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Invited Sessions and Open Invited Tracks

For the 20th IFAC World Congress, participants are able to organize

In both cases the topics should fall within the scope of the congress and address specific well defined limited issues. Contributions to these invited sessions or open invited tracks can be in either IFAC-standard papers or extended abstract formats. Invited sessions are limited to six papers and based on personal invitation by the organizers. Open invited tracks have no limit on the number of papers, organizers are responsible for attracting contributors and the proposal is advertised on the web site leaving open the possibility for anyone to contribute.

Invited sessions

Invited sessions consist of six papers on a specific research subject. An invited session proposal should include:

  • a title,
  • an abstract,
  • the choice of an IFAC technical committee for evaluation (via the choice of the first keyword),
  • a detailed description of the topic
  • and the titles, authors and abstracts of all six contributions. 

Organizers obtain upon submission an invited session code that they should distribute to contributors.

Open invited tracks

Open invited tracks have no upper limit on the number of papers but only those having gathered more than five papers will be considered. An open invited track proposal should include:

  • a title,
  • an abstract,
  • the choice of an IFAC technical committee for evaluation (via the choice of the first keyword),
  • a detailed description of the topic.
  • It can be completed by an Internet link to some additional material (recommended).

The IFAC’2017 World Congress web site will advertise the submitted open invited tracks. Organizers are asked to submit proposals as early as possible and no later than september 15th 2016. Organizers obtain upon submission an open invited track code. This code will also de displayed on the congress web site. Contributors are asked to enter this invited track code when submitting their papers. As soon as an open invited track is submitted, the IPC Chairs will verify the relevance of the submitted topic with respect to the scope of IFAC, and check that it does not cover excessively broad-spectrum topics or topics already covered by previously submitted tracks. This pre-evaluation will be done prior to the announcement of the track on the congress web site.

>> See list of submitted "open invited tracks" <<

By default contributions to Open Invited Tracks are evaluated within the technical area chosen by the track organizer. In case of contributions to Open Invited Tracks that have a multi-area nature, the authors can suggest different keywords for evaluation. To do so they should send an email to specifying (a) their contribution identification number and the Open Invited Track code; (b) the ordered list of three keywords among those listed on the IFAC2017 keywords page. The IPC may then reassign the submission to the appropriate Technical Committee for the reviewing process.

Schematic view of the two possible Invited sesssions proposals


Reviewing of invited sessions and tracks

Each paper will be individually reviewed. Invited session or track proposals will also be rated as a whole. At the discretion of the program committee, individual papers may be removed from a proposed session or track and placed in the regular program, and appropriate contributed papers may be moved to the sessions or tracks. Likewise, selected papers from a rejected invited session or track may be placed into the regular program.