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Videos of the Plenary Sessions

Iven Mareels

Systems Engineering for Water Networks

A Tribute in Memory of Roberto Tempo

Qing-Chang Zhong

Synchronized and Democratized Smart Grids

Kristin Y. Pettersen

Snake Robots: from Biology, through University, towards Industry

Carlos Eduardo Pereira

Co-authors: Shimon Nof and Gérard Morel
Historical Survey and Emerging Challenges of Manufacturing Automation Modeling and Control – A Global Perspective

Jean-Michel Coron

Some key steps in the history of feedback control

Christos Cassandras

Autonomous Mobility in Smart Cities

Frank Försterling

Electronic Horizon: Cloud based solution for automated driving.

Jong-Hwan Kim

Task Intelligence of Robots

Charles Champion and Grazia Vittadini

Pioneering the future aerospace

Dawn Tilbury

Hybrid processes for controlling cyber-physical manufacturing systems