivierGrenoble Inst. of Tech. / GIPSA-Lab
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM15.1 Add to My Program
Damper Fault-Tolerant Linear Parameter-Varying Semi-Active Suspension Control (I)
Fleps-Dezasse, MichaelDlr - Sr Faz
Svaricek, FerdinandUniv. of the German Armed Forces, Munich
Brembeck, JonathanDlr - Sr Faz
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM15.2 Add to My Program
A Time-Domain LPV H− /H∞ Fault Detection Filter (I)
Chen, LejunUniv. of Exeter
Patton, Ron J.Univ. of Hull
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM15.3 Add to My Program
Multiple Fault-Tolerant In-Wheel Vehicle Control Based on High-Level Control Reconfiguration (I)
Mihaly, AndrasMTA-SZTAKI
Gaspar, PeterMta Sztaki
Nemeth, BalazsMta Sztaki
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM15.4 Add to My Program
Tube-Based LPV Constant Output Reference Tracking MPC with Error Bound (I)
Hanema, JurreEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Lazar, MirceaEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Tóth, RolandEindhoven Univ. of Tech
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM15.5 Add to My Program
H-Infinity Output-Feedback Gain-Scheduled Control for Discrete-Time Linear Systems Affected by Time-Varying Parameters (I)
Rosa, Tábitha E.Univ. of Campinas
Morais, Cecília F.Univ. of Campinas
Oliveira, Ricardo C. L. F.Univ. of Campinas
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM15.6 Add to My Program
Quadratic and Poly-Quadratic Discrete-Time Stabilizability of Linear Parameter-Varying Systems (I)
Pandey, Amit PrakashUniv. of California San Diego
de Oliveira, Mauricio C.Univ. of California, San Diego
WeM16 Regular Session, Daurat Add to My Program 
Mechatronic System - II  
Chair: Dilmen, ErdemPamukkale Univ
Co-Chair: Kozek, MartinVienna Univ. of Tech
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM16.1 Add to My Program
Fuzzy Model Based Stability Analysis of the Metamorphic Robotic Palm
Yang, XiaozhanKing's Coll. London
Sun, JieKing's Coll. London
Lam, H. K.King's Coll. London
Dai, J. S.King's Coll. Llondon
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM16.2 Add to My Program
Realtime-Capable FE-Based Railway Catenary Emulation Via Pantograph Test Rig Impedance Control
Aschauer, GuilhermeVienna Univ. of Tech
Schirrer, AlexanderVienna Univ. of Tech
Kozek, MartinVienna Univ. of Tech
Jakubek, Stefan M.Tech. Univ. of Vienna/Austria
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM16.3 Add to My Program
A Novel Online LS-SVM Approach for Regression and Classification
Dilmen, ErdemPamukkale Univ
Beyhan, SelamiPamukkale Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM16.4 Add to My Program
A Micro Coordinate Measuring Machine Using an Active Stereovision Technique for Measuring 3D Micro Parts
Khan, Muneeb UllahUniv. DE Tech. DE COMPIEGNE
Dupont, ErwanUniv. DE Tech. DE COMPIEGNE
Al-Hajjar, HaniUniv. DE Tech. DE COMPIEGNE
Mattar, CharbelUniv. DE Tech. DE COMPIEGNE
Prelle, ChristineUniv. DE Tech. DE COMPIEGNE
Lamarque, FredericUniv. DE Tech. DE COMPIEGNE
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM16.5 Add to My Program
Modeling of Cantilever Beam under Dissipative and Nonlinear Forces with Application to Multi-Resonant Atomic Force Microscopy
Belikov, SergeySPM Labs
Magonov, SergeiSPM Labs
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM16.6 Add to My Program
Experimental Scanning Laser Lithography with Exposure Optimization
Fleming, Andrew JohnUniv. of Newcastle
T. Ghalehbeygi, OmidUniv. of Newcastle
Routley, Ben S.Univ. of Newcastle
Wills, Adrian GeorgeUniv. of Newcastle
WeM17 Open Invited Session, Servanty Add to My Program 
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Mechatronic Systems and Motion
Chair: Faulwasser, TimmKIT
Co-Chair: Pannek, JuergenUniv. of Bremen
Organizer: Faulwasser, TimmKIT
Organizer: Pannek, JuergenUniv. of Bremen
Organizer: Alessandretti, AndreaFaculty of Engineering, Univ. of Porto (FEUP)
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM17.1 Add to My Program
Spline-Based Motion Planning in an Obstructed 3D Environment (I)
Van Parys, RubenKU Leuven
Pipeleers, GoeleKatholieke Univ. Leuven
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM17.2 Add to My Program
A Multiobjective MPC Approach for Autonomously Driven Electric Vehicles (I)
Peitz, SebastianPaderborn Univ
Schäfer, KaiUniv. of Bremen
Ober-Blöbaum, SinaUniv. of Oxford
Eckstein, JulianHella KGaA Hueck & Co
Köhler, UlrichHella KGaA Hueck & Co
Dellnitz, MichaelUniv. of Paderborn
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM17.3 Add to My Program
Towards Dynamic Optimization with Partially Updated Sensitivities (I)
van Duijkeren, NielsKU Leuven
Pipeleers, GoeleKatholieke Univ. Leuven
Swevers, JanK. U. Leuven
Diehl, MoritzUniv. of Freiburg
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM17.4 Add to My Program
A Dynamic Programming MPC Approach for Automatic Driving Along Tracks and Its Realization with Online Steering Controllers (I)
Huber, AndreasUniv. of the German Federal Armed Forces Munich
Gerdts, MatthiasUniv. of the Federal Armed Forces Munich
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM17.5 Add to My Program
A Distributed Model Predictive Control Scheme for Coordinated Output Regulation (I)
Alessandretti, AndreaFaculty of Engineering, Univ. of Porto (FEUP)
Aguiar, A. PedroFaculty of Engineering, Univ. of Porto (FEUP)
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM17.6 Add to My Program
Experimental Speedup and Stability Validation for Multi-Step MPC (I)
Mehrez, Mohamed W.Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland
Worthmann, KarlTech. Univ. Ilmenau
Mann, George K. I.Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland
Gosine, Raymond G.Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland
Pannek, JuergenUniv. of Bremen
WeM18 Open Invited Session, De Marnier Add to My Program 
Optimal Control of Bioprocesses  
Chair: Harmand, JéromeINRA
Co-Chair: Rapaport, AlainINRA
Organizer: Harmand, JéromeINRA
Organizer: Rapaport, AlainINRA
Organizer: Bayen, TerenceUniv. of Montpellier 2
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM18.1 Add to My Program
Optimal Control of a Membrane filtration System (I)
Kalboussi, NesrineEl Manar Univ. National Inst. of Applied Sciences And
Rapaport, AlainINRA
Bayen, TerenceUniv. of Montpellier 2
Benamar, NihelUniv. El Manar
Ellouze, FatmaEl Manar Univ
Harmand, JéromeINRA
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM18.2 Add to My Program
Analysis of an Optimal Control Problem Connected to Microorganisms Selection (I)
Bayen, TerenceUniv. of Montpellier 2
Mairet, FrancisInria
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM18.3 Add to My Program
A Sampling-Based Stochastic Optimal Experiment Design Formulation with Application to the Williams-Otto Reactor (I)
Nimmegeers, PhilippeKU Leuven
Telen, DriesKatholieke Univ. Leuven
Van Impe, Jan F.M.KU Leuven
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM18.4 Add to My Program
Multi-Objective Optimization of a Plug Flow Reactor Using a Divide and Conquer Approach (I)
Hashem, IhabKU Leuven
Telen, DriesKatholieke Univ. Leuven
Nimmegeers, PhilippeKU Leuven
Logist, FilipKatholieke Univ. Leuven
Van Impe, Jan F.M.KU Leuven
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM18.5 Add to My Program
Guaranteed Value Strategy for the Optimal Control of Biogas Production in Continuous Bio-Reactors (I)
Haddon, AntoineUniv. De Chile
Harmand, JéromeINRA
Ramirez, HectorUniv. De Chile
Rapaport, AlainINRA
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM18.6 Add to My Program
Maximizing Microalgae Productivity by Shading Outdoor Cultures (I)
Martinez, CarlosINRIA Sophia Antipolis
Bernard, OlivierINRIA
Mairet, FrancisInria
WeM19 Regular Session, Gavarnie Add to My Program 
Wind Power Systems 1  
Chair: Abel, DirkRWTH-Aachen Univ
Co-Chair: Rodriguez-Ayerbe, PedroSupelec
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM19.1 Add to My Program
Mitigation of Sub-Synchronous Control Interaction in Wind Power Systems with GA-SA Tuned Damping Controller
Zhang, XuTsinghua Univ
Xie, XiaorongTsinghua Univ
Liu, HuakunTsinghua Univ
Liu, HuiNorth China Electric Power Res. Inst
Li, YunhongNorth China Electric Power Res. Inst
Zhang, ChuanyuTsinghua Univ
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM19.2 Add to My Program
Robust Model Predictive Control for Collective Pitch in Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Lasheen, AhmedCairo Univ. Faculty of Engineering
Saad, Mohamed ShawkyRes. Assistant
Emara, Hassan M.Faculty of Engineering Cairo Univ
Elshafei, Abdel LatifCairo Univ
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM19.3 Add to My Program
Model Predictive Direct Power Control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator with Dead-Time Compensation
Ngo, Van Quang BinhCentraleSupélec
Rodriguez-Ayerbe, PedroSupelec
Olaru, SorinCentraleSupelec
Niculescu, Silviu-IulianLab. of Signals and Systems (L2S)
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM19.4 Add to My Program
A Coordinated LVRT Control for a PMSG Wind Turbine
Kim, ChunghunHanyang Univ
Gui, YonghaoAalborg Univ
Chung, Chung ChooHanyang Univ
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM19.5 Add to My Program
Dynamic Matrix Control of an Airfoil for Wind Turbine Application
Aguiar da Franca, AlineRWTH Aachen Univ
Abel, DirkRWTH-Aachen Univ
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM19.6 Add to My Program
Fuzzy Empirical Mode Decomposition for Smoothing Wind Power with Battery Energy Storage System
Yang, XiyunNorth China Electric Power Univ
Yue, HongUniv. of Strathclyde
Ren, JieNorth China Electric Power Univ
WeM20 Open Invited Session, Toulouse Add to My Program 
Control and Imaging for Devices and Systems in Medicine: Models,
Identification and Clinical Application
Chair: Schauer, ThomasTech. Univ. Berlin
Co-Chair: Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales GuerraUniv. of Sao Paulo
Organizer: Schauer, ThomasTech. Univ. Berlin
Organizer: Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales GuerraUniv. of Sao Paulo
Organizer: Benyo, BalazsBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec
Organizer: Rodgers, Geoffrey W.Univ. of Canterbury
Organizer: Moeller, KnutFurtwangen Univ
Organizer: Pretty, ChristopherUniv. of Canterbury
Organizer: Leonhardt, SteffenRWTH Aachen
Organizer: Misgeld, BernoRWTH Aachen Univ
Organizer: Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM20.1 Add to My Program
A Simple Method to Model a Continuous Glucose Monitoring Signal (I)
Thomas, FelicityUniv. of Canterbury
Pretty, ChristopherUniv. of Canterbury
Dickson, Jennifer L.Univ. of Canterbury
Signal, MatthewUniv. of Canterbury
Shaw, Geoffrey MChristchurch Hospital, Canterbury District Health Board
Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM20.2 Add to My Program
A Simulation Study on the Ventilation Inhomogeneity Measured with Electrical Impedance Tomography (I)
Schullcke, BenjaminFurtwangen Univ
Krueger-Ziolek, SabineFurtwangen Univ
Gong, BoFurtwangen Univ
Moeller, KnutFurtwangen Univ
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM20.3 Add to My Program
Iterative Learning Control and System Identification of the Antagonistic Knee Muscle Complex During Gait Using Functional Electrical Stimulation (I)
Müller, PhilippTech. Univ. Berlin
Balligand, CécileUniv. ́ E De Mons
Seel, ThomasTech. Univ. Berlin
Schauer, ThomasTech. Univ. Berlin
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM20.4 Add to My Program
Adaptive Control of a Neuroprosthesis for Stroke Patients Amplifying Weak Residual Shoulder-Muscle Activity (I)
Klauer, ChristianTech. Univ. Berlin
Schauer, ThomasTech. Univ. Berlin
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM20.5 Add to My Program
Eliminating the Effect of Magnetic Disturbances on the Inclination Estimates of Inertial Sensors (I)
Seel, ThomasTech. Univ. Berlin
Ruppin, StefanRobert Bosch GmbH
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM20.6 Add to My Program
Robust Gain-Scheduled Control of Variable Stiffness Actuators (I)
Misgeld, BernoRWTH Aachen Univ
Hewing, LukasETH Zürich
Liu, LinRWTH Aachen Univ
Leonhardt, SteffenRWTH Aachen
WeM21 Regular Session, Conques Add to My Program 
Decentralized Control  
Chair: Ocampo-Martinez, CarlosTech. Univ. of Catalonia (UPC)
Co-Chair: Gao, HuanClemson Univ
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM21.1 Add to My Program
A Survey on Control Configuration Selection and New Challenges in Relation to Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
Castaño Arranz, MiguelLuleå Tekniska Univ
Birk, WolfgangLuleå Univ. of Tech
Nikolakopoulos, GeorgeLuleå Univ. of Tech
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM21.2 Add to My Program
Integrated Communication and Control for Collective Motion with Limited Communication
Gao, HuanClemson Univ
Wang, YongqiangClemson Univ
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM21.3 Add to My Program
Localization and Three-Dimensional Circumnavigation of Many Mobile Targets Based on Distance Measurements
Matveev, Alexey S.St.Petersburg Univ
Semakova, AnnaSaint Petersburg State Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM21.4 Add to My Program
Partitioning for Large-Scale Systems: A Sequential Distributed MPC Design
Barreiro-Gomez, JulianUniv. De Los Andes, Univ. Pol. De Catalunya
Ocampo-Martinez, CarlosTech. Univ. of Catalonia (UPC)
Quijano, NicanorUniv. De Los Andes
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM21.5 Add to My Program
A Two-Layer Decentralized Approach to the Optimal Energy Management of a Building District with a Shared Thermal Storage
Ioli, DanielePol. Di Milano
Deori, LucaPol. Di Milano
Falsone, AlessandroPol. Di Milano
Prandini, MariaPol. Di Milano
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM21.6 Add to My Program
Decentralised Sliding Mode Control for Nonlinear Interconnected Systems in the Generalised Regular Form
Mu, JianqiuUniv. of Kent
Yan, Xing-GangUniv. of Kent
Zhang, QinglingNortheastern Univ
Mao, ZehuiNanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
WeM22 Open Invited Session, Cordes Add to My Program 
Optimization and Control in Smart Grids 3  
Chair: Robba, MichelaUniv. of Genova
Co-Chair: Nudell, ThomasSmart Wires Inc
Organizer: Robba, MichelaUniv. of Genova
Organizer: Nudell, ThomasSmart Wires Inc
Organizer: Annaswamy, AnuradhaMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM22.1 Add to My Program
Optimal Integration of Battery Energy Storage Systems and Control of Active Power Curtailment for Distribution Generation (I)
Baltensperger, DanielZHAW
Buechi, AlexanderZurich Univ. of Applied Sciences
Segundo Sevilla, Felix RafaelZurich Univ. of Applied Science ZHAW
Korba, PetrZurich Univ. of Applied Sciences
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM22.2 Add to My Program
Sizing of Energy Storage Systems Considering Uncertainty on Demand and Generation (I)
Bucciarelli, MartinaUniv. Di Siena
Giannitrapani, AntonioUniv. Di Siena
Paoletti, SimoneUniv. Di Siena
Vicino, AntonioUniv. Di Siena
Zarrilli, DonatoUniv. Di Siena
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM22.3 Add to My Program
Cooperative Distributed Control for the Energy Scheduling of Smart Homes with Shared Energy Storage and Renewable Energy Source (I)
Carli, RaffaelePol. Di Bari
Dotoli, MariagraziaPol. Di Bari
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM22.4 Add to My Program
Performance Limits of Thermostatically Controlled Loads under Probabilistic Switching (I)
Nazir, Md SalmanUniv. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Ross, Stephanie CrockerUniv. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Mathieu, JohannaUniv. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Hiskens, Ian A.Univ. of Michigan
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM22.5 Add to My Program
Consensus-Based Coordination of Electric Vehicle Charging (I)
Zou, SuliBeijing Inst. of Tech
Hiskens, Ian A.Univ. of Michigan
Ma, ZhongjingBeijing Inst. of Tech
Liu, XiangdongSchool of Automation, 231 Staff, Beijing Inst. Oftechnology
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM22.6 Add to My Program
Noise and Parameter Heterogeneity in Aggregate Models of Thermostatically Controlled Loads (I)
Nazir, Md SalmanUniv. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Hiskens, Ian A.Univ. of Michigan
WeM23 Open Invited Session, Lourdes Add to My Program 
Powertrain Systems: Modeling, Control and Optimization 2  
Chair: Eriksson, LarsLinköping Univ
Co-Chair: Arsie, IvanUniv. of Salerno
Organizer: Onori, SimonaClemson Univ
Organizer: Eriksson, LarsLinköping Univ
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM23.1 Add to My Program
Least Square Adaptation of a Fast Diesel Engine NOx Emissions Model (I)
Arsie, IvanUniv. of Salerno
Cricchio, AndreaUniv. of Salerno
De Cesare, MatteoMagneti Marelli SpA
Pianese, CesareUniv. OF SALERNO
Sorrentino, MarcoUniv. of Salerno
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM23.2 Add to My Program
Online Optimisation of Fuel Consumption Subject to NOx Constraints (I)
Ramos, MiguelRubicon
Manzie, ChrisThe Univ. of Melbourne
Shekhar, Rohan C.The Univ. of Melbourne
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM23.3 Add to My Program
Stochastic Prediction of Lane Change Trajectories for Adaptive Cruise Control
Moser, DominikJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz
Reiter, MatthiasJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz
del Re, LuigiJohannes Kepler Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM23.4 Add to My Program
Online Energy Management System (EMS) Including Engine and Catalyst Temperatures for a Parallel HEV
Maamria, DjamaleddineUniv. D'orléans
Sciarretta, AntonioIFP
Chaplais, FrancoisEc. Des Mines De Paris
Petit, NicolasMINES ParisTech
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM23.5 Add to My Program
Diesel Engine Control with Exhaust Aftertreatment Constraints
Gelso, Esteban R.Volvo Group Trucks Tech
Dahl, JohanPowertrain Engineering, Volvo Group Trucks Tech
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM23.6 Add to My Program
Simultaneous Reduction of Fuel Consumption and NOx Emissions through Hybridization of a Long Haulage Truck (I)
Holmer, OlovLinköping Univ
Eriksson, LarsLinköping Univ
WeM24 Open Invited Session, Pic du Midi Add to My Program 
Event-Triggered and Self-Triggered Control II  
Chair: Hirche, SandraTech. Univ. of Munich
Co-Chair: Dimarogonas, Dimos V.Royal Inst. of Tech
Organizer: Heemels, MauriceEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Hirche, SandraTech. Univ. of Munich
Organizer: Johansson, Karl H.Royal Inst. of Tech
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM24.1 Add to My Program
Distributed Model Predictive Control with Event-Based Optimization (I)
Rostami, RaminUniv. of Kaiserslautern
Görges, DanielUniv. of Kaiserslautern
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM24.2 Add to My Program
A Collision-Free Communication Scheduling for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (I)
Hashimoto, KazumuneKeio Univ
Adachi, ShuichiKeio Univ
Dimarogonas, Dimos V.Royal Inst. of Tech
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM24.3 Add to My Program
Event-Based Transmission Scheduling and LQG Control Over a Packet Dropping Link (I)
Leong, AlexPaderborn Univ
Quevedo, DanielPaderborn Univ
Tanaka, TakashiKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Dey, SubhrakantiUppsala Univ
Ahlen, AndersUppsala Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM24.4 Add to My Program
Output-Based Event-Triggered Model Predictive Control for Networked Control Systems (I)
Berkel, FelixUniv. of Kaiserslautern
Watkins, BenjaminTU Kaiserslautern
Liu, StevenUniv. of Kaiserslautern
Görges, DanielUniv. of Kaiserslautern
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM24.5 Add to My Program
Linear Quadratic Stochastic Differential Games under Asymmetric Value of Information (I)
Maity, DipankarUniv. of Maryland Coll. Park
Baras, John S.Univ. of Maryland
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM24.6 Add to My Program
Value of Information in Minimum-Rate LQG Control (I)
Soleymani, TourajTech. Univ. München
Hirche, SandraTech. Univ. of Munich
Baras, John S.Univ. of Maryland
WeM25 Regular Session, Basketball Add to My Program 
Mechatronics, Robotics and Components - Robotics 7  
Chair: Sampei, MitsujiTokyo Inst. of Tech
Co-Chair: Petit, NicolasMINES ParisTech
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM25.1 Add to My Program
Neural Network Control of a Robotic Manipulator with Time-Varying Output Constraints by State Feedback
Huang, HaifengSchool of Automation and Electrical Engineering Univ. of Sc
He, WeiUUniversity of Science and Tech. Beijing
Zhang, ShuangNational Univ. of Singapore
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM25.2 Add to My Program
A Predictive Approach to Redundancy Resolution for Robot Manipulators
Faroni, MarcoUniv. of Brescia
Beschi, ManuelNational Res. Council of Italy (CNR)
Molinari Tosatti, LorenzoITIA-CNR Inst. of Industrial Tech. and Automation - Nat
Visioli, AntonioUniv. of Brescia
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM25.3 Add to My Program
Maneuverability Analysis of a Fully-Actuated Hexrotor UAV Considering Tilt Angles and Arrangement of Rotors
Tadokoro, YuichiTokyo Inst. of Tech
Ibuki, TatsuyaTokyo Inst. of Tech
Sampei, MitsujiTokyo Inst. of Tech
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM25.4 Add to My Program
On Synchronous Binary Log-Linear Learning and Second Order Q-Learning
Hasanbeig, MohammadhoseinUniv. of Toronto
Pavel, LacraUniv. of Toronto
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM25.5 Add to My Program
Physics-Based Motion Planning with Temporal Logic Specifications
Ud Din, MuhayyUniv. Pol. De Catalunya (UPC)
Akbari, AliakbarPol. Univ. of Catalonia
Rosell, JanTech. Univ. of Catalonia
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM25.6 Add to My Program
Angular Velocity and Torque Estimation from Vector Measurements
Magnis, LionelMINES ParisTech
Petit, NicolasMINES ParisTech
WeM26 Open Invited Session, Rugby Add to My Program 
Supply Network Engineering, Dynamics, and Control 3  
Chair: Stadnicka, DorotaRzeszow Univ. of Tech
Co-Chair: Dolgui, AlexandreIMT Atlantique
Organizer: Ivanov, DmitryBerlin School of Ec. and Law
Organizer: Dolgui, AlexandreIMT Atlantique
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM26.1 Add to My Program
A Relax-And-Fix Heuristic Approach for the Capacitated Dynamic Lot Sizing Problem in Integrated Manufacturing/remanufacturing Systems (I)
Roshani, AbdolrezaUniv. of Genova
Giglio, DavideUniv. of Genova
Paolucci, MassimoUniv. Di Genova
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM26.2 Add to My Program
Simulation Model of a Quality Control Laboratory in Pharmaceutical Industry (I)
Costigliola, AndreaHovione Farmaciência, S.A
Ataide, FilipeHovione Farmaciência, S.A
Vieira, Susana M.Tech. Univ. of Lisbon, Inst. SuperiorT´Ec
Sousa, Joao M. C.Tech. Univ. of Lisbon, Inst. Superior Tecnico
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM26.3 Add to My Program
An Adaptive Data-Driven Model for Erratic Demand Forecasting (I)
Jiang, PengShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Liu, XiaoShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Huang, YibinShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Yuan, YuanThe Univ. of Texas at Austin
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM26.4 Add to My Program
Development of a Risk Matrix for the Assessment of Maintenance Suppliers: A Study Based on Empirical Knowledge (I)
Antosz, KatarzynaRzeszow Univ. of Tech
Stadnicka, DorotaRzeszow Univ. of Tech
Ratnayake, R.M. ChandimaUniv. of Stavanger
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM26.5 Add to My Program
Crude Selection Integrated with Optimal Refinery Operation by Combining Optimal Learning and Mathematical Programming (I)
Shin, JoohyunKAIST
Lee, Jay H.KAIST
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM26.6 Add to My Program
Idling Policies for Periodic Review Inventory Control
Santos, AndreInst. Superior Técnico
Bispo, CarlosInst. Superior Técnico - Univ. Técnica De Lisboa
WeM27 Regular Session, Football Add to My Program 
Model Predictive Control and Applications  
Chair: Pannocchia, GabrieleUniv. of Pisa
Co-Chair: Patwardhan, Sachin C.Indian Inst. of Tech. Bombay
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM27.1 Add to My Program
A Valve Stiction Tolerant Formulation of MPC for Industrial Processes
Bacci di Capaci, RiccardoUniv. of Pisa
Vaccari, MarcoUniv. of Pisa
Pannocchia, GabrieleUniv. of Pisa
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM27.2 Add to My Program
Energy Savings in Data Centers: A Framework for Modelling and Control of Servers’ Cooling
Lucchese, RiccardoUniv. Degli Studi Di Padova
Olsson, JesperLuleå Tech. Univ
Ljung, Anna-LenaLuleå Univ. of Tech
Garcia-Gabin, WinstonABB Corp. Res
Varagnolo, DamianoLuleå Univ. of Tech
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM27.3 Add to My Program
A Hierarchical MPC for Multi-Objective Mixed-Integer Optimisation Applied to Redundant Refrigerat
Luchini, ElisabethVienna Univ. of Tech
Schirrer, AlexanderVienna Univ. of Tech
Kozek, MartinVienna Univ. of Tech
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM27.4 Add to My Program
Online Constraint Adaptation in Economic Model Predictive Control
Trollberg, OlleKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Rojas, Cristian R.KTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Jacobsen, EllingKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM27.5 Add to My Program
Advanced-Step Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Based on Contraction Analysis
Wang, RuigangUniv. of New South Wales
Bao, JieThe Univ. of New South Wales
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM27.6 Add to My Program
An Adaptive Dual MPC Scheme Based on Output Error Models Parameterized Using Generalized Orthonormal Basis Filters
Kumar, KunalIIT Bombay
Patwardhan, Sachin C.Indian Inst. of Tech. Bombay
Noronha, SantoshIndian Inst. of Tech. Bombay
WeM28 Regular Session, Hockey Add to My Program 
Trajectory and Path Planning  
Chair: Fredriksson, JonasChalmers Univ. of Tech
Co-Chair: Givigi, SidneyRoyal Military Coll. of Canada
13:30-13:50, Paper WeM28.1 Add to My Program
Trajectory Planning with Miscellaneous Safety Critical Zones
Nilsson, JuliaVolvo Car Corp. Chalmers Univ. of Tech
Fredriksson, JonasChalmers Univ. of Tech
Coelingh, ErikChalmers Univ. Sweden
13:50-14:10, Paper WeM28.2 Add to My Program
An Automated Parallel Parking Strategy Using Reach Control Theory
Ornik, MelkiorUniv. of Toronto
Moarref, MiadUniv. of Toronto
Broucke, MireilleUniv. of Toronto
14:10-14:30, Paper WeM28.3 Add to My Program
Planar Inequality Constraints for Stable, Collision-Free Model Predictive Control of a Quadcopter
Jardine, Peter TravisRoyal Military Coll. of Canada
Givigi, SidneyRoyal Military Coll. of Canada
Shahram, YousefiQueen's Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper WeM28.4 Add to My Program
A Hierarchical Planning and Control Framework for Structured Highway Driving
Zhou, ShiyingUniv. of California Berkeley
Wang, YizhouUniv. of California, Berkeley
Zheng, MinghuiUniv. of California, Berkeley
Tomizuka, MasayoshiUniv. of California, Berkeley
14:50-15:10, Paper WeM28.5 Add to My Program
Smooth Path-Generation Around Obstacles Using Quartic Splines and RRTs
Janjoš, FarisTech. Univ. of Munich
Reichart, RonTech. Univ. of Munich
Niermeyer, PhilippTech. Univ. of Munich
15:10-15:30, Paper WeM28.6 Add to My Program
Spline-Based Motion Planning for Automated Driving
Götte, ChristianTU Dortmund Univ
Keller, MartinTU Dortmund Univ
Nattermann, TillZf Trw
Hass, CarstenTRW Automotive GmbH
Glander, Karl-HeinzZf Trw
Bertram, TorstenTech. Univ. Dortmund
WeM33 Demonstrator Session, Handball Add to My Program 
Control Education Demonstrators  
Chair: Autrique, LaurentUniv. of Angers
Co-Chair: Dormido, SebastiánUNED
Organizer: Autrique, LaurentUniv. of Angers
Organizer: Dormido, SebastiánUNED
13:30-18:00, Paper WeM33.1 Add to My Program
Using Interactive Tools to Create an Enthusiasm for Control in Aerospace and Chemical Engineers (I)
Rossiter, J. AnthonyUniv. of Sheffield
13:30-18:00, Paper WeM33.2 Add to My Program
Demonstration of PISim - Software for Teaching Chemical Process Control (I)
Postlethwaite, BruceUniv. of Strathclyde
13:30-18:00, Paper WeM33.3 Add to My Program
Revealing the Hidden Technology by Means of an Overhead Crane (I)
Padula, FabrizioCurtin Univ
Adamini, RiccardoUniv. of Brescia
Finzi, GiovannaUniv. of Brescia
Visioli, AntonioUniv. of Brescia
13:30-18:00, Paper WeM33.4 Add to My Program
Virtual and Remote Laboratory with the Ball and Plate System (I)
Fabregas, ErnestoUniv. Nacional De Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Dormido Canto, SebastiánUNED
Dormido, SebastiánUNED
13:30-18:00, Paper WeM33.5 Add to My Program
Low-Cost Carry-Home Mobile Platforms for Project-Based Evaluation of Control Theory (I)
Steinhauser, ArminKU Leuven
Verbandt, MaartenKU Leuven
van Duijkeren, NielsKU Leuven
Van Parys, RubenKU Leuven
Jacobs, LaurensKU Leuven
Swevers, JanK. U. Leuven
Pipeleers, GoeleKatholieke Univ. Leuven
13:30-18:00, Paper WeM33.6 Add to My Program
HOME I/O and FACTORY I/O: A Virtual House and a Virtual Plant for Control Education (I)
Riera, BernardUniv. of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
Vigário, BrunoReal Games
13:30-18:00, Paper WeM33.7 Add to My Program
A Khepera IV Library for Robotic Control Education Using V-REP (I)
Farias, GonzaloPontificia Univ. Catolica De Valparaiso (PUCV)
Fabregas, ErnestoUniv. Nacional De Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Peralta, EmmanuelPontificia Univ. Católica De Valparaíso
Torres, EnriquePontificia Univ. Católica De Valparaíso
Dormido, SebastiánUNED
13:30-18:00, Paper WeM33.8 Add to My Program
E-Health: Biomedical Instrumentation with Arduino (I)
Puente, Santiago T.Univ. De Alicante
Ubeda, AndresUniv. of Alicante
Torres, FernandoUniv. of Alicante
13:30-18:00, Paper WeM33.9 Add to My Program
Modeling and Control of a Radio-Controlled Model Racing Car (I)
Romijn, T.C.J. (Constantijn)Eindhoven Univ. of Tech
Hendrix, W.H.A. (Will)Eindhoven Univ. of Tech
Donkers, M.C.F. (Tijs)Eindhoven Univ. of Tech
13:30-18:00, Paper WeM33.10 Add to My Program
An Open Software - Open Hardware Lab of the Air Levitation System (I)
Saenz, JacoboUNED
Chacón, JesúsUniv. Nacional De Educación a Distancia
de la Torre, LuisSpanish Open Univ. (UNED)
Dormido, SebastiánUNED
13:30-18:00, Paper WeM33.11 Add to My Program
Low Cost Two-Wheels Self-Balancing Robot for Control Education (I)
González González, CeciliaUniv. De Sevilla
Alvarado, IgnacioUniv. of Seville
Muñoz de la Peña, DavidUniv. De Sevilla
13:30-18:00, Paper WeM33.12 Add to My Program
Using Low-Cost Open Source Hardware to Control Puma 560 Motors (I)
Reguera, PerfectoUniv. De León
Alonso Castro, SerafínUniv. De León
Domínguez, ManuelUniv. De León
Prada, Miguel AngelUniv. De Leon
Morán Álvarez, AntonioUniv. De Leon
Fuertes, Juan J.Univ. De Leon
13:30-18:00, Paper WeM33.13 Add to My Program
A Platform for Experimental Education of Control Science (I)
Turnwald, AlenUniv. of Kaiserslautern
Garcia Rosas, Francisco JavierUniv. of Kaiserslautern
Martynova, DinaUniv. of Kaiserslautern
Lin, ZhijieUniv. of Kaiserslautern
Liu, StevenUniv. of Kaiserslautern
Zhang, Wen-AnZhejiang Univ. of Tech
13:30-18:00, Paper WeM33.14 Add to My Program
A Teaching Experimental System for Defect Localisation Based on Frequency Analysis in a Thermal Context (I)
Perez, LaetitiaLab. De Thermocinétique De Nantes UMR CNRS 6607
Vergnaud, AlbanLARIS - Univ. of Angers
Autrique, LaurentUniv. of Angers
13:30-18:00, Paper WeM33.15 Add to My Program
Design and Developement of a Remote Lab for Hands-On Education in Mechatronics and Control Engineering (I)
Zumsande, JohannesLeibniz Univ. Hannover
Bosselmann, SteffenLeibniz Univ. Hannover
Dagen, MatthiasLeibniz Univ. Hannover
Ortmaier, TobiasGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Univ. Hannover
WeP01 Interactive Session, Caravelle 1.2 Add to My Program 
GDR MACS - Decision Support in Industrial Enginering  
Chair: Thomas, AndréNancy Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP01.1 Add to My Program
A New Compact Two-Indexes Formulation for a Pickup and Delivery Problem (I)
Al Chami, ZaherUTBM
Manier, HerveUniv. of Tech. of Belfort-Montbéliard
Manier, Marie-AngeUniv. of Tech. of Belfort-Montbéliard
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP01.2 Add to My Program
Adequate Research Directions for Smart Factory: A Literature Survey (I)
Marti, Flor de AsisICube
Goepp, VirginieInst. National Des Sciences Appliquées De Strasbourg
Caillaud, EmmanuelUniv. De Strasbourg
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP01.4 Add to My Program
An Approach for Interoperability Assessment in Networked Enterprises (I)
Leal, GabrielCRAN, Univ. of Lorraine, CNRS and Luxembourg Inst. of S
Guédria, WidedLuxembourg Inst. of Science and Tech. Luxembourg
Panetto, HervéCRAN, Univ. of Lorraine, CNRS
Proper, ErikLuxembourg Inst. of Science and Tech. (LIST)
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP01.5 Add to My Program
Material Flow Analysis to Evaluate Sustainability in Supply Chains (I)
Zaghdaoui, HarouneEc. Nationale Des Mines De Saint Etienne
Jaegler, AniciaKedge Business School
Gondran, NatachaMines Saint-Etienne
Montoya-Torres, Jairo R.Univ. De Los Andes
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP01.6 Add to My Program
Order Batching Optimization in Automated Warehouses with Metaheuristics (I)
Laajili, EmnaUniv. De Tech. De Belfort-Monbéliard
Lenoble, NicolasUniv. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, G-SCOP
Frein, YannickGrenoble INP
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP01.8 Add to My Program
Enabling Supply Chain Agility and Resilience Improvement: Toward a Methodology and Platform (I)
Oger, RaphaelToulouse Univ. Mines Albi
Lauras, MatthieuCentre De Génie Industriel, Mines D'albi
Montreuil, BenoitGeorgia Inst. of Tech. ISYE School, Physical Internet
Benaben, FrederickEc. Des Mines D'albi-Carmaux
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP01.9 Add to My Program
Use of Fuzzy Clustering for Discrete Event Simulation Model Construction (I)
Yan, WangUniv. of Bordeaux
Zacharewicz, GregoryLab. IMS-LAPS UMR CNRS 5218
Mamadou Kaba, TraoreUniv. Clermont Auvergne
Chen, DavidUniv. Bordeaux I
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP01.10 Add to My Program
Company Sustainability, an Overview of the Existing Literature: In Search of a Common Definition and Its Influence Over Continuous Improvement Endeavours (I)
Chirinos Colmenares, OrlandoUniv. Savoie Mont Blanc
Pralus, MagaliLab. SYMME
Habchi, GeorgesUniv. Savoie Mont Blanc
Messaoudene, ZahirEc. Lyon
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP01.11 Add to My Program
Cluster of Demand for a Chinese Logistics Company Using K-Mean and Genetic Algorithm (I)
Coulama, MathieuÉcole Des Mines D'albi
Wang, LeiShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Fontanili, FranckEc. Des Mines D'albi-Carmaux
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP01.12 Add to My Program
An Automatized Data Extraction Approach for Process Mining and Business Process Analysis (I)
NamakiAraghi, SinaEc. Des Mines Albi
Fontanili, FranckEc. Des Mines D'albi-Carmaux
Benaben, FrederickEc. Des Mines D'albi-Carmaux
Lamine, ElyesUniv. of Toulouse-Mines D'albi
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP01.13 Add to My Program
Hybrid Manufacturing Control Based on Smart Lots in a Disrupted Industrial Context (I)
Zimmermann, EmmanuelCRAN
Hind, Bril El-HaouziUniv. of Lorraine
Thomas, PhilippeLorraine Univ
Thomas, AndréNancy Univ
Noyel, MélanieUniv. De Lorraine
WeP02 Interactive Session, Caravelle 1.3 Add to My Program 
Linear Control Systems  
Chair: Richard, Jean-PierreEc. Centrale De Lille
Co-Chair: Zhong, Qing-ChangIllinois Inst. of Tech
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP02.1 Add to My Program
A Complex Network Deployment Suitable for Modern Power Distribution Analysis at the Primary Control Level (I)
Alexandridis, AntonisUniv. of Patras, Power Systems, Greece
Papageorgiou, PanosUniv. of Patras
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP02.2 Add to My Program
Finite-Dimensional Adaptive Error Feedback Output Regulation for 1D Wave Equation
Guo, WeiUniv. of International Buiness and Ec. P.R.China
Krstic, MiroslavUniv. of California at San Diego
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP02.3 Add to My Program
Process Parameters Estimation, Performance Assessment and Controller Retuning Based on the Final Value Theorem: Some Extensions
Veronesi, MassimilianoYokogawa Italy
Visioli, AntonioUniv. of Brescia
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP02.4 Add to My Program
FxLMS versus H∞ Control for Broadband Acoustic Noise Attenuation in a Cavity
Boultifat, Chaouki Nacer EddineIRCCyN UMR CNRS 6597 (Inst. De Recherche En Communication Et
Loiseau, PaulIMT Atlantique, LS2N
Chevrel, PhilippeIRCCyN / Ec. Des Mines De Nantes
Loheac, JeromeIRCCyN UMR CNRS 6597 / CNRS
Yagoubi, MohamedEc. Des Mines De Nantes (IRCCyN)
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP02.5 Add to My Program
Network Design in the Presence of a Link Jammer: A Zero-Sum Game Formulation (I)
Kordonis, IoannisNational Tech. Univ. of Athens
Papavassilopoulos, GeorgeNtua Greece
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP02.6 Add to My Program
On the Maximal Controller Gain in Linear MPC
Schulze Darup, MoritzRuhr-Univ. Bochum
Jost, MichaelRuhr-Univ. Bochum
Pannocchia, GabrieleUniv. of Pisa
Monnigmann, MartinRuhr-Univ. Bochum
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP02.7 Add to My Program
Formulation and Numerical Solution for Fractional Order Time Optimal Control Problem Using Pontryagin's Minimum Principle
Tabatabaei, S. SepehrAmirkabir Univ. of Tech
Yazdanpanah, Mohammad JavadUniv. of Tehran
Tavazoei, Mohammad SalehEE Dept, Sharif Univ. of Tech
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP02.8 Add to My Program
Practical Tuning Algorithm of PD^mu Controller for Processes with Time Delay
Ozyetkin, Munevver MineDicle Univ
Tan, NusretInonu Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP02.9 Add to My Program
On Higher-Order Linear Port-Hamiltonian Systems and Their Duals (I)
Rapisarda, PaoloUniv. of Southampton
Mayo-Maldonado, Jonathan CarlosTecnologico De Monterrey
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP02.10 Add to My Program
System Properties of Implicit Passive Electrical Networks Descriptions (I)
Karcanias, NicosCity Univ. London
Livada, MariaCity Univ. London
Leventides, John GUn. of Athens
WeP03 Interactive Session, Caravelle 2.1 Add to My Program 
Discrete Event Systems and Hybrid Systems  
Chair: Wardi, YoraiGeorgia Inst. of Tech
Co-Chair: Giua, AlessandroAix-Marseille Univ. France / Univ. of Cagliari, Italy
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP03.1 Add to My Program
Parametric Formal Verification: The Robotic Paint Spraying Case Study
Geretti, LucaUniv. of Verona
Muradore, RiccardoUniv. of Verona
Bresolin, DavideUniv. of Verona
Fiorini, PaoloUniv. of Verona
Villa, TizianoUniv. Di Verona
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP03.2 Add to My Program
Abstraction Refinement and Plan Revision for Control Synthesis under High Level Specifications
Meyer, Pierre-JeanKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Dimarogonas, Dimos V.Royal Inst. of Tech
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP03.3 Add to My Program
Automated Mode Coverage Analysis for Cyber-Physical Systems Using Hybrid Automata
Eddeland, JohanVolvo Car Corp
Gil, JavierChalmers Univ. of Tech
Fransen, RickEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Miremadi, SajedVolvo Car Corp
Fabian, MartinChalmers Univ. of Tech
Akesson, KnutChalmers Univ. of Tech
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP03.4 Add to My Program
Chain of Set Inversion Problems: Application to Reachability Analysis
Desrochers, BenoitENSTA Bretagne
Jaulin, LucENSTA Bretagne, OSM
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP03.5 Add to My Program
Detectability of Nondeterministic Finite Transition Systems (I)
Zhang, KuizeTech. Univ. of Munich
Zamani, MajidTech. Univ. München
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP03.6 Add to My Program
Multirate Symbolic Models for Incrementally Stable Switched Systems
Saoud, AdnaneLab. Des Signaux Et Systèmes
Girard, AntoineCNRS
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP03.7 Add to My Program
On the Correspondence of Hyperbolic Geometry and System Analysis
Gozse, IstvanMta Sztaki
Peni, TamasInst. for Computer Science and Control (MTA-SZTAKI)
Luspay, TamásInst. for Computer Science and Control
Soumelidis, AlexandrosInst. for Computer Science and Control
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP03.8 Add to My Program
Closed Form Expressions of Linear Discrete Time System Responses
Sigurdsson, Sven Th.Univ. of Iceland
Hauksdottir, Anna SoffiaUniv. of Iceland
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP03.9 Add to My Program
Design of Receding-Horizon Estimators for the Battery Assembly System
Majdzik, PawelUniv. of Zielona Góra
Witczak, MarcinUniv. of Zielona Gora
Seybold, LotharRAFI GmbH & Co KG
Witczak, PiotrUniv. of Zielona Gora
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP03.10 Add to My Program
Delta-Sigma Conversion for Graph Signals
Imoda, NobuyukiGraduate School of Informatics, Kyoto Univ
Azuma, Shun-ichiKyoto Univ
Kitao, TaichiGraduate School of Informatics, Kyoto Univ
Sugie, ToshiharuKyoto Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP03.11 Add to My Program
Event-Triggered Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Bounded Disturbances and State-Dependent Uncertainties
Wang, MengzhiBeijing Inst. of Tech
Sun, JianBeijing Inst. of Tech
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP03.12 Add to My Program
Fault-Tolerant Scheduling of Non-Preemptive Periodic Tasks Using SCT of Timed DES on Uniprocessor Systems
Devaraj, RajeshIIT Guwahati
Sarkar, ArnabIIT Guwahati
Biswas, SantoshIIT Kharagpur INDIA
WeP04 Interactive Session, Caravelle 2.2 Add to My Program 
Discrete Event Systems and Hybrid Systems II  
Chair: Raisch, JoergTech. Univ. Berlin
Co-Chair: Cocquempot, VincentLILLE 1 Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP04.1 Add to My Program
Load-Dependent Start-Stop of Gensets Modeled As a Hybrid Dynamical System
Thorat, LaxminarayanNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech
Skjetne, RogerNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP04.2 Add to My Program
Hybrid Model Predictive Control Framework for the Thermal Unit Commitment Problem Including Start-Up and Shutdown Power Trajectories
Krishnan, AshokNanyang Tech. Univ
Foo, Yi Shyh EddyNanyang Tech. Univ
Patil, BhagyeshCambridge Center for Advanced Res. and Education
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP04.3 Add to My Program
Hybrid Control Scheme for a Half-Bridge Inverter
Albea, CarolinaLAAS-CNRS, Univ. of Toulouse, UPS
Lopez Santos, OswaldoUniv. of Ibagué
Zambrano Prada, David. AUniv. of Ibagué
Gordillo, FranciscoUniv. De Sevilla
Garcia, GermainLAAS-CNRS
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP04.4 Add to My Program
Fast Robust Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Jump Markov Systems
Tonne, JensVolkswagen AG
Stursberg, OlafUniv. of Kassel
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP04.5 Add to My Program
Consensus Analysis of Systems with Time-Varying Interactions: An Event-Triggered Approach
S, Arun KumarIndian Inst. of Tech. Bombay
Roy Chowdhury, NilanjanIIT Bombay
Srikant, SukumarIndian Inst. of Tech. Bombay
Raisch, JoergTech. Univ. Berlin
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP04.6 Add to My Program
Switch Observability for Homogeneous Switched DAEs (I)
Küsters, FerdinandFraunhofer Inst. for Industrial Mathematics ITWM
Trenn, StephanUniv. of Kaiserslautern
Wirsen, AndreasFraunhofer Inst. for Industrial Mathematics ITWM
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP04.7 Add to My Program
Secure Mode Distinguishability for Switching Systems Subject to Sparse Attacks (I)
Fiore, GabriellaUniv. of L'Aquila
De Santis, ElenaUniv. of L'Aquila
Di Benedetto, M. DomenicaUniv. of L'Aquila
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP04.8 Add to My Program
Formation Control for Multi-Agent Systems with Connectivity Preservation and Event-Triggered Controllers
Yi, XinleiKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Wei, JieqiangRoyal Inst. of Tech. Sweden
Dimarogonas, Dimos V.Royal Inst. of Tech
Johansson, Karl H.Royal Inst. of Tech
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP04.9 Add to My Program
Detection of Mode Confusion in Human-Machine System Model with Temporal Information on Operations
Maeda, YoshikiOsaka Univ
Ushio, ToshimitsuOsaka Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper WeP04.10 Add to My Program
An Iterative Approach to Reduce Systemic Risk among Financial Institutes
Ye, Xiang-ShenShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Xue, Ruo-BingShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Gao, JianjunShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Cao, Xi-RenShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
WeP05 Regular Session, Latécoère Add to My Program 
Constellation and Formation  
Chair: Acikmese, BehcetUniv. of Washington
Co-Chair: Nebylov, AlexanderState Univ. of Aerospace Inst
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP05.1 Add to My Program
Measurement of the Relative Distance between Pico-Satellites at the Constellation
Medina Padron, AleksisState Univ. of Aerospace Inst
Nebylov, AlexanderState Univ. of Aerospace Inst
Panferov, AlexanderSUAI, Saint-Petersburg State Univ. of Aerospace Inst
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP05.2 Add to My Program
Almost Sure Attitude Consensus in Multispacecraft Systems with Stochastic Communication Links
Rezaee, HamedAmirKabir Univ. of Tech
Abdollahi, FarzanehConcordia Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP05.3 Add to My Program
Optimal Reconfiguration of Formation Flying Using a Direct Sequential Method
Chu, JingNorthwestern Pol. Univ
Zhou, ZhouNorthwestern Pol. Univ
Guo, JuanNorthwestern Pol. Univ
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP05.4 Add to My Program
Velocity Field Generation for Density Control of Swarms Using Heat Equation and Smoothing Kernels
Eren, UtkuUniv. of Washington
Acikmese, BehcetUniv. of Washington
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP05.5 Add to My Program
A Hierarchical Control of a Li-Ion Battery Charger for More Electric Aircraft
Talbi, SaidUniv. of Picardie Jules Verne
Mpanda Mabwe, AugustinESIEE Engineering School
El hajjaji, AhmedUniv. De Picardie Jules Verne
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP05.6 Add to My Program
Effect of Supercapacitors Supply on the High Torque Flywheel for Satellite Power System
Zhu, MingangHangzhou Dianzi Univ
Li, FengFengHangzhou Dianzi Univ
Chi, XiaoniHangzhou Vocational &Tech. School
Lin, WeijieHangzhou Dianzi Univ
Luo, YanbinHangzhou Dianzi Univ
Ma, LianweiZhejiang Univ. of Science and Tech
WeP06 Open Invited Session, Mermoz Add to My Program 
Analysis and Control of Large-Scale Complex Networked Systems 2  
Chair: Wang, XiaofanShanghai JiaoTong Univ
Co-Chair: di Bernardo, MarioUniv. of Naples Federico II
Organizer: Wang, XiaofanShanghai JiaoTong Univ
Organizer: Ren, WeiUniv. of California, Riverside
Organizer: di Bernardo, MarioUniv. of Naples Federico II
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP06.1 Add to My Program
Simple Synchronization Protocols for Heterogeneous Networks: Beyond Passivity (I)
Proskurnikov, Anton V.Delft Univ. of Tech
Mazo Jr., ManuelTU Delft
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP06.2 Add to My Program
A Complex Network Analysis of Macroscopic Structure of Taxi Trips (I)
Hamedmoghadam-Rafati, HomayounMonash Univ
Steponavice, IngridaMonash Univ
Ramezani, MohsenThe Univ. of Sydney
Saberi, MeeadMonash Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP06.3 Add to My Program
Model and Algorithms for Competitiveness Maximization on Complex Networks (I)
Zhao, JiuhuaShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Liu, QipengQingdao Univ
Wang, LinShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Wang, Xiao FanShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Chen, GuanrongCity Univ. of Hong Kong
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP06.4 Add to My Program
Optimal Regulation of Flow Networks with Input and Flow Constraints (I)
Trip, SebastianUniv. of Groningen
Scholten, TjardoUniv. of Groningen
De Persis, ClaudioUniv. of Groningen
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP06.5 Add to My Program
New Characterization and Classification of Synchronization of Multiple Metronomes on a Cart Via Describing Function Method (I)
Xin, XinOkayama Prefectural Univ
Muraoka, YoshinoriOkayama Prefectural Univ
Hara, ShinjiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Izumi, ShinsakuOkayama Prefectural Univ
Yamasaki, TaigaOkayama Prefectural Univ
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP06.6 Add to My Program
Graph-Based Model Reduction of the Controlled Consensus Protocol (I)
Leiter, NoamTech. - Israel Inst. of Tech
Zelazo, DanielTech. - Israel Inst. of Tech
WeP07 Regular Session, Spot Add to My Program 
Subspace Methods in System Identification  
Chair: Verhaegen, MichelDelft Univ. of Tech
Co-Chair: van Wingerden, Jan-WillemDelft Univ. of Tech
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP07.1 Add to My Program
Gray Box Identification Using Difference of Convex Programming
Yu, ChengpuDelft Univ. of Tech
Ljung, LennartLinköping Univ
Verhaegen, MichelDelft Univ. of Tech
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP07.2 Add to My Program
Tensor Factorization Based Estimates of Parallel Wiener Hammerstein Models
Westwick, DavidUniv. of Calgary
Ishteva, MariyaVrije Univ. Brussel
Dreesen, PhilippeVrije Univ. Brussel (VUB)
Schoukens, JohanVrije Univ. Brussel
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP07.3 Add to My Program
Input Selection in N2SID Using Group Lasso Regularization
Klingspor, MånsLinköpings Univ
Hansson, AndersLinkoping Univ
Löfberg, JohanLinköping Univ
Verhaegen, MichelDelft Univ. of Tech
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP07.4 Add to My Program
Immersion of Nonlinear Systems into Higher Order Systems
Aranda-Bricaire, EduardoCINVESTAV
Califano, ClaudiaLa Sapienza, Univ. Di Roma
Moog, Claude H.CNRS
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP07.5 Add to My Program
On Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Mode Observability of a Class of State Dependant Switched Systems
Mera, Manuel LeonardoESIME, Inst. Pol. Nacional
Bejarano, Francisco JavierInst. Pol. Nacional, ESIME Ticomán
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP07.6 Add to My Program
Recursive Nuclear Norm Based Subspace Identification
Telsang, BhagyashriTU Delft
Navalkar, SachinDelft Univ. of Tech
van Wingerden, Jan-WillemDelft Univ. of Tech
WeP08 Open Invited Session, Diamant Add to My Program 
Security and Privacy for Networked Multi-Agent Cyber-Physical Systems III  
Chair: Dey, SubhrakantiUppsala Univ
Co-Chair: Wang, XinZhejiang Univ
Organizer: Dey, SubhrakantiUppsala Univ
Organizer: Shi, LingHong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech
Organizer: Pappas, George J.Univ. of Pennsylvania
Organizer: Sinopoli, BrunoCarnegie Mellon Univ
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP08.1 Add to My Program
Optimal Stealthy Attack under KL Divergence and Countermeasure with Randomized Threshold (I)
Kung, EnochHong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech
Dey, SubhrakantiUppsala Univ
Shi, LingHong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP08.2 Add to My Program
On the Privacy of Optimization (I)
Fischione, CarloRoyal Inst. of Tech
Weeraddana, ChathurangaSri Lanka Inst. of Information Tech
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP08.3 Add to My Program
Differentially Private Maximum Consensus (I)
Wang, XinZhejiang Univ
He, JianpingShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Cheng, PengZhejiang Univ
Chen, JimingZhejiang Univ
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP08.4 Add to My Program
Privacy in Distributive Average Consensus (I)
Gupta, NirupamUniv. of Maryland Coll. Park
Katz, JonathanUniv. of Maryland Coll. Park
Chopra, NikhilUniv. of Maryland
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP08.5 Add to My Program
Differential Privacy and Minimum-Variance Unbiased Estimation in Multi-Agent Control Systems (I)
Wang, YuUniv. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Mitra, SayanUniv. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Dullerud, Geir E.Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP08.6 Add to My Program
Active Model Discrimination with Applications to Fraud Detection in Smart Buildings (I)
Harirchi, FarshadUniv. of Michigan
Yong, Sze ZhengArizona State Univ
Jacobsen, EmilKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Ozay, NecmiyeUniv. of Michigan
WeP09 Invited Session, Argos Add to My Program 
300 Years Developments for an Essential Tool in Control System Theory: The
Riccati Equations
Chair: Bittanti, SergioPol. Di Milano
Co-Chair: Colaneri, PatrizioPol. Di Milano
Organizer: Jungers, MarcCNRS - Univ. De Lorraine
Organizer: Colaneri, PatrizioPol. Di Milano
Organizer: Bittanti, SergioPol. Di Milano
16:00-16:40, Paper WeP09.1 Add to My Program
Historical Perspectives of the Riccati Equations (I)
Jungers, MarcCNRS - Univ. De Lorraine
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP09.3 Add to My Program
Riccati Equations in Nash and Stackelberg Differential and Dynamic Games (I)
Basar, TamerUniv. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Moon, JunUniv. of Illinois, Urbana and Champaign
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP09.4 Add to My Program
On the Generalized Algebraic Riccati Equations (I)
Ferrante, AugustoUniv. of Padova
Ntogramatzidis, LorenzoCurtin Univ
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP09.5 Add to My Program
A Survey of Riccati Equation Results in Negative Imaginary Systems Theory and Quantum Control Theory (I)
Petersen, Ian RThe Australian National Univ
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP09.6 Add to My Program
On the Stabilizing Solution of Periodic Riccati Differential Equations Related to a Class of Stochastic Linear Quadratic Differential Game (I)
Dragan, VasileRomanian Acad
Aberkane, SamirCRAN, Univ. De Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-Lés-Nancy
Ivanov, Ivan GanchevSofia Univ
Popa, Ioan-Lucian"1 Decembrie 1918" Univ. of Alba Iulia
WeP10 Regular Session, Cassiopée Add to My Program 
Passivity-Based Control  
Chair: van der Schaft, Arjan J.Univ. of Groningen
Co-Chair: Donaire, AlejandroUniv. of Naples Federico II
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP10.1 Add to My Program
Converse Passivity Theorems
Khong, Sei ZhenLund Univ
van der Schaft, Arjan J.Univ. of Groningen
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP10.2 Add to My Program
Global Stabilisation of Underactuated Mechanical Systems Via PID Passivity-Based Control
Romero Velazquez, José GuadalupeLab. Des Signaux Et Systèmes, CNRS–SUPELEC
Donaire, AlejandroUniv. of Naples Federico II
Ortega, RomeoSupelec
Borja, Luis PabloCentraleSupelec
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP10.3 Add to My Program
Finite-Time Regulation of Robot Manipulators: An Energy Shaping Approach
Cruz Zavala, EmmanuelCentro Univ. De Ciencias Exactas E Ingenierías (CUCEI),
Nuño, EmmanuelUniv. of Guadalajara
Moreno, Jaime A.Univ. Nacional Autonoma De Mexico-UNAM
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP10.4 Add to My Program
Performance Evaluation and Reinforcement in Interconnected Passive System
Inoue, MasakiKeio Univ
Urata, KengoKeio Univ
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP10.5 Add to My Program
Design and Experimental Verification of UDE-Based Robust Control for Lagrangian Systems without Velocity Measurements (I)
Zhu, YangUniv. of Electronic Science and Tech. of China
Zhu, BoUniv. of Electronic Science and Tech. of China
Liu, Hugh Hong-TaoUniv. of Toronto
Qin, KaiyuUniv. of Electronic Science and Tech. of China
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP10.6 Add to My Program
Stabilizing of Ball and Plate System Using an Approximate Model
Yıldız, Huseyin AlpaslanIstanbul Tech. Univ
Gören Sümer, LeylaIstanbul Tech. Univ
WeP11 Open Invited Session, Ariane 1 Add to My Program 
Sliding Mode Control Design: Fundamental Concepts and New Challenges II  
Chair: Loukianov, Alexander G.Cinvestav Ipn Gdl
Co-Chair: Pisano, AlessandroUniv. Di Cagliari
Organizer: Utkin, Vadim I.Ohio State Univ
Organizer: Orlov, YuryCICESE
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP11.1 Add to My Program
Set-Valued Discrete-Time Sliding-Mode Control of Uncertain Linear Systems (I)
Miranda Villatoro, Félix AlfredoCinvestav
Brogliato, BernardUR Rhone-Alpes
Castaños, FernandoCINVESTAV
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP11.2 Add to My Program
Finite Time Stabilization of an Uncertain Chain of Integrators by Integral Sliding Mode Approach (I)
Chalanga, AsifIIT Bombay
Plestan, FranckEc. Centrale De Nantes-CNRS
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP11.3 Add to My Program
State Feedback Finite Time Sliding Mode Stabilization Using Dirty Differentiation (I)
Furtat, IgorInst. of Problems of Mechanical Engineering Russian Acad
Fradkov, Alexander L.Russian Acad. of Sciences
Orlov, YuryCICESE
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP11.4 Add to My Program
Neural Sliding Mode Control for Induction Motors Using Rapid Control Prototyping (I)
Quintero-Manriquez, EduardoCINVESTAV
Sanchez, Edgar N.CINVESTAV
Harley, RonaldGeorgia Inst. of Tech
Li, SufeiGeorgia Inst. of Tech
Felix, Ramon A.Univ. De Colima
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP11.5 Add to My Program
Robust Predictor-Based Control of Uncertain Linear Systems with Delay Via Integral Sliding Mode Control (I)
Loukianov, Alexander G.Cinvestav Ipn Gdl
Caballero-Barragán, HumbertoCinvestav-Ipn Gdl
Osuna-Ibarra, Linda PatriciaCinvestav-Ipn Gdl
Plestan, FranckEc. Centrale De Nantes-CNRS
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP11.6 Add to My Program
Voltage Restoration of Islanded Microgrids Via Cooperative Second-Order Sliding Mode Control (I)
Pilloni, AlessandroUniv. of Cagliari
Pisano, AlessandroUniv. Di Cagliari
Usai, ElioUniv. Degli Studi Di Cagliari
WeP12 Invited Session, Ariane 2 Add to My Program 
Games Over Networks: Theory and Applications  
Chair: Lygeros, JohnETH Zurich
Co-Chair: Canudas-de-Wit, CarlosCNRS
Organizer: Gentile, BasilioETH Zurich
Organizer: Casadei, GiacomoCNRS
Organizer: Lygeros, JohnETH Zurich
Organizer: Canudas-de-Wit, CarlosCNRS
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP12.1 Add to My Program
On Generalized Proportional Allocation Policies for Traffic Signal Control (I)
Nilsson, GustavLund Univ
Como, GiacomoLund Univ
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP12.2 Add to My Program
Population Games on 2-Simplex: Existence and Efficiency of Nash Equilibria (I)
Possieri, CorradoUniv. of Rome, Tor Vergata
Marden, JasonUniv. of California, Santa Barbara
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP12.3 Add to My Program
Network Games: Condensation of the Graph As a Hierarchical Interpretation of the Game (I)
Casadei, GiacomoCNRS
Canudas-de-Wit, CarlosCNRS
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP12.4 Add to My Program
Transient Response Analysis of Metropolis Learning in Games (I)
Jaleel, HassanKAUST
Shamma, Jeff S.King Abdullah Univ. of Science and Tech. (KAUST)
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP12.5 Add to My Program
Group Testing Game (I)
Bolouki, SadeghUniv. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Manshaei, Mohammad HosseinIsfahan Univ. of Tech
Ravanmehr, VidaUniv. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Nedich, AngeliaArizona State Univ
Basar, TamerUniv. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP12.6 Add to My Program
Guarantees of Convergence to a Dynamic User Equilibrium for a Single Arc Network (I)
Burger, GuillaumeETHZ
Paccagnan, DarioEth Zurich
Gentile, BasilioETH Zurich
Lygeros, JohnETH Zurich
WeP13 Invited Session, St Exupéry Add to My Program 
Control and Optimization Tools for Transport Systems  
Chair: Savla, KetanUniv. of Southern California
Co-Chair: Reveliotis, Spyros A.Georgia Inst. of Tech
Organizer: Savla, KetanUniv. of Southern California
Organizer: Reveliotis, Spyros A.Georgia Inst. of Tech
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP13.1 Add to My Program
Data-Driven Estimation of Origin-Destination Demand and User Cost Functions for the Optimization of Transportation Networks (I)
Zhang, JingBoston Univ
Pourazarm, SepidehBoston Univ
Cassandras, Christos G.Boston Univ
Paschalidis, IoannisBoston Univ
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP13.2 Add to My Program
Optimized Multi-Agent Routing in Guidepath Networtks (I)
Daugherty, GreysonISyE, Georgia Tech
Reveliotis, Spyros A.Georgia Inst. of Tech
Mohler, GegGTRI, Georgia Tech
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP13.3 Add to My Program
A Vehicle Routing Technique for Hazardous Waste Collection (I)
Dotoli, MariagraziaPol. Di Bari
Epicoco, NicolaPol. Di Bari
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP13.4 Add to My Program
On a Vacation Queue Approach to Queue Size Computation for a Signalized Traffic Intersection (I)
Motie, MohammadUniv. of Southern California
Savla, KetanUniv. of Southern California
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP13.5 Add to My Program
Optimal Pre-Signal Control for Buses and Cars at Isolated Signalized Intersections (I)
Khweis, MiranTech
Haddad, JackTech. Inst. of Tech
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP13.6 Add to My Program
Assignment and Coordination of Autonomous Robots in Container Loading Terminals (I)
Stavrou, DemetrisUniv. of Cyprus
Timotheou, SteliosUniv. of Cyprus
Panayiotou, ChristosUniv. of Cyprus
Polycarpou, Marios M.Univ. of Cyprus
WeP14 Open Invited Session, Guillaumet 1 Add to My Program 
Advances in Fractional Calculus. Theory and Applications II  
Chair: Copot, DanaGhent Univ
Co-Chair: Rogowski, KrzysztofBialystok Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Muresan, Cristina IoanaTech. Univ. of Cluj Napoca
Organizer: Markowski, Konrad AndrzejWarsaw Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Copot, DanaGhent Univ
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP14.1 Add to My Program
Stability and Stabilization Analysis of Fractional-Order Linear Systems Subject to Actuator Saturation and Disturbance (I)
Li, ChuangHainan Univ
Chen, KaiHainan Univ
Lu, JunguoShanghai Jiaotong Univ
Tang, RongnianHainan Univ
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP14.2 Add to My Program
H-Infinity Dynamic Output Feedback Controller Design for Disturbed Fractional-Order Systems (I)
Boukal, YassineUniv. De Lorraine, CRAN CNRS UMR 7039,
Zasadzinski, MichelCRAN
Darouach, MohamedCRAN-CNRS UMR7039, Univ. De Lorraine
Radhy, Nour-EddineUniv. Hassan II Casablanca
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP14.3 Add to My Program
Numerical Solution of the Anomalous Diffusion Equation in a Rectangular Domain Via Hypermatrix Equations (I)
Harker, MatthewUniv. of Leoben
O'Leary, Paul LeopoldUniv. of Leoben
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP14.4 Add to My Program
A New Integer Order Approximation Table for Fractional Order Derivative Operators
Yuce, AliInonu Univ
Deniz, Furkan NurInonu Univ
Tan, NusretInonu Univ
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP14.5 Add to My Program
Modeling and Administration Scheduling of Fractional-Order Pharmacokinetic Systems (I)
Herceg, DomagojIMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
Ntouskas, SotirisNational Tech. Univ. of Athens
Sopasakis, PantelisKU Leuven
Dokoumetzidis, ArisUniv. of Athens
Macheras, PanosNational & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens
Sarimveis, HaralambosNational Tech. Univ. of Athens
Patrinos, PanagiotisKU Leuven
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP14.6 Add to My Program
Solution to the Fractional-Order 2D Continuous Systems Described by the Second Fornasini-Marchesini Model (I)
Rogowski, KrzysztofBialystok Univ. of Tech
WeP15 Open Invited Session, Guillaumet 2 Add to My Program 
Linear Parameter Varying Systems: Modelling, Analysis, Observation,
Control, Diagnosis and Applications III
Chair: Theilliol, DidierUniv. of Lorraine
Co-Chair: Tóth, RolandEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Tóth, RolandEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Sename, OlivierGrenoble Inst. of Tech. / GIPSA-Lab
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP15.1 Add to My Program
A Polytopic Observer Design Approach for Landing Control of a Quadrotor UAV (I)
Bezzaoucha, SouadInterdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (Sn
Voos, HolgerUniv. of Luxembourg
Darouach, MohamedCRAN-CNRS UMR7039, Univ. De Lorraine
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP15.2 Add to My Program
State Feedback Controller Design for Affine Parameter-Dependent LPV Systems (I)
Liu, ZhongShenyang Inst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Theilliol, DidierUniv. of Lorraine
Gu, FengUniv. of Chinese Acad. of Sciences
He, Yu-qingShenyang Inst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. Ofsciences
Liying, YangShenyang Inst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Jianda, HanShenyang Inst. of Atuomation, CAS
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP15.3 Add to My Program
Comparing Global Input-Output Behavior of Frozen-Equivalent LPV State-Space Models (I)
Alkhoury, ZiadUniv. of Poitiers
Petreczky, MihalyCNRS
Mercère, GuillaumePoitiers Univ
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP15.4 Add to My Program
On Stability of the Kalman Filter for Discrete Time Output Error Systems (I)
Zhang, QinghuaINRIA
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP15.5 Add to My Program
Robust Identi cation of Switching Markov ARX Models Using EM Algorithm (I)
Fan, LeiMr
Hariprasad, KUniv. of Alberta
Huang, BiaoUniv. of Alberta
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP15.6 Add to My Program
Joint State and Parameter Estimation for Discrete-Time Polytopic Linear Parameter-Varying Systems (I)
Beelen, H.P.G.J. (Henrik)Eindhoven Univ. of Tech
Donkers, M.C.F. (Tijs)Eindhoven Univ. of Tech
WeP16 Regular Session, Daurat Add to My Program 
Applications of Mechatronic Principles  
Chair: Sawodny, OliverUniv. of Stuttgart
Co-Chair: Vershinin, YuriCoventry Univ
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP16.1 Add to My Program
Modeling and Experiments of Rotary Percussive Drilling for Robotic Civil Infrastructure Rehabilitation
Guo, ChaokeRutgers, the State Univ. of New Jersey
Yi, JingangRutgers Univ
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP16.2 Add to My Program
Tracking Problem for Induction Electric Drive under Influence of Unknown Perturbation
Kochetkov, SergeyIstitute of Control Sciences
Utkin, VictorICS
Vershinin, YuriCoventry Univ
Krasnova, SvetlanaICS
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP16.3 Add to My Program
An Elastic Jib Model for the Slewing Control of Tower Cranes
Rauscher, FlorentinUniv. of Stuttgart
Sawodny, OliverUniv. of Stuttgart
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP16.4 Add to My Program
Design of a Robotic Knee Assistive Device (ROKAD) for Slip-Induced Fall Prevention During Walking (I)
Trkov, MitjaRutgers Univ
Wu, ShanqiangChina Jiliang Univ
Chen, KuoRutgers Univ
Yi, JingangRutgers Univ
Liu, TaoZhejiang Univ
Zhao, QijieShanghai Univ
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP16.5 Add to My Program
Modelling and Control of a Robotic Hula--Hoop System without Velocity Measurements
Gutierrez-Giles, AlejandroUniv. of Naples Federico II
Ruggiero, FabioUniv. Di Napoli Federico II
Lippiello, VincenzoUniv. of Naples Federico II
Siciliano, BrunoUniv. Degli Studi Di Napoli Federico II
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP16.6 Add to My Program
State Space Estimation Method for the Identification of an Industrial Robot Arm
Brunot, MathieuONERA - ENI Tarbes
Janot, AlexandreONERA
Carrillo, FranciscoEc. Nationale D'ingénieurs De Tarbes (ENIT)
WeP17 Open Invited Session, Servanty Add to My Program 
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Mechatronic Systems and Motion
Control 2
Chair: Alessandretti, AndreaFaculty of Engineering, Univ. of Porto (FEUP)
Co-Chair: Pannek, JuergenUniv. of Bremen
Organizer: Faulwasser, TimmKIT
Organizer: Pannek, JuergenUniv. of Bremen
Organizer: Alessandretti, AndreaFaculty of Engineering, Univ. of Porto (FEUP)
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP17.1 Add to My Program
Model Predictive Control of an Autonomous Wheelchair (I)
Ceravolo, EugenioPol. Di Milano
Gabellone, MauroPol. Di Milano
Farina, MarcelloPol. Di Milano
Bascetta, LucaPol. Di Milano
Matteucci, MatteoPol. Di Milano
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP17.2 Add to My Program
Force Feedback and Path Following Using Predictive Control: Concept and Application to a Lightweight Robot (I)
Matschek, JanineOtto-Von-Guericke Univ. Magdeburg
Bethge, JohannaOtto-Von-Guericke Univ. Magdeburg
Zometa, PabloOtto-Von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
Findeisen, RolfOtto-Von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP17.3 Add to My Program
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Cable-Robot-Based Motion Simulator (I)
Katliar, MikhailMax Planck Inst. for Biological Cybernetics
Fischer, JörgUniv. of Freiburg
Frison, GianlucaUniv. of Freiburg
Diehl, MoritzUniv. of Freiburg
Teufel, HaraldMax Planck Inst. for Biological Cybernetics
Bülthoff, Heinrich H.Max Planck Inst. for Biological Cybernetics
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP17.4 Add to My Program
Rigid Tube Model Predictive Control for Linear Sampled-Data Systems (I)
Fontes, Fernando A. C. C.Univ. Do Porto
Rakovic, Sasa V.Texas A&M Univ
Kolmanovsky, Ilya V.Univ. of Michigan
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP17.5 Add to My Program
Processing User Input in Tracking Problems Using Model Predictive Control (I)
Knauer, MatthiasUniv. Bremen
Büskens, ChristofUniv. of Bremen
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP17.6 Add to My Program
Predictive Path Following of Mobile Robots without Terminal Stabilizing Constraints (I)
Mehrez, Mohamed W.Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland
Worthmann, KarlTech. Univ. Ilmenau
Mann, George K. I.Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland
Gosine, Raymond G.Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland
Faulwasser, TimmKIT
WeP18 Invited Session, De Marnier Add to My Program 
Optimal Control and Optimization of Biological Systems  
Chair: Abel, JohnHarvard Univ
Co-Chair: Waldherr, SteffenKU Leuven
Organizer: Abel, JohnHarvard Univ
Organizer: Waldherr, SteffenKU Leuven
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP18.1 Add to My Program
Optimal Resource Allocation for Bacterial Growth with Degradation (I)
Yegorov, IvanINRIA Sophia Antipolis
Mairet, FrancisInria
Gouze, Jean-LucINRIA
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP18.2 Add to My Program
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Circadian Entrainment Using Small-Molecule Pharmaceuticals (I)
Abel, JohnHarvard Univ
Chakrabarty, AnkushHarvard Univ
Doyle, FrancisHarvard Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP18.3 Add to My Program
Multi-Objective Design of Synthetic Biological Circuits (I)
Lormeau, ClaudeDepartment of Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zurich ; S
Rybiński, MikołajETH Zurich
Stelling, JoergETH Zurich
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP18.4 Add to My Program
An Integrated Experimental-Modelling Approach of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Bioprocess towards Osteogenic Differentiation (I)
Győrgy, RomualdAristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki
Klontzas, Michail E.Imperial Coll. London
Kostoglou, MargaritisAristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki
Panoskaltsis, NickiImperial Coll. London
Georgiadis, MichaelAristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki
Mantalaris, AthanasiosImperial Coll. London
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP18.5 Add to My Program
Estimation of the Maximum Theoretical Productivity of Fed-Batch Bioreactors (I)
St. John, PeterNational Renewable Energy Lab
Crowley, MichaelNational Renewable Energy Lab
Bomble, YannickBiosciences Center, National Renewable Energy Lab. Golden
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP18.6 Add to My Program
Optimality in Cellular Storage Via the Pontryagin Maximum Principle (I)
Waldherr, SteffenKU Leuven
Lindhorst, HenningOtto-Von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
WeP19 Regular Session, Gavarnie Add to My Program 
Wind Power Systems 2  
Chair: Othman, NidaUniv. Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Co-Chair: Corradini, Maria LetiziaUniv. Di Camerino
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP19.1 Add to My Program
Dynamic Modelling of the Rotating Subsystem of a Wind Turbine for Control Design Purposes
Gambier, AdrianFruanhofer Inst. for Wind Energy and Energy System Tech
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP19.2 Add to My Program
Fault Tolerant Control of Wind Turbine Using Robust Model Predictive Min-Max Approach
Benlahrache, Mohamed AbdelmoulaUniv. of Lyon
Laib, KhaledEc. Centrale De Lyon, Univ. De Lyon
Othman, SamiUniv. Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Othman, NidaUniv. Claude Bernard Lyon 1
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP19.3 Add to My Program
A New Decentralized Pitch Control Scheme for Wind Turbines
Cacciola, StefanoPol. Di Milano
Riboldi, Carlo E.D.Pol. Di Milano
Croce, AlessandroPol. Di Milano
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP19.4 Add to My Program
Observer Based Blade-Pitch Control of Wind Turbines Operating above Rated: A Preliminary Study
Corradini, Maria LetiziaUniv. Di Camerino
Ippoliti, GianlucaUniv. Pol. Delle Marche
Orlando, GiuseppeUniv. Pol. Delle Marche
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP19.5 Add to My Program
Active Damping and Drive Train Control for a Wind Turbine with a Hydrostatic Transmission and a PMSG
Aschemann, HaraldUniv. of Rostock
Kersten, JuliaUniv. of Rostock
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP19.6 Add to My Program
Modelling and Analysis of Aeroelastic Tailoring Blade Wind Turbine Systems
Hussain, RohaidaUniv. of Strathclyde
Yue, HongUniv. of Strathclyde
Leithead, WilliamUniv. of Strathclyde
Xiao, QingUniv. of Strathclyde
WeP20 Open Invited Session, Toulouse Add to My Program 
Control and Imaging for Devices and Systems in Medicine: Models,
Identification and Clinical Application 2
Chair: Benyo, BalazsBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec
Co-Chair: Schauer, ThomasTech. Univ. Berlin
Organizer: Schauer, ThomasTech. Univ. Berlin
Organizer: Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales GuerraUniv. of Sao Paulo
Organizer: Benyo, BalazsBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec
Organizer: Rodgers, Geoffrey W.Univ. of Canterbury
Organizer: Moeller, KnutFurtwangen Univ
Organizer: Pretty, ChristopherUniv. of Canterbury
Organizer: Leonhardt, SteffenRWTH Aachen
Organizer: Misgeld, BernoRWTH Aachen Univ
Organizer: Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP20.1 Add to My Program
Cepstrum Analysis for Determining the Fundamental Frequency of Total Hip Replacement Acoustic Emissions (I)
FitzPatrick, Anthony J.Univ. of Canterbury
Rodgers, Geoffrey W.Univ. of Canterbury
Woodfield, Tim B.F.Univ. of Otago Christchurch
Hooper, Gary J.Univ. of Otago Christchurch
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP20.2 Add to My Program
Ventilation and Cardiac/perfusion Related Impedance Changes of the Lung Determined by Electrical Impedance Tomography in Cystic Fibrosis (I)
Krueger-Ziolek, SabineFurtwangen Univ
Schullcke, BenjaminFurtwangen Univ
Gong, BoFurtwangen Univ
Müller-Lisse, UllrichDepartment of Radiology, LMU Univ. of Munich
Moeller, KnutFurtwangen Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP20.3 Add to My Program
EIT Reconstruction Using Higher Order TV Regularization (I)
Gong, BoFurtwangen Univ
Schullcke, BenjaminFurtwangen Univ
Krueger-Ziolek, SabineFurtwangen Univ
Moeller, KnutFurtwangen Univ
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP20.4 Add to My Program
Model-Based Control Approach for a CPAP-Device Considering Patient's Breathing Effort (I)
Scheel, MathiasHOFFRICHTER GmbH Schwerin, Univ. of Wismar
Schauer, ThomasTech. Univ. Berlin
Berndt, AndreasHOFFRICHTER GmbH Schwerin
Simanski, OlafHS Wismar-Univ. of Applied Sciences: Tech. Business A
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP20.5 Add to My Program
A New Approach for a Patient-Cooperative Upper Limb FES Support Based on Vector Fields (I)
Passon, ArneTech. Univ. Berlin, Control Systems Group
Klewe, TimTech. Univ. Berlin
Seel, ThomasTech. Univ. Berlin
Schauer, ThomasTech. Univ. Berlin
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP20.6 Add to My Program
Investigating Anisotropic EIT with Simulated Annealing (I)
Martins, Thiago de CastroUniv. of Sao Paulo
Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales GuerraUniv. of Sao Paulo
WeP21 Regular Session, Conques Add to My Program 
Optimal Control and Optimization  
Chair: Sarhani, MalekENSIAS - Mohammed V Univ
Co-Chair: Alamir, MazenGipsa-Lab (CNRS-Univ. of Grenoble)
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP21.1 Add to My Program
Optimal Control of Perturbed Static Systems for Synchrotron Electron Beam Stabilisation
Gayadeen, SandiraDiamond Light Source
Duncan, StephenUniv. of Oxford
Rehm, GuentherDiamond Light Source
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP21.2 Add to My Program
Output Feedback Control of a Class of Uncertain Systems under Control-Derivative Dependent Disturbances
Alamir, MazenGipsa-Lab (CNRS-Univ. of Grenoble)
Dobrowolski, JeanSchneider Electric Industrie
Mohamed, Amgad TarekGipsa-Lab Univ. of Grenoble Alpes
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP21.3 Add to My Program
Drug Administration in Cancer Treatment Via Optimal Nonlinear State Feedback Gain Matrix Design
Ünal, CeydaTÜbİ Tak Sage
Salamci, Metin U.Gazi Univ
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP21.4 Add to My Program
Optimal Decentralized Temperature Control of Large Scale Multi-Zone Buildings Using Minimal-Order Controllers
Shi, Xiao QiUniv. of Toronto
Davison, Daniel E.Univ. of Waterloo
Kwong, Raymond H.Univ. of Toronto
Davison, Edward J.Univ. of Toronto
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP21.5 Add to My Program
Optimal Actuator Design for Minimizing the Worst-Case Control Energy
Chen, XudongUniv. of Colorado, Boulder
Belabbas, Mohamed AliUniersity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP21.6 Add to My Program
Hidden Markov Model Control of Inertia Weight Adaptation for Particle Swarm Optimization
EL Afia, AbdellatifENSIAS - Mohammed V Univ
Sarhani, MalekENSIAS - Mohammed V Univ
Aoun, OussamaENSIAS - Mohammed V Univ
WeP22 Open Invited Session, Cordes Add to My Program 
Optimization and Control in Smart Grids 4  
Chair: Robba, MichelaUniv. of Genova
Co-Chair: Nudell, ThomasSmart Wires Inc
Organizer: Robba, MichelaUniv. of Genova
Organizer: Nudell, ThomasSmart Wires Inc
Organizer: Annaswamy, AnuradhaMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP22.1 Add to My Program
A Command Governor Approach for the Voltage Control in Smart Grids with Distributed Generation and Storage Devices (I)
Casavola, AlessandroUniv. Della Calabria
Tedesco, FrancescoUniv. Degli Studi Della Calabria
Vizza, MaurizioUniv. Della Calabria, Italy
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP22.2 Add to My Program
A Power Consensus Algorithm for DC Microgrids (I)
De Persis, ClaudioUniv. of Groningen
Weitenberg, ErikUniv. of Groningen
Dorfler, FlorianSwiss Federal Inst. of Tech. (ETH) Zurich
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP22.3 Add to My Program
District Microgrid Management Integrated with Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Storage Systems and Electric Vehicles (I)
Mangini, Agostino MarcelloPol. Di Bari
Fanti, Maria PiaPol. of Bari
Roccotelli, MichelePol. of Bari
Ukovich, WalterUniv. of Trieste
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP22.4 Add to My Program
Modeling and Stability of Microgrids with Smart Loads (I)
Zhu, LijunUniv. of Hong Kong
Hill, David J.The Univ. of Hong Kong
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP22.5 Add to My Program
Economic Model Predictive Control for Optimal Operation of Home Microgrid with Photovoltaic-Combined Heat and Power Storage Systems (I)
Hidalgo Rodriguez, Diego IvanTU Dortmund Univ
Myrzik, JohannaTU Dortmund Univ
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP22.6 Add to My Program
A Dynamic Market Mechanism for Combined Heat and Power Microgrid Energy Management (I)
Nudell, ThomasSmart Wires Inc
Brignone, MassimoUniv. of Genoa, DITEN
Robba, MichelaUniv. of Genova
Bonfiglio, AndreaUniv. of Genoa
Delfino, FedericoUniv. Degli Studi Di Genova
Annaswamy, AnuradhaMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
WeP23 Open Invited Session, Lourdes Add to My Program 
Powertrain Systems: Modeling, Control and Optimization 3  
Chair: Costa-Castelló, RamonUniv. Pol. De Catalunya (UPC)
Co-Chair: Colin, GuillaumeUniv. Orléans
Organizer: Onori, SimonaClemson Univ
Organizer: Eriksson, LarsLinköping Univ
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP23.1 Add to My Program
State Constrained Hybrid Vehicle Optimal Energy Management: An Interior Penalty Approach (I)
Delprat, SebastienUniv. of Valenciennes Et Hainaut Cambresis
Kareemulla, TariqUniv. of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambresis
Czelec, LudwigGreenTech Engineering
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP23.2 Add to My Program
Predictive Energy Management Strategy Including Traffic Flow Data for Hybrid Electric Vehicles (I)
Bouwman, KevinEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Pham, T.H.TNO Powetrains, Powertrains Department, P.O. Box 756, 5700 AT, H
Wilkins, StevenTNO Powetrains, Powertrains Department, P.O. Box 756, 5700 AT, H
Hofman, TheoTech. Univ. Eindhoven
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP23.3 Add to My Program
A Novel Energy Management Strategy for Fuel-Cell/Supercapacitor Hybrid Vehicles (I)
Carignano, Mauro GuidoUniv. Nacional De Rosario - Facultad De Ciencias Exactas I
Costa-Castelló, RamonUniv. Pol. De Catalunya (UPC)
Nigro, Norberto MarceloCentro De Investigación De Métodos Computacionales
Junco, SergioUniv. Nacional De Rosario
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP23.4 Add to My Program
A Two-Layer Predictive Control for Hybrid Electric Vehicles Energy Management (I)
Stroe, NicoletaRenault
Olaru, SorinCentraleSupelec
Colin, GuillaumeUniv. Orléans
Bencherif, KarimRENAULT
Chamaillard, YannUniv. of Orléans
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP23.5 Add to My Program
Automatic Evaluation and Optimization of Generic Hybrid Vehicle Topologies Using Dynamic Programming (I)
Goos, JanVrije Univ. Brussel
Criens, ChrisFlanders Make
Witters, MaartenKULeuven
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP23.6 Add to My Program
Integrated Design Optimization of the Transmission System and Vehicle Control for Electric Vehicles (I)
Hofman, TheoTech. Univ. Eindhoven
Janssen, NielsEindhoven Univ. of Tech
WeP24 Open Invited Session, Pic du Midi Add to My Program 
Event-Triggered and Self-Triggered Control III  
Chair: Heemels, MauriceEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Co-Chair: Noroozi, NavidUniv. of Passau
Organizer: Heemels, MauriceEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Organizer: Hirche, SandraTech. Univ. of Munich
Organizer: Johansson, Karl H.Royal Inst. of Tech
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP24.1 Add to My Program
On Integral Input-To-State Stability Analysis of Networked Control Systems (I)
Noroozi, NavidUniv. of Passau
Geiselhart, RomanUniv. of Ulm
Wirth, FabianUniv. of Passau
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP24.2 Add to My Program
Performance Analysis of Event-Triggered Control Systems with a Probabilistic Triggering Mechanism: The Scalar Case (I)
Demirel, BurakPaderborn Univ
Leong, AlexPaderborn Univ
Quevedo, DanielPaderborn Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP24.3 Add to My Program
Safety Analysis for Controller Handover in Mobile Systems (I)
van Dooren, DirkKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Schiessl, SebastianKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Molin, AdamKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Gross, JamesKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Johansson, Karl H.Royal Inst. of Tech
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP24.4 Add to My Program
Event-Triggered Consensus Seeking under Non-Uniform Time-Varying Delays (I)
Dolk, VictorTu/e
Abdelrahim, MahmoudAssiut Univ
Heemels, MauriceEindhoven Univ. of Tech
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP24.5 Add to My Program
Communication Requirements in a Master-Slave Control Structure for Optimal Load Frequency Control (I)
Trip, SebastianUniv. of Groningen
De Persis, ClaudioUniv. of Groningen
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP24.6 Add to My Program
Adaptive Control for Linear Uncertain Discrete-Time Systems with Event-Triggered Mechanisms (I)
Ogawa, DaikiTokyo Inst. of Tech
Hayakawa, TomohisaTokyo Inst. of Tech
WeP25 Regular Session, Basketball Add to My Program 
Mechatronics, Robotics and Components - Robotics 8  
Chair: Ahn, Hyo-SungGwangju Inst. of Science and Tech. (GIST)
Co-Chair: Petrovic, IvanUniv. of Zagreb
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP25.1 Add to My Program
Sparse Control for Dynamic Movement Primitives
Wensing, PatrickMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
Slotine, Jean-Jacques E.Massachusetts Inst. of Tech
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP25.2 Add to My Program
Dense Disparity Estimation in Ego-Motion Reduced Search Space
Fucek, LukaFaculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Markovic, IvanUniv. of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Compu
Cvisic, IgorUniv. of Zagreb
Petrovic, IvanUniv. of Zagreb
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP25.3 Add to My Program
Cooperative Collision Avoidance and Formation Control for Objects with Heterogeneous Shapes
Sunkara, Vishwamithra ReddyWichita State Univ
Chakravarthy, AnimeshWichita State Univ
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP25.4 Add to My Program
Planar Bearing-Only Cyclic Pursuit for Target Capture
Trinh, Minh HoangGIST
Mukherjee, DwaipayanTech. Israel Inst. of Tech
Zelazo, DanielTech. - Israel Inst. of Tech
Ahn, Hyo-SungGwangju Inst. of Science and Tech. (GIST)
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP25.5 Add to My Program
Cascade Synthesis of Electromechanical Tracking Systems with Respect to Restrictions on State Variables
Krasnova, SvetlanaICS
Antipov, AlekseyV. A. Trapeznikov Inst. of Control Sciences of Russian Acad
Kochetkov, SergeyIstitute of Control Sciences
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP25.6 Add to My Program
Evaluation of Features from RGB-D Data for Human Body Weight Estimation
Pfitzner, ChristianNuremberg Inst. of Tech. Georg Simon Ohm
May, StefanTech. Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
Nüchter, AndreasUniv. of Würzburg
WeP26 Open Invited Session, Rugby Add to My Program 
Supply Network Engineering, Dynamics, and Control 4  
Chair: Kitaeva, AnnaNational Res. Tomsk State Univ
Co-Chair: Dolgui, AlexandreIMT Atlantique
Organizer: Ivanov, DmitryBerlin School of Ec. and Law
Organizer: Dolgui, AlexandreIMT Atlantique
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP26.1 Add to My Program
Inventory Control for a Manufacturing System under Uncertainty: Adaptive Approach (I)
Azarskov, ValeriiNational Aviation Univ
Zhiteckii, LeonidInst. of Cybernetics
Solovchuk, KlavdiiaNational Aviation Univ
Sushchenko, OlgaNational Aviation Univ
Lypoi, RomanNational Aviation Univ
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP26.2 Add to My Program
Pricing and Lot-Sizing for Continuously Decaying Items with Stochastic Demand (I)
Kitaeva, AnnaNational Res. Tomsk State Univ
Stepanova, NatalyaAltai Ec. and Law Inst
Zhukovskaya, AlexandraNational Res. Tomsk State Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP26.3 Add to My Program
Layout Evolution Effort for Product Family in Reconfigurable Manufacturing System Design (I)
Haddou Benderbal, HichemLGIPM Res. Lab. Univ. De Lorraine Metz, France
Dahane, MohammedUniv. De Lorraine
Benyoucef, LyesUniv. of Aix-Marseille
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP26.4 Add to My Program
On Inventory Control for Perishable Inventory Systems Subject to Uncertainties on Customer Demands (I)
Abbou, RosaIRRCyN - Univ. IUT De Nantes
Loiseau, Jean JacquesInst. De Recherche En Communication Et En Cybernétique De Nantes
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP26.5 Add to My Program
A Multiparametric Mixed-Integer Bi-Level Optimization Strategy for Supply Chain Planning under Demand Uncertainty (I)
Avraamidou, StylianiImperial Coll. London
Pistikopoulos, Efstratios N.Texas A&M Univ
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP26.6 Add to My Program
Comparison of Three Solution Encodings and Schedule Generation Scheme for the Multi-Site RCPSP
Laurent, ArnaudLIMOS
Deroussi, LaurentBpclermont
Grangeon, NathalieBlaise Pascal Univ
Norre, SylvieUniv. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand
WeP27 Regular Session, Football Add to My Program 
State Estimation  
Chair: Huang, BiaoUniv. of Alberta
Co-Chair: Ikonen, EnsoUniv. of Oulu
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP27.1 Add to My Program
Finite State Estimation and Control of a Multi-Input CSTR Benchmark
Ikonen, EnsoUniv. of Oulu
Selek, IstvanSystems Engineering Res. Group, Univ. of Oulu
Najim, KaddourSystems Engineering, Univ. of Oulu, PO Box 4300, FIN-90014,
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP27.2 Add to My Program
Robust Soft Sensor Development Using Multi-Rate Measurements
Wu, OuyangUniv. of Alberta
Hariprasad, KUniv. of Alberta
Magbool Jan, NabilUniv. of Alberta
Tan, RuomuUniv. of Alberta
Huang, BiaoUniv. of Alberta
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP27.3 Add to My Program
Dynamical Hybrid Observer for Pressure Swing Adsorption Processes
Fakhroleslam, MohammadUniv. of Tehran
Bozorgmehry Boozarjomehry, RaminSharif Univ. of Tech
Fatemi, ShohrehUniv. of Tehran
Fiore, GabriellaUniv. of L'Aquila
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP27.4 Add to My Program
Distributed State Estimation for Microgrids
Rana, MdUTS
Li, LiUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Su, Steven W.Univ. of Tech. Sydney
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP27.5 Add to My Program
State Profile Estimation in a Biomass Gasification Tubular Reactor
Badillo-Hernandez, UlisesUniv. Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa
Najera, IsrraelUniv. Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa
Alvarez, JesusUniv. Autonoma Metropolitana
Alvarez-Icaza, LuisUniv. Nacional Autónoma De México
WeP28 Regular Session, Hockey Add to My Program 
Minerals Processing  
Chair: Bergh, LuisSanta Maria Univ
Co-Chair: Brooks, Kevin SethBluESP
16:00-16:20, Paper WeP28.1 Add to My Program
Model Predictive Control of a Zinc Flotation Bank Using Online X-Ray Fluorescence Analysers
Brooks, Kevin SethBluESP
Koorts, RyanBluESP
16:20-16:40, Paper WeP28.2 Add to My Program
Flotation Plant-Wide Control Strategy Evaluated on Hybrid Pilot Plant
Bergh, LuisSanta Maria Univ
Yianatos, JuanSanta Maria Univ
Cortes, CristianSanta Maria Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper WeP28.3 Add to My Program
Supervisory Control Evaluation on a Hybrid Pilot Jameson Flotation Cell
Bergh, LuisSanta Maria Univ
Yianatos, JuanSanta Maria Univ
Ulloa, AndresSanta Maria Univ
17:00-17:20, Paper WeP28.4 Add to My Program
Model Predictive Control of an Exothermic Pressure Leach Circuit
Brooks, Kevin SethBluESP
Burchell, John JamesLonmin Platinum
Pieterse, Francois PaulBluESP
17:20-17:40, Paper WeP28.5 Add to My Program
Hybrid Prediction Model of Carbon Efficiency for Sintering Process
Hu, JieChina Univ. of Geosciences
Wu, MinChina Univ. of Geosciences
Chen, XinChina Univ. of Geosciences
She, JinhuaTokyo Univ. of Tech
Cao, WeihuaChina Univ. of Geosciences
Chen, LuefengChina Univ. of Geosciences
Ding, HuafengChina Univ. of Geosciences
17:40-18:00, Paper WeP28.6 Add to My Program
Adaptive Expert Generalized Predictive Multivariable Control of Seawater RO Desalination Plant for a Mineral Processing Facility
Rivas-Perez, RaulHavana Pol. Univ
Sotomayor-Moriano, JavierPontificia Univ. Católica Del Perú
Perez Zuñiga, Carlos GustavoPontificia Univ. Católica Del Perú
We21 Plenary Session, Palais des sports Add to My Program 
Task Intelligence of Robots  
Chair: Henrion, DidierLAAS-CNRS, Univ. Toulouse
18:15-19:00, Paper We21.1 Add to My Program
Task Intelligence of Robots
Kim, Jong-HwanKorea Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech
We2T1 Plenary Session, St Exupéry Add to My Program 
Electronic Horizon: Cloud Based Solution for Automated Driving  
Chair: Samad, TariqHoneywell Lab
18:15-19:00, Paper We2T1.1 Add to My Program
Electronic Horizon: Cloud Based Solution for Automated Driving
Försterling, FrankContinental Automotive GmbH, Regensburg, Germany




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